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finally opened zuckuss today. i dig him although i'm not sure if i like the cloth goods coat skirt mixed with the sculpted sleeves.



also picked up the new cody...

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They look good Angry Orc. I opened my OTC Dagobah luke,Yoda and R2 a week or so ago..not too shabby, also just a pic of some of the other figures i have,more are in storage.


valfar...nice! i still really like that dagobah luke, yoda and r2. they make a great little display together.

This is a must for me, as i never did own a snowspeeder of recent years or even the vintage one.This one looks more improved as well.
Up to the top! Jedinews.co.uk has pics of the first figures from The Vintage Collection - new Hoth Leia, Bespin Luke, Veers and Dengar. The site is getting swamped but these figures look ____ing sweeeeet!
The only thing I don't get is the Dengar and Luke, they already did these guys in the highly articulated style. Luke looks like a better portrait, but the rest, without digging out the last one, doesn't seem that much different, might just be a repack with new head. I do like the Leia Hoth though.
Yeah, I'm definitely a fan of this wave - but Veers doesn't look like Veers at all. More like a repainted Jerjerrod almost.
It's not Veers, it's just an AT-AT driver, at least the photo link for that figure just said AT-AT driver. Maybe Rebelscum assumes it's Veers. They did a good Veers before, I can't imagine this figure not looking like him if it's meant to.
The Luke is 100% new. The old one was too big to be Luke (but perfect for the Jacen he became), this new one has new ball hips, new belt, hole for the saber, new sculpt and much better paint apps. Also the last Dengar wasn't done as nicely as this and I'd say is the definitive release to finish up the Executor bounty hunters. Man, I want these figures yesterday. It's theorized the last two figures are a new Cloud Car Pilot for the new Cloud Car and an open coat Hoth Han.
My most wanted thing is to hear that the Vader funeral diorama will really happen. I've wanted it for over 10 years, last SDCC's test piece got me really excited that Hasbro was finally looking into it.
I have a feeling that wouldn't happen til 2011 if it got the green light. I'm just really excited by these figures because Hasbro is finally doing GOOD resculpts haha
I'd also love if they finally did a definitive ROTJ Jabba, fresh sculpt, done right, Hasbro equivalent of the Sideshow piece, a new throne would be good too, not just the hookah pipe railing, full throne.
I'd also love if they finally did a definitive ROTJ Jabba, fresh sculpt, done right, Hasbro equivalent of the Sideshow piece, a new throne would be good too, not just the hookah pipe railing, full throne.

Oh it's coming Sean. It's gonna be an exclusive, where hasn't been disclosed yet, but many are thinking WalMart. Supposedly 100% brand new with either an Oola or fanning Jawa pack in figure. Look for it to be shown at SDCC because if it's shown at Toy Fair it's an early surprise :lol
I don't even care if Oola or Jawa come with it, that'd be a bonus, I just would like to see Hasbro do it right.

I find it kinda sad that as skilled as Hasbro's become, and the quality of their figures, the 1983 Jabba the Hutt is still the best ROTJ Jabba from Kenner/Hasbro, even still one of the best Jabba's period, I'd rank Clone Wars Jabba 2 and the 1997 SE Jabba 3 with the rest falling after that. TPM Jabba had potential if not for that foolish spitting function, the rest looked great, and the Jabba glob which the Ultra Jabba was made from just didn't get his body right at all.
See, I think the difference is huge. This body looks more made for Luke proportion wise. Either way, these completely upped my energy level for the day!