Guess the NEXT Star Wars 1/6th

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Prolly wont see a new 1/6 till after General Kenobi/Indy are released. We could get lucky and see around 2-3 new releases after that point.

Personally i hope for Lando and Chewie in there, maybe the Droids (if we get THAT lucky). I'd love to see Dooku, TMP Obi Wan or maybe even AotC Anakin.

Or if we're going to hit "tier 3" characters how about Wedge, Acbar, Mon Mothma, Bail Organa, Piett, Nien...heck the list goes on doesnt it?
Yeah, I am thinking that another Star Wars 1:6 action figure is just too much to hope for at this point. Sideshow is likely still Star Wars exausted from Comic-Con. We have what, 5 figures in queue from Star Wars? I doubt we will see 6 unless something gets delayed too long.
I mainly am interested in main characters. As such would love ESB Leia, Lando, Chewie, Droids, AOTC Anakin, AOTC Padme, TPM Obi-Wan. But to go along with the release of Vader and Stormies, would love to see Tarkin! Like many have said, the outfit is done, just need a Tarkin head. Oh and for the love of God, please make a Count Dooku soon! Love Dooku and he's sorely missed.
Whatever the next one is it better be on the damn new body!

I think I stand with the select few in this catagory. While the newer armored figures needed the new armor bodies, I don't think they need to use the Prometheus bodies on the standard releases and I'd actually prefer Sideshow to stick with the Buck body for the non-armored figures for the sake of continuity. I'd hate to get a Ponda Bobba that can pull off extremely sick poses that Sideshow's Darth Maul or any of the other Jedi could not.

Continuity aside, the buck body would also have the benefit of keeping the prices down as well to let those of us who're paying for other lines like Indy and G.I. Joe get a little breathing space on our credit cards...
I must respectfully disagree. The Buck is actually pretty complicated inside. The Prometheus will never be cheap if they kept on using the Buck. It's also in my best interests to get a better figure, than to contribute to Sideshow's profit margins. Sticking to the Buck may translate to lost sales from those of us who want something on par with the competition.
I think I stand with the select few in this catagory. While the newer armored figures needed the new armor bodies, I don't think they need to use the Prometheus bodies on the standard releases and I'd actually prefer Sideshow to stick with the Buck body for the non-armored figures for the sake of continuity. I'd hate to get a Ponda Bobba that can pull off extremely sick poses that Sideshow's Darth Maul or any of the other Jedi could not.

Continuity aside, the buck body would also have the benefit of keeping the prices down as well to let those of us who're paying for other lines like Indy and G.I. Joe get a little breathing space on our credit cards...

I don't think putting these figures on the buck will keep prices down at all. Look at ANH Luke. If I end up paying $10 more for a better body, I'd gladly do it. These figures deserve a better class of body. And Sideshow should give it to 'em.

To be honest, I don't like paying what we're paying now for figures on the buck. Prices went up and quality IMO remains the same. Down if I consider that the past two figures I got from Sideshow (ANH Han and Luke) came with loose joints. I don't want to slam the buck, it's worked for most of their releases, but their new prices need to reflect better quality. And hopefully the new body will give us the quality that equals the prices.

Plus, I want a body that I can pose Han holding his blaster straight out without the arms flopping down like it does now!
I don't think putting these figures on the buck will keep prices down at all. Look at ANH Luke. If I end up paying $10 more for a better body, I'd gladly do it. These figures deserve a better class of body. And Sideshow should give it to 'em.

To be honest, I don't like paying what we're paying now for figures on the buck. Prices went up and quality IMO remains the same. Down if I consider that the past two figures I got from Sideshow (ANH Han and Luke) came with loose joints. I don't want to slam the buck, it's worked for most of their releases, but their new prices need to reflect better quality. And hopefully the new body will give us the quality that equals the prices.

Plus, I want a body that I can pose Han holding his blaster straight out without the arms flopping down like it does now!

I actually think their quality has improved. Han and Luke aside, Ben was a BEAUTIFUL figure, Palpatine/Sidious, Aayla (except for the outfit). Vader at least looks awesome and so does the Stormtrooper. While every release can't really be a hit, the quality is more often there than not. But their level of quality is considerably above average when compared to other companies.

Except for the Stormtroopers and Clonetroopers, I have yet to buy a Medicom figure I consider worth the ridiculous price they charge. My ESB Vader had an issue with the paddle hands, but to date is the BEST non-trooper figure. The ROTS Vader was just cheap. The metals were rusting, the paint looked like Michael J. Fox painted it and the materials, thin fabric and warped plastic really lacked the quality of a $150 action figure. My Jango was falling apart IN the box and don't even get me started on Maul the anorexic giraffe. He put the nail in the coffin for me purchasing any non-trooper action figures Medicom makes.

To get back on topic though, while I'd love to see a Republic Commando:
star-wars-republic-commando-200405090608936.jpg money's on another alien or Jedi.
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I want a Starkiller...

And I'd be happier if they announced it around the release of The Force Unleashed...

But it probably won't happen...
I'm thinking that we'll see no product announcements for a month or so.

Why? No 1/6th product 'til the end of Sept? No. Can't be. They got to announce something.

Maybe next week for a PPO the week after that. Mid Sept.

It will still have been a month and a half since we ordered Vader on Aug 1st. That's a long time for SW.
Just a thought, if, IF they're doing a starkiller figure, it will likely be announced in the september 18th newsletter. , or the PPO will be friday the 19th, and we will see an announcment next week or the week after, since the game rolls out on tuesday the 16th.
and one thing, while on the topic of starkiller. Anyone else think the character modeler was a BIG prison Break fan?




ok, can't find decent photo's. it really looks like him in the high res renders in soul calibur though.