Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 - Figure Speculation Thread

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Hologram AI

Super Freak
May 7, 2013
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Figured this would be a fun thread to start seeing the mess that Hot Toys made with Drax from the first movie.

Production as officially started and they just released the first teaser image.

Casting as also been officially announced with Kurt Russell being confirmed to have a role.

Also looks like Baby Groot will be returning.

Question of the day: Are they going to actually complete the line up this time?


Official photography on Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 has started, and I couldn't be more stoked.

My favorite movie as a small child was The Strongest Man in the World, so I'm glad to announce that, yes, Kurt Russell has joined our cast and, yes, he is more awesome a dude than I ever could have imagined.

The last few days around here with him and our other new cast members, Pom Klementieff, Elizabeth Debicki, and Chris Sullivan, have been some of the best of my life. I never thought anyone was missing from our island of misfit toys, but now that these folks are here there feels like there was.

Chris Pratt, Zoe Saldana, Dave Bautista, Michael Rooker, Karen Gillan, Vin Diesel, Bradley Cooper, Sean Gunn, and Glenn Close are all returning.

We'll have more surprises for you in the coming months. But, for now, this will have to do.

I have to get back to set!

Have a great day, everybody.


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We're definitely gonna get one of Pom Klementieff as Mantis.
I would assume the figures they released for the first movie would be re-released again. That's kind of a no-brainer. I'm hoping they will release whomever is the bad guy for this movie. We need more bad guys in the fold. Fingers crossed for Drax that they've figured out whatever issues they had with the first one.
This line should begin… and END… with Drax. One figure. That is all.

None of the other four need to be re-done.
I'm guessing the way they'll handle this line is:

1) Re-release all the figures from the first movie with updated outfit from this movie. Easy for them to do. We only got each characters initial outfit instead of the ones they wore later on, including the final team outfit.

2) Drax from the first movie will just be used for this. No point in them using it for the first movie at this point.

3) If we're lucky they'll produce the new characters. I believe Gunn said Yondu will have a bigger role in this movie as well as Nebula so we might see a figure of them this time around.
Pratt's likeness wasn't captured with the first figure, so that's a need IMO. I'm guessing we'll get some more of the old school team, like maybe Vance Astro or Martinex.
Gunn's actually said there probably won't be too many new people in this one because he doesn't want it to be like most superhero sequels, where they add in as many new heroes as possible and the story ends up a mess because of it.
I missed out on Star-Lord the first time around and kick myself in the ass for it everyday. He'll probably be the only one I pick up.
Hopefully Drax is the first figure they do. I imagine Kurt Russel's character will get a figure. Yondu would be cool. I don't see myself rebutting the whole team. Just give me Drax.
Just give me Drax. That way I can complete the team and focus on something else.
Gunn's actually said there probably won't be too many new people in this one because he doesn't want it to be like most superhero sequels, where they add in as many new heroes as possible and the story ends up a mess because of it.
But he mentions four new actors in the announcement. So we're getting some new folks.
Yeah he said he's adding some Guardians. I think a new female

Thus far we've only had one new Guardian confirmed, and from the beginning he'd only said there's one. There were plans for another superhero to be part of the team but they got cut:

People ask for so many characters to be in Guardians of the Galaxy 2 and they ask for so many actors who they want to be in Guardians of the Galaxy 2 but we actually have less characters in Guardians of the Galaxy 2 than we have in Guardians of the Galaxy 1 because everything is just getting too sprawling and too crazy for me in these superhero comic book movies. And also in superhero comics in general. There’s just too many characters so you can’t concentrate on one and really get to know that character, and I really want to get to know the characters that we know better, and yeah, we will be introducing a new character…”

I mean, people will be disappointed – at some point I’ll release – but I had another big character in my original draft and it was just getting too busy. I took that character out. And it’s a character I like a lot and hope to work with in the future but I just didn’t have room for that person, that character.”
‘Guardians of the Galaxy 2′ Has Fewer Characters, One New

I'm not ruling out cameos or anything of the like, but it certainly doesn't sound like he's gonna go the AOU or Civil War route where we get several new superheroes.

So I'm expecting HT-wise, figures of Yondu, Nebula, Mantis, Drax, and possibly whoever Kurt is playing.
I'm more excited for Doctor Strange, but will likely pick up Star Lord and a HT figure of Kurt as long as he's not buried under makeup.
Never got Star Lord from the first movie so hoping this one will be as good if not better, or at the very least bring the price down on the first.
Little Groot should be cool. Maybe it will come with the new version of Drax. Hopefully there will be Yondu and Nebula figures this time. I wonder if there will ever be a Ronan figure.

I doubt Mantis will have green skin since it will make her look too much like Gamora, unless they are supposed to be the same species. Blue is taken by Nebula. So maybe her normal skin tone, or orange, red or purple. Gunn likes a vivid color palette, so I think it will be a striking design.

I was really hoping that Warlock would be added to the movie, although that could still be a possibility since he doesn't need to be a Guardian per se, especially if the main villain turns out to be Magus (they've already confirmed it won't be Thanos). One theory is Warlock could end up being the character that Kurt Russell plays (meaning Warlock would be Quill's father). While my initial reaction would be that it doesn't make send to have Warlock in his 60s. They could use age regression performance capture to show a young Warlock in flashback which could have easily been played by a young Kurt Russell, who talks about the emergence of the evil alternate version of himself. Then flash forward to the "present" and Warlock has aged maybe due to the broken regeneration cocoon or something, but Magus is still youthful (again with performance capture) is threatening the galaxy by seeking Warlock's soul stone which will give him godlike powers. Warlock enlists his son and compatriots to fight the alternate version of himself. Thanos is also after the stone, as well as the purple stone from the first movie, for his Infinity Gauntlet. I could actually see that working.