Fight Night Round 4

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You know that one too/Mod
Apr 10, 2006
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I loved the first one and Round 3 and I might pick this one up.
Yeah, this is one I may get. I've liked most of the boxing games that have come out in the past.
Can`t wait for this game,i love these boxing games...ive owned every single one ever since the first Knockout Kings came for PS1.
I liked the previous ones and will probably get this. My only issue with past games was the they made Ali TOO good. You could destroy people when you were using him. You could beat him, but it wasn't easy.
So, this game looks great and i will get it but, height and reach it states in the trailer there but, it does not..Tyson is small and his reach was not that far but, the power coming from his punches was uncanny..i think the taller guys get more shots in but, the smaller bull like types pack the knockout power...interesting to see what is changed in this game.
:rotfl:rotfl good one.

i don't understand the whole tyson vs ali thing though. tysons short arms = easy win for ali. all he'd have to do is keep him ouside like holyfield and lewis did, and they killed tyson.

By that point Tyson was washed up. Only a shadow of his former self. he was trying to end every fight with one bomb. He wasn't nearly as conditioned as he was early in his prime. he wasn't using the head movement anymore. he wasn't throwing the combo's anymore. He wasn't "Iron Mike" anymore. he was a washed up shadow of his former self who just tried to please the crowd by landing some wild haymaker which made him easy pickings for Holyfield and Lewis.
By that point Tyson was washed up. Only a shadow of his former self. he was trying to end every fight with one bomb. He wasn't nearly as conditioned as he was early in his prime. he wasn't using the head movement anymore. he wasn't throwing the combo's anymore. He wasn't "Iron Mike" anymore. he was a washed up shadow of his former self who just tried to please the crowd by landing some wild haymaker which made him easy pickings for Holyfield and Lewis.

I agree 100%.
Fight Night Round 3 was a great one, this one looks like no exception. I wonder if Tyson will have a "bite" special haymaker, which would be awesome.

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Tommy Morrison? (Tommy Gunn from Rocky 5) from 1:30 in the video and 2:17.
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god this game looks awesome :horror