Favorite scene in all of the Six movies?

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Han Solo shooting Greedo in the cantina (the original version where Solo shot first !) & then just casually getting up, walking past the bar & tossing a few credits at the barman while saying "sorry about the mess" - just so damn cool, why the hell did Lucas have to arse it up ?

It was not my favorite scene. But I prefered the changed version to show Greedo shooting first because before that, it was just Han committing murder. Greedo taking a shot at Han gave Han reason to shoot. And Greedo missing from 3 1/2 feet also made Greedo deserve it all the more.

I disagree, Han would have been killed if Greedo took him in and technnically Han did the only thing he could have done when he jettisoned Jabba's contraband as it would have been taken anyway, so Jabba never really had a good reason for wanting him dead / captured. Plus, Greedo says he is going to kill Solo right before he shoots Greedo dead. So it wasn't murder in my opinion, plus in the SW universe killing someone in the Tatoinne Cantina wasn't very uncommon so it didn't reflect as badly on his character IMO.

It was not my favorite scene. But I prefered the changed version to show Greedo shooting first because before that, it was just Han committing murder. Greedo taking a shot at Han gave Han reason to shoot. And Greedo missing from 3 1/2 feet also made Greedo deserve it all the more.

Asteroid chase in Empire. Perfect scene with perfect music to accompany it. Followed by Obi-Wan telling Padme Anakin turned to the darkside. Both actors showed a lot of emotion in that scene. When Obi-Wan turns to her and says"Anakin is the father isnt he? Im so sorry" kills me everytime. Which also leads to Anakin on Mustafar, looking out onto the abyss with John Williams brilliant score.
Also cant ignore Yoda lecturing Luke after he failed to raise his X-Wing out of the swamp and says "I can't...it's too big" Yoda's explanation of the force is something I repeat in my head a lot. It's beautiful.

Most of my favorite scenes have a lot to do with John Williams score and how perfectly it matched the emotions or visuals of the scenes. He is directly responsible for giving Star Wars the emotional weight it carries
At-at's marching across hoth is easily up there for me, but, my favourite scene is the stormtrooper who bangs his head walking into the door where C-3po and R2 are hiding in the New Hope. I watch for it every time, it still brings a smile to my face.
Pt- Vader and the 501 at marching on the temple or anakin with the tear after he slaughters the seperatist leaders

Ot- blockage runner scene as dorgs said still stops me in by tracks
It was not my favorite scene. But I prefered the changed version to show Greedo shooting first because before that, it was just Han committing murder. Greedo taking a shot at Han gave Han reason to shoot. And Greedo missing from 3 1/2 feet also made Greedo deserve it all the more.


I could not disagree more on this one.

Han was smart enough that he didn't need someone to shoot at him first to know that his life was in jeopardy. It was also a reflection of his character, he wasn't a bad guy, but he wasn't a knight in shining armor either.

Besides, the added shot just makes Greedo come off as either blind, or the worst shot in the Galaxy. Either way, he shouldn't have been a bounty Hunter if those two options were the case, maybe he should have been an accountant or something instead. ;) LOL, maybe he just came from the Mos Eisley Optician where he had his pupils dilated, maybe George Lucas will include that scene in the next Super Special Edition. And on his way to the Cantina they should show him bumping into droids, people, doors...

I also feel like reinserting the confrontation with Jabba in ANH takes away from the urgency of his scene with Greedo.
At-At attack on Hoth, Luke and Vader duels in ESB and Jedi, Asteroid field in ESB, Jabba's palace...

Honestly, anything OT is a favorite.

PT would be the PM duel.... Followed by the ROTS duels at the end (Anakin v Obi Wan and Palps v Yoda).
I guess if I were to pick a scene from the Prequels that is my favorite, it would probably be the Scene in which Palpatine reveals himself to Anakin in his office (not the Mace Windu fight) you can just feel the evil dripping off of his character, and really gives Ian McDiarmid some opportunity to act.
The explanation of Midichlorians, since I always felt that the Force was a really dumb concept. But if there's scientific data involved, how can you not love it?

Actual answer:

OT: honestly too tough to answer without listing ten things and feeling like I'm missing one. Maybe I'll come back and edit my answer in.

PT: Maul duel. No contest.
I honestly laughed so hard in the theater. I wish I never saw that. Horrible.


I love ESB as a whole....

I also love the entire last act of Jedi...

The death star escape is great in ANH....

I do like the Anakin Vs. Obi Wan battle...dispite horrible script...
The explanation of Midichlorians, since I always felt that the Force was a really dumb concept. But if there's scientific data involved, how can you not love it?

Simple. Because it's ____ing stupid. In every way possible. I'm not the biggest fan of religion....but there was nothing wrong with it in the original. It gave the films a sense of magic. Now it's all bull____.
I honestly laughed so hard in the theater. I wish I never saw that. Horrible.


I love ESB as a whole....

I also love the entire last act of Jedi...

The death star escape is great in ANH....

I do like the Anakin Vs. Obi Wan battle...dispite horrible script...

I dunno... The prequils weren't the greatest but there were fun scenes. I thought Yoda was pretty cool.
Simple. Because it's ____ing stupid. In every way possible. I'm not the biggest fan of religion....but there was nothing wrong with it in the original. It gave the films a sense of magic. Now it's all bull____.

I see it the other way around. Much like [insert religion here], it has a foundation in certain factual aspects but by the time the OT rolls around, it's been forgotten and replaced with "faith" as an explanation.
The explanation of Midichlorians, since I always felt that the Force was a really dumb concept. But if there's scientific data involved, how can you not love it?

Actual answer:

OT: honestly too tough to answer without listing ten things and feeling like I'm missing one. Maybe I'll come back and edit my answer in.

PT: Maul duel. No contest.

I have no idea what that means. :dunno And I don't normally say this but I call bull____ on the midichlorians. Takes away any myth or magic from the Force. Which is ironic since SW was founded on that principal alone. And Midichlorians went no where real fast. Just sayin'.
I always looked at Midichlorians as a way to estimate force sensitivity. The higher your count the more force attuned you are and in turn better equipped to become one with the force and become a Jedi.
I figured post scripting that statement with "Actual answer" would have given it away that this statement wasn't true.

Midichlorians suck.
I felt an awesome shudder when Yoda drew his lightsaber using the force when he was about to fight Dooku. Then the scene turned to a bad cartoon.