Enterbay: Scarface "Respect Version"

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Seeing that sculpt makes me glad that i sold my BW figure cause i would've had my wife and kids kick me in the balls for overlooking such an INCREDIBLE looking sculpt!^_^
"And not a single ____ was given."

Man, that head is so passive. The eye position is really hurting that otherwise great sculpt. He looks like he doesn't have a care in the world, and would sooner surrender than even get in an argument with someone on the internet. :slap
Man, that head is so passive. The eye position is really hurting that otherwise great sculpt. He looks like he doesn't have a care in the world, and would sooner surrender than even get in an argument with someone on the internet. :slap

But you have to admit the Pacino likeness is fantastic ;):lol
Man, that head is so passive. The eye position is really hurting that otherwise great sculpt. He looks like he doesn't have a care in the world, and would sooner surrender than even get in an argument with someone on the internet. :slap

You would probably be the same if you had all the money and power !!:lecture
Man, that head is so passive. The eye position is really hurting that otherwise great sculpt. He looks like he doesn't have a care in the world, and would sooner surrender than even get in an argument with someone on the internet. :slap


Man, that head is so passive. The eye position is really hurting that otherwise great sculpt. He looks like he doesn't have a care in the world, and would sooner surrender than even get in an argument with someone on the internet. :slap

For me the eyes aren't so much of an issue as the curling up of the corners of the mouth. If the expression matched the b&w image in the top left corner of the image above I'd be more sold on the sculpt. I get the impression that EB really wanted to contrast two very different moods for these figures, hence the contemplative smile.
For me the eyes aren't so much of an issue as the curling up of the corners of the mouth. If the expression matched the b&w image in the top left corner of the image above I'd be more sold on the sculpt. I get the impression that EB really wanted to contrast two very different moods for these figures, hence the contemplative smile.

By Joe, you may have a point. I admit focusing on the eyes however the sculpt and pic in upper left corner are very close. Both having similar eyes, change the mouth and just maybe..........eh well still a good sculpt just missing the expression I wanted by ___________ that much.
I applaud EB for mixing up the expressions as collectors we been asking for this for awhile. The middle pic to the far left from the film were Tony is "come get some you little coach roach / f the world" is the sculpt I'd jizz my britches to own. That is the Tony attitude I remember / want. I know EB tried but IMO missed it with War. I hope they try again as the respect version shows EB can capture the Pacino sculpt.
it makes me really happy to see enterbay again very strong. they always had some high talents, but went into a deep crisis, but now, they have really a strong comeback with all those mindblowing licenses. And I'm so glad to see finally some interesting licenses, and not seeing all the times some ironmans v6.0 and jokers v24.0 from hot toys.

The best thing they've done is not tease, just saying "Here's the thing, it's out this weekend". No year-long pre-orders, or delays or what have you.

Sure, they'll make a license announcement here and there, but they used to be plagued by the delays. Obviously, their factory shutting down was a huge blow to them (or whatever it was that happened) I think they got boned HARD by the licensor on the Prison Break license (actors wouldn't play ball). But since then, them saying "Here's our figure, it will be in stock in a month" is wildly successful. You don't have posts about people whining about how it's taking six months for something to arrive or some other nonsense.

I'm not sure MIB is mindblowing or anything, and granted they're on their 6th or 7th Bruce Lee by now, so I'm not sure slagging HT for their 6th or 7th Iron Man is a valid complaint. But being able to reveal these figures and saying "They're in stock this weekend" is a crazy risk and I admire their willingness to do something like that. Obiviously, it's hard on retailers because they're not able to take pre-orders, and if I'm a retailer why would I want to carry a product that you already have in stock and I'm getting sloppy seconds on?? So, we'll see how they do in the long run, but I will be watching with great interest. Hopefully they pick something up that I'm keen on.
The best thing they've done is not tease, just saying "Here's the thing, it's out this weekend". No year-long pre-orders, or delays or what have you.

Yeh, true. Maybe their GoD debacle had them recalibrating their marketing strategy a bit. Whatever prompted the change, doing away with the year-long bit-by-bit reveal is refreshing.

For me this picture that was posted already shows the sculpt is very close in portraying a calm Tony Montana.

Tony wasnt a raving lunatic the entire movie...therfore a calm expression is definitely ok with me. you have the "War" version and the "Peace" verion...a perfect yin yang...i really dig this version, PO'd it and will proudly display it along side an awesome BW version.

This is Al Pacino, not Tony Montana


This is not Al Pacino or Tony Montana

In hand pics doesn't look like pics from Enterbay official pics.:nono

p.s. Blitzway Scarface is not Al Pacino, but it represents Tony Montana facial and emotion expression.Tony Montana is a bad boy not some relaxed guy.Watch movie again and you will see what i'm talking about.:lecture