ECZamurai's custom fig's!

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K guys (and Dorg ofcourse ;))

another update, changed the shape of his forehead, to make him look less "HUH?!" and more "HMPFH!!" am actually VERY happy with how it turned out.. took me about 4 attempts to get there, but I got there! Good thing with milliput is you can just remove it and try again :rock

also sculpted ears, not sure about those but theyll be covered with hair anyway (damn that sounds nasty).

havent done any progress of the hair yet, since I want to entirely finish and be satisfied with his face before proceding, you guys think I should close his mouth as well? :)

here's pics!



The "slightly" open mouth is better I think. Not every figure needs to have the neutral, closed mouth expression. Luke is most bad@ss when he's just yapping in that confident tone.

This is gonna be an awesome fig with so much TLC in it.
To go with the aggressive forehead you sculpted, the closed mouth makes more sense, loved that on your previous version.
you guys and your enthusiastic comments make me lose sleep :lol

done some work on the mouth, and concluded that my first mouth attempt was a bit on the small side, and that like always, a second try helps alot.
SS left, v1 middle, v2 right :)
alright, started adding the first layer of hair to the front, and one of his sides. Am extremely happy with how it turned out, think I've actually quite nailed his ROTJ hairline, compared with my first attempt :rock



also adjusted the mouth *just* a bit, since I feel it needed to be just a *little* bit open, so it's now a bit in between the SS standard one and a fully closed mouth :)
in all seriousness. I would love to modify a Ford scuplt, but I dont have one :)

This looks like a job for...


C'mon Dorgs, he's a man in need! :wink1:

I just have to say, AWESOME work on the sculpt, looks tons better than the SS already! The hair looks perfect, nice job!

Damn, it makes me want to whip out the clay and sculpt something right now! But alas, I must work... :gah:

Anyway, I can't wait to see V2 all finished and painted up! I just know it's gonna be awesome... :panic:
Dorg, did you ship out those Ford sculpt yet? :impatient: :lol

just kidding ofcourse.

I'm proud of myself, I just finished what was absolutely the most DIFFICULT thing I've ever sculpted, Luke's mouth.

Looked alot at the PF version and decided to try and mimic it a bit.. and make it better at the same time, since I felt the PF's lips looked.. off somehow. A bit too flat.

anyway, I think I did good. Not perfect.. But good enough.

Sorry I will get them in the post as soon s I have cast em :slap they will have no neck as I made the mould with out a neck.