Does anyone here just not like Frankenstein 1931?

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When the button got mixed up in the floor board. I knew the envelopes were mixed up and everthing that happened form that point on was meaningless.

I also could not buy the chick geting the hex on her, the old lady dying, having her funeral reception, and being burried with a nice large tomestone statue all in like 5 days.

Oh and the apple ****** guy.

Yeah....I can understand that. I just went along with the cheese.
If you like Horror comedy's you will like Drag Me To Hell. If you like horror comedies and hate Drag Me To Hell, you're weird.

I liked Drag Me To Hell when it was The Evil Dead. Like I said, Raimi's schtick is getting old to me. The slapstick, the old woman's comedic mucus issues, shoehorning The Classic in there, the talking goat and the dancing, giggling Deadite. All that stuff just had me rolling my eyes. The only thing missing was a forced Bruce Campbell cameo. Try something new, Sam.

Couple that with the main character being a complete and total selfish idiot that deserved everything she got and I just hated the whole thing. I was actually really looking forward to it based on the trailers, which made it look like a good, serious horror flick. Then I got something with an identity crisis that couldn't decide whether it wanted to be that or Evil Dead 4. And it didn't do either well. The complete tonal shifts it took at various points threw the entire thing off.
I guess we disagree. :lol

Personally, Sam Raimi never gets old for me. Unless the movie is called Spider-Man. I love the slap stick, because it should be so out of place, but for me it workes perfectly.

And Sam's been doing a ton of different things, but eh....he wanted to make a simple horror flick. Which had a cool trailer that I knew was misleading. It wouldnt be Sam Raimi without over the top slapstick. :D
Yeah, I know. I guess I was expecting something different based on the trailers and gushing from everybody who saw it about how it was a "return to real horror" or something like that. It's odd because horror comedy is one of my favorite genres, and I was almost visibly angered by the movie. :lol
^ Never trust the trailers. The trailers actually tried to make Piranha 3D look like a serious horror film...:slap

I look at a trailer, then read about the movie. I cant trust them any more. :lol
Then I dont understand you guys. You're missing out. Dont think it offends me either. If that was your intention. It just saddens me. :dunno

It shouldn't sadden you. I look at Dexter the same way I look at Saw and Hostel. There're people out there who can't handle a deeper story with a compelling plot and characters you can actually give a damn about. And these things were made for them. :huh
It shouldn't sadden you. I look at Dexter the same way I look at Saw and Hostel. There're people out there who can't handle a deeper story with a compelling plot and characters you can actually give a damn about. And these things were made for them. :huh

Nam and I have had our disagreements in the past, sure, but he nailed it right on the nose here. Couldn't agree more.
It shouldn't sadden you. I look at Dexter the same way I look at Saw and Hostel. There're people out there who can't handle a deeper story with a compelling plot and characters you can actually give a damn about. And these things were made for them. :huh

But...every single character is very well written, and I give very much a damn about them....

Dexter...for a show about a serial killer is hardly violent. They never show him doing what he does. They either have a cut away, or a reaction shot. They never show you the detail. You only got to 4 episodes. You honestly cant say you know who Dexter is. He starts off as A, and ends as B. He's incredibly different in the last season, then the first.

The show isnt even about killing and murder, it's about being a human being, and making choices that can affect not just you, but everyone around you. It's a show with some of the best characters i've seen on TV. I dislike none of them, and can actually feel something when they die.

If you look at Dexter the same way as Saw and Hostel, then you are not looking at it correctly. They are hardly related. Like I said, there's bearly any gore in the series aside from dead bodies, and spatter, plus, he kills people who deserve it. Like actually deserve it. Not like Saw.

If Jigsaw killed child molesters and rapisits, rather then some guy who litters all the time, then maybe the series would be interesting, and become really deep morality play about horrible people getting second chances. But insted it's normal douchy people getting hacked up for the smallest detail.

Which is quite funny because I couldnt find one decent character in Frankenstein for me to even like, or feel empathy for. So I'm not sure whats going on here.

I gave Frankenstein a chance, I didnt write it off before I saw it...I watched it twice, and my opinion was unchanged. So you should watch the first season of Dexter. If by then, you dont like it....then so be it.
But...every single character is very well written, and I give very much a damn about them....

That's an opinion. I've seen all these characters before and I've found them bland every time.

Dexter...for a show about a serial killer is hardly violent. They never show him doing what he does. They either have a cut away, or a reaction shot. They never show you the detail. You only got to 4 episodes. You honestly cant say you know who Dexter is. He starts off as A, and ends as B. He's incredibly different in the last season, then the first.

This isn't as clever as it may seem. I'd be willing to bet it's done more for budgetary reasons, so they can pay the actors to do full frontal in Spartacus instead of fork over serious cash for Special Effects. And hiding violence is something broadcast television has been doing for years. CSI, Fear Itself, Etc. are just a few examples.

The show isn't even about killing and murder, it's about being a human being, and making choices that can affect not just you, but everyone around you. It's a show with some of the best characters I've seen on TV. I dislike none of them, and can actually feel something when they die.

BS. That's a fanboy creampie. The show's about a serial killer who hunts serial killers. Doubly emphasized when Goodman joined the cast as a serial killer hunting Dexter.

If you look at Dexter the same way as Saw and Hostel, then you are not looking at it correctly. They are hardly related. Like I said, there's bearly any gore in the series aside from dead bodies, and spatter, plus, he kills people who deserve it. Like actually deserve it. Not like Saw.

Again, opinion. I saw it as something that is hastily written for fans of the genre (and the actors in the series). And the people in SAW deserved what they got, from Jigsaw's perspective.

If Jigsaw killed child molesters and rapisits, rather then some guy who litters all the time, then maybe the series would be interesting, and become really deep morality play about horrible people getting second chances. But insted it's normal douchy people getting hacked up for the smallest detail.

Clearly you haven't watched the SAW series. He doesn't "kill" anybody and the people who're given choices are junkies, rapists, murderers, crooked cops, etc. So once again, it was a highly relevant comparison.

Which is quite funny because I couldnt find one decent character in Frankenstein for me to even like, or feel empathy for. So I'm not sure whats going on here.

Try watching it again. You clearly missed the overall message of the story. Should man have the ability to play God? And if so, is he responsible enough to take responsibility for his actions? There's a MUCH deeper meaning in the story of Frankenstein than anything I've seen on television in years.

I gave Frankenstein a chance, I didnt write it off before I saw it...I watched it twice, and my opinion was unchanged. So you should watch the first season of Dexter. If by then, you dont like it....then so be it.

I've given Dexter more time from my life than the show deserves. It's bland, uninspiring and just "hip" TV. Watching the first season will not only reconfirm this, but is hardly comparable to sitting through a 60 minute movie twice. :rolleyes:
I was a casual fan of DEXTER the first couple of seasons. Then I discovered TRUE BLOOD airing around the same time. I jumped ship and never looked back again.
I like DEXTER a lot, but not for the reasons CelticP has stated. Instead, I dig it for its unique, tongue-in-cheek irreverence and satire. The show would totally not work if were not for Hall's performance (including the voiceovers).

That said, CP... we're not all discounting your opinions because you're just 18. But you have to understand that many of us have lived TWICE as long as you (or more), so it's nearly impossible to have a worldly discussion on the same level. Also, if you were a girl it would be barely legal (and highly inappropriate regardless) to hit on you, so that makes you even more kid-like. :lol
Jigsaw is still testing people, even well beyond his death.

Jigsaw > Dexter

Yeah but he looks like an accountant or something (I know he had a medical career or something) Jigsaw has no cool factor. Modern horror films lack that imo. SAW 1 was a decent "thriller" .............. in a way I don't blame film makers seeding it further. If they continue to watch they'll continue making them.
I hate the Saw movies. They are disgusting. Slasher/pyschological thrillers all the way.

I hate torture films.
I like DEXTER a lot, but not for the reasons CelticP has stated. Instead, I dig it for its unique, tongue-in-cheek irreverence and satire. The show would totally not work if were not for Hall's performance (including the voiceovers).

That said, CP... we're not all discounting your opinions because you're just 18. But you have to understand that many of us have lived TWICE as long as you (or more), so it's nearly impossible to have a worldly discussion on the same level. Also, if you were a girl it would be barely legal (and highly inappropriate regardless) to hit on you, so that makes you even more kid-like. :lol

Well, it's not like i'm acting like Wez....i'm actually 19 now, so I fail to see the reason why i'm treated so incredibly different from everyone. Somewhat, yes...I understand, but that doesnt mean I'm incapable of having any discussion with people older then me. I obviously dont hide my age, other wise i'd throw up some random number there, or hide it. But I dont.

That being said, I think Nam is wrong in every way. :dunno:lol I dont see what's so "hip" about it. But whatever. Maybe I dont know what's "hip". And I've seen Saw. Saw is a good flick. The rest can ____ off and die. The first one, that Jigsaw was awesome. The sequels? He was an _______. Period. No one really deserved their fate in the sequels. A few people yes, but Jeff? Why Jeff? The dude lost his kid. He was pissed and depressed. That doesnt mean he had to have his whole life taken away.

And the show is way more then that. If you dont see that, then you arent watching the show. Dexter goes from "I'm a disturbed serial killer who doesnt have emotions" too "I have to protect my family because I love them. "

That obviously isnt the one note story you gave.

But I guess since it's me, all this Dexter hate just has to come out of the wood work eh? It wouldn't have mattered what I had up as my sig or Avatar. It could've been a big black bar, and yet...the flames would continue. But whatever. Who cares. It's the internet. :lecture
I was actually encouraged by your sig to give Dexter a try, but like I said I only got through three episodes and was quite bored. But in your defense, I did rewatch Frankenstein last night as part of my Universal pre Halloween marathon and was quite bored by many of the townsfolk parts. The monster, lab scenes, little girl, nighttime atmosphere, and of course the classic ending still all got me. Great great classic, with some boring parts for me likely due to the times, and me being of the MTV generation. Still, I loath fast editing and adore long deliberate cinematography, as in my beloved Alien. But I digress.
Alien is my favorite movie of all time. I never found that movie boring.

I dunno....Dexter is just a fun show to me. I guess it's not everyone's cup of tea (I assumed everyone loved it. :D)....I find the humor and drama to be very sharp, and intense. The first season is fun....but I can see how one could be bored by the first few episodes. It picks up around the 6th episode. The entire game changes, and the tone is so different. And it has one helluva twist.

Now Season 4? The best one. John Lithgow is amazing.

But I too...digress. :)