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Man... I gotta say his timing is good.. I liked the man as the Doc myself... That means he will tie Tom Baker for most stories.
Oh wait no he won't. Tom Baker had 41 stories... DT will only have 37

They may have done a similar amount of stories when all's said and done but there's no comparing the quality of the 2 actors respective runs,Tom Baker was never anything but utterly convincing as an eccentric ALIEN time traveller and even on his worst days made Tennant look like an amateur.
Tennant's Doctor was too human,too predictable and didn't evolve from day one and I sincerely hope whoever follows him has a bit more to his character.
Time to start speculating for Doctor number 11!!!
Well on the whole I agree with you but it doesn't make me love Tennants Doc any less.

Time to start speculating for Doctor number 11!!!

Quite right!

My money is on either Sean Pertwee or Marc Warren.
Sean Pertwee would naturally be a good choice but would probably cause elements of the fandom to explode at the concept of father & son playing the same character lol!
It won't happen but I'd love it if the BBC threw whatever cash it took to get Johnny Depp in the Tardis even if it was for just a year.
Honestly I think Depp would make an OK Doctor...

I think he'd be an intresting choice and it certainly wouldn't do the shows international ratings any harm having such a major star in the lead role.
But when all's said & done I really don't have a preference for the 11th Doctor,I'm just glad an end for Tennant is in sight and as the 5th series won't be blighted by him,RTD or the Tate woman there's every chance I'll start watching Nu-Who again.
Well apparently with David leaving, there will be a scraping or complete reworking of a storyline... involving River Song. She was to be a recurring character during series 5 which would have led up to a 3 part finale but with David going they may rework it in through the specials or just have her as a mention. Sadly though, we were to get much more River and I, for one, would have been overjoyed.
Yeah me too....Although it does appear that after the Xmas 08 special they are going to age DT a bit for the last specials. So who knows. All in all I would be OK if the Riversong stuff happened off screen anyhoo.
Yea but there was such chemistry between Alex and David I was really looking forward to that. Ideally one of the specials would see her coming into the TARDIS, with another showing her being left by the Doctor with his screwdriver, Jacks gun and her diary.
See always pictured the end of their time together to be with a Doctor from the FAR FAR FAR distant future... like a 13+ incarnation of the Doc.
I'm sorry this may be blasphemy, but of the 5 or so discs of Tom Baker I've rented thus far, while he's fun at times, he is hardly a worldclass actor. My wife and I definately feel he has college theater written all over him. Maybe its a 70s vs 2000s thing, but I think Tennant runs circles around Baker as far as acting chops are concerned.

Baker doing anything physical beyond walking is an absolute laugh outloud joke. He seriously couldn't even hop over his own scarf without making it look unnatural and calamical.

While I like Tennant, I'm not saddened by him leaving because there's a certain coolness about seeing what style and personality a new Doctor brings.
See always pictured the end of their time together to be with a Doctor from the FAR FAR FAR distant future... like a 13+ incarnation of the Doc.

Could go either way as most people usually know a Time Lord they've known from their eyes, or so it seems. From what I remembered that's how River knew he wasn't her Doctor.
I'm sorry this may be blasphemy, but of the 5 or so discs of Tom Baker I've rented thus far, while he's fun at times, he is hardly a worldclass actor. My wife and I definately feel he has college theater written all over him. Maybe its a 70s vs 2000s thing, but I think Tennant runs circles around Baker as far as acting chops are concerned.

Baker doing anything physical beyond walking is an absolute laugh outloud joke. He seriously couldn't even hop over his own scarf without making it look unnatural and calamical.

Ok time to break out that torches and instruments of torture. :tap
Ok time to break out that torches and instruments of torture. :tap

LOL. I can see the adorableness of Tom Baker's Doctor and I can recognize the attachment he may have with people's childhood or whatever, but from a nonbiased observer, as far as acting ability and overall show production values... Baker's "Who" has college, and dare I say, dinner theater all over it. So far my wife and I find the acting and production of the 1966 episodes to be better even. :monkey2
but I think Tennant runs circles around Baker as far as acting chops are concerned.

Sorry but that's crap.
Unlike Tennant's Tom Baker's Doctor had some depth to it and was able to express all kinds of emotions equally well.

Over the course of his run he evolved the character from a grinning madman who never seemed in complete control of the situations he got himself into a more gloomy,melancholy character by his final season.

By comparison Tennant showed us his full repertoire on day one and on numerous occasions sucked the life out of any scene where he wasn't required to be a smartmouth.
He is supposedly a good actor but I can only assume he got this reputation from his other work because in Who he is very average.

And comparing the production values of 70's Who to Nu-Who is ridiculous.
Of course the production values on Nu-Who are better largely because of the vast improvements in effects technology since the 70's and until the revival in 2005 Doctor Who was always considered a kids show by the top brass at the BBC so they naturally didn't think it merited a big budget.
That's why the quality of the stories and dialogue had to be there as they couldn't dig themselves out of a hole by adding a fancy effects sequence like Nu-Who does so often.

I don't care about production values when I'm watching something,as long as the storylines and characters are intresting enough who cares if the sets wobble a bit or some of the model shots are dodgy?
To me it's intresting to see what effects were like before CGI came along and made every single sci-fi show look identical and part of Doctor Who's charm is that until the revival it's been a very British take on the sci-fi genre,the BBC don't have Hollywood budgets so they have to do things differently and it's no small coincidence that since RTD has tried to "Americanise" the show with overblown story arcs,flashy effects,and too much political correctness the quality has tanked and the show has lost much of it's identity.
You know, the more I get into Doctor Who the more I realize the best Doctor was actually William Hartnell.
You know, the more I get into Doctor Who the more I realize the best Doctor was actually William Hartnell.

I've only seen The Dalek Invasion of Earth and I thought he was pretty good,any character that reminds me of Yoda in ESB will always bring a smile to my face.