Doctor Who - Spoilers!

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ah rorys half baked star wars sound effects sword fight was genius! he was a bit Mickey esque but being white and a little lost helped him seem that much more goofy when trying to be brave. im really starting to go off Amy quite a bit... The humor was really good especially the docs entrance and his opening few lines to rory. Nice flick back to Hartnell there with the ID badge but i missed what he said after that due to my hearing being a bit dud.
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I liked the Vampires In Venice a lot but considering Galliifrey was around at least until the Earth year 2000 should the queen really be aware of it's fate in the 1500's?
Gallifrey existed outside of time. So basically gallifrey has always been there and never been there at the same time.
Wow, wow, wow, wow, WOW! Doctor Who is back!

Okay, it didn't really go anywhere, I was just very worried about this episode considering how the last one ended. This episode hit all the right marks for me. The humor was great, the costumes were fantastic, the acting was spot-on, and the writing was stupendous.

Definitely my fave of the season. bcm, I'm a little perplexed by your reaction, I really felt this episode hit many "classic" notes while still being modern Who.

I, for one, hope Rory sticks around. At this point, he can be something really great, or, as has been said, Mickey 2.0.

Next episode looks tits, can't wait! :impatient:

Did I mention I liked this episode? :hi5:
Me and my boys just finished watching and we loved it! Matt Smith, in 6 short episodes has become my second favorite Doctor of all time (just behind Tom Baker). I am loving where this series is heading. The part where the Doctor gets shocked by the door and knocked out clinched it for me. He is no longer the invincible Lonely God of RTD's era. :blissy
I think the Beeb should up the show to an hour, it would give that much needed time to properly execute a climax, it seems to be 35 minutes building the story, 5 minutes to figure out who is behind it or the motivation then 3 minutes stopping the plan (the other 2 minutes of spoilers)

I watched Bakers first episode 'robot' on youtube, and i can see why most people thinks he is the best. His costume change antics and on the spot jogging was brilliant, I also watched 'Three Doctors' but i really dislike multiple doctor stories despite the attraction they have.
I'm glad you liked Baker in ROBOT. As a Baker fan, I personally consider ROBOT pretty weak for an otherwise mostly tremendous season so hope you continue directly with him onto ARC IN SPACE to really see him grow.

Despite the fun of an old Doctor returning, most multi-part Doctor stories are usually not very good, (though FIVE DOCTORS is a guilty pleasure).
I think it's for me multiple Doctors kills off the illusion they are the same man..when he regenerates you get used to the next doctor as you did the one before and they become the Doctor in my mind, but when there are multiple doctors it becomes blatently obvious they are not the same man as i imagine them to be. I shall keep watching the Tom Baker series because he is very entertaining, his charisma and charm steal the show which i feel with the nu-who sometimes gets misplaced by the companions.
bcm, I'm a little perplexed by your reaction, I really felt this episode hit many "classic" notes while still being modern Who.

I don't like vampires, the setting was just an excuse to save money on the costume budget as they were probably reused from various period dramas and the ending killed it, I thought the days of everything getting resolved instantly at the flick of a switch were behind us.
I don't like vampires, the setting was just an excuse to save money on the costume budget as they were probably reused from various period dramas and the ending killed it, I thought the days of everything getting resolved instantly at the flick of a switch were behind us.

to be fair i did find it funny that it was all stopped literally by a flick switch! just a little pop then off, crisis averted!
thats why i think BBC need to give this show those extra 15 minutes, its better than watching Graham soddin Norton :mad:
I don't like vampires, the setting was just an excuse to save money on the costume budget as they were probably reused from various period dramas and the ending killed it, I thought the days of everything getting resolved instantly at the flick of a switch were behind us.

They hardly used this episode for budget cuts seeing as it was filmed on location in Croatia.
to be fair i did find it funny that it was all stopped literally by a flick switch! just a little pop then off, crisis averted!
thats why i think BBC need to give this show those extra 15 minutes, its better than watching Graham soddin Norton :mad:

Such plot devices could definitely be averted either by making it an hour long episode or as I have previously suggested a series consisting entirely of 2-part stories.

As well paced as "Vampires of Venice" was, it was still hampered by the one off story format as it had the character development but the ending was stifled as a result.

Also, glad you liked "Robot", no other actor started their run appearing so comfortable in the role and his first couple of series in particular will forever be my favorite, Tom was and still is THE Doctor.

Watching that period of the show will probably make you wonder, as I do what Nu-Who would be like with writers of a similar calibre because today's are not even close.
to be fair i did find it funny that it was all stopped literally by a flick switch! just a little pop then off, crisis averted!
thats why i think BBC need to give this show those extra 15 minutes, its better than watching Graham soddin Norton :mad:

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They hardly used this episode for budget cuts seeing as it was filmed on location in Croatia.

I wasn't aware of that ;)

I didn't like the setting though as it looked similar to "The Girl in the Fireplace" which I really hated.

I've had an idea for a future story set in a period of our history, the Doctor could materialise during the Manhattan Project and meet ( among others ) Robert Oppenheimer.

Imagine the dilemma he'd have over whether to change history and prevent humanity from creating the ultimate means of destroying itself, it'd make a nice parallel with the "have I the right?" scene in "Genesis of the Daleks".

As a nod to "Victory of the Daleks" the scientist who the Doctor let escape could return having been captured by the US and put on the Project, the first atom bomb tested could actually BE him or at least be based on the technology inside him.

Have the Doctor lure a new batch of Daleks to the test site, dematerialise at the last minute and KABOOOOMM!!!
Ha! awesome :yess:
i think the nu-who writers spend too much time building characters and thinking up neat little sub-plots rather than working on an episode that is equally timed between discovering the problem and finding a solution. i kept looking at the clock wondering how he was going to solve the storm in time. Reminded me of the Daleks in Manhatten episode when he was stood soaking wet at the top of the tower.
Ha! awesome :yess:
i think the nu-who writers spend too much time building characters and thinking up neat little sub-plots rather than working on an episode that is equally timed between discovering the problem and finding a solution. i kept looking at the clock wondering how he was going to solve the storm in time. Reminded me of the Daleks in Manhatten episode when he was stood soaking wet at the top of the tower.

A thing that bugs me is how every series nowadays has to have a big arc leading to a "Big Bad" that's revealed in the last couple of episodes as it means more screen time gets taken up in earlier stories with the increasingly predictable hints as to what it may be.

Are a percentage of modern audiences really so stupid they have to have everything laid out so blatantly?