District 9

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I never understood why some people think youre a loser if you go to a movie by yourself. Who gives a ^^^^? If no one else wants to watch it, why deprive yourself of what you want to do? It's not even like going to a movie is a social event anyway. You are sitting there and not socializing at all.

I wish that was the case for everybody in all theaters.....

.. the only movies you cant see alone are chick flicks ... even though I wouldnt be there if it wasnt for the girl in the first place, I need my girl with me to wake me up when its over .... :monkey1
I never understood why some people think youre a loser if you go to a movie by yourself. Who gives a ^^^^? If no one else wants to watch it, why deprive yourself of what you want to do? It's not even like going to a movie is a social event anyway. You are sitting there and not socializing at all.

I still dont understand when people are like Hey Lets hang out today!! umm. let go to a movie.!!! im like but we wont be able to hang cause we will be watching a movie:confused: lol i dont mind it though
I never got the whole "lets go to a movie and make out" thing. If I wanted to kiss you I'd do it in the car or at my house or your house. I don't have to pay $20 for tickets alone just to kiss you in a public place.:lol If I go to a movie I want to watch the movie, they can get mad if they want.
I never got the whole "lets go to a movie and make out" thing. If I wanted to kiss you I'd do it in the car or at my house or your house. I don't have to pay $20 for tickets alone just to kiss you in a public place.:lol If I go to a movie I want to watch the movie, they can get mad if they want.

Yeah you tell em man! :lol :lol
I never understood why some people think youre a loser if you go to a movie by yourself. Who gives a ^^^^? If no one else wants to watch it, why deprive yourself of what you want to do? It's not even like going to a movie is a social event anyway. You are sitting there and not socializing at all.
i feel the same way. its not like you sit in there talking it up (well, i don't at least) during the movie. i guess people just get creeped out when they see a single guy going into a theater... especially after the Pewee Herman incident.
I just got back from the early morning screening and man was this a great movie! Totally unexpected from what I was thinking of going into. I just recommend everyone go see it NOW!!! :rock
I just got back from a matinee of this. I did like it, but I wasn't blown away like I thought I would be based on the reviews and hype around it. I'd probably give it like a 7/10....above average...yeah. It had a little more cheez in it than I would have expected.
I never got the whole "lets go to a movie and make out" thing. If I wanted to kiss you I'd do it in the car or at my house or your house. I don't have to pay $20 for tickets alone just to kiss you in a public place.:lol If I go to a movie I want to watch the movie, they can get mad if they want.

Just do the old zipper down and through the bottom of the popcorn bag trick. :D
I just got back from a matinee of this. I did like it, but I wasn't blown away like I thought I would be based on the reviews and hype around it. I'd probably give it like a 7/10....above average...yeah. It had a little more cheez in it than I would have expected.

Funny you say it's cheesey. Then it's no different from LOTR.
OK I just got back.
I loved it. Why? It was more original and creative and really well done.
It made Transformers, Terminator and GiJoe, well...:monkey2

The effects were so good. So good, they didn't look like effects. The Aliens, the weapons, the ship, just fit well into this world, as if it was reality.
And for me that came across pretty good.
Still overall a Sci-fi flick, but you can't deny they tried to really bring a gritty realism to it.
They also didn't need to hide the Aliens in a few choice shots or in the dark or something. They were out and about in the break of day interacting with people and everything else, as if they were just there.
They did a good job on them.
The alien weapons were bad ass. Right out of a video game like Half Life or something.
And I loved how it was violent and held nothing back. If you got disintegrated by an energy rifle, you got gibbed to pieces. And it happened alot. Loved it lol

I actually felt sorry for the Aliens.
The alien design would make a good figure! I would say Hot Toys 12 inch could pull it off.

And the Mech...was bad ass. Don't even get me started! lol

It really makes me hope that Cameron's Avatar when it comes out, has the same level of quality and realism in it's CGI with the Mechs and aliens.

Production was top notch in this movie. Best movie of the summer for me, behind Star Trek.

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Having just returned minutes ago from the midnight showing for District 9, I thought I might share a few thoughts.


Somewhere over the years, between the spaceships and robots of cinema, we've forgotten what true science fiction is. Summer blockbusters all have their uses as a loud weekend diversion with bombastic effects and shoestring narratives, but this is not what true science fiction is about. Real sci-fi should be driven by humans, by emotions and thought, exploring the unknown and giving thought to matters that people don't typically consider on a daily basis.

District 9 is real science fiction.

Anyone who follows Blomkamp's work is aware of his directorial style. Intense narrative, often depicted in a raw, documentary-style of shooting. The look and feel of District 9 is therefore quite different from most other films. It draws you in, tosses you about (violently, in fact), and shoots you back out into the real world, leaving you to wonder what exactly you just experienced.

Never have I experienced anything quite like this film. This is an uncompromising vision of an unrelentingly realistic world. The high level of credibility strengthens everything in the film, from the cheer-inducing action sequences to the nauseating turn of events. It touches the heart in one moment, and makes it pound vigorously the next. It is richly laden with so much, it is not easy to describe, and certainly not something I would attempt to quantify with a tasteless rating scale. It is so brilliantly executed, it will leave you wanting more. Humor and love, tragedy and hate, tenderness and brutality. This film is not only an example of great science fiction, but of great cinema as a whole.

I'm not going to bother touching on specific aspects, or the obvious potential for the film to win numerous awards. Those don't matter. This is an amazing work, one that you will never forget.

Just watch it.

Amen. :banana
This is such an amazingly awesome movie, I loved it! It's good to see that there is still some originality in this world, Blomkamp did an excellent job with this. I really liked the fact that they didn't feel the need to hire a big name star or to overdo the special effects on this. The designs of the 'Prawns' and the their weaponry are bad ass as well, Christopher and his little guy are too F'N cool! Go see this, by yourself, in a group, doesn't matter! Just go see it to support a great movie and a truly original director! :rock
This is such an amazingly awesome movie, I loved it! It's good to see that there is still some originality in this world, Blomkamp did an excellent job with this. I really liked the fact that they didn't feel the need to hire a big name star or to overdo the special effects on this. The designs of the 'Prawns' and the their weaponry are bad ass as well, Christopher and his little guy are too F'N cool! Go see this, by yourself, in a group, doesn't matter! Just go see it to support a great movie and a truly original director! :rock

I won't go see it simply in spite of this post!

I kid, I'll be seeing it!
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Just got home from this. This is definitely the movie to see this summer and possibly this year! Everything was done to perfection imo, even with the 'home video' effect it wasnt overly done like in cloverfield or blair witch, etc. Everything blended in seamlessly and the weapons are just too cool.