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I initially had my display in a large bookcase but had to move it to up above my computer hutch and matching bookcase. We bought a new HDtv for our living room and moved the old tv into the office so my bookcase had to go to make room for a couple of arm chairs.

My husband built me a double shelf for over the hutch and is going to do the same for the smaller bookcase too. Right now my Angel line figures are mixed in with the Buffy ones and the more unique and unmatched up with anyone else figures are alone on the smaller shelf but eventually the Angel figures will go there and I'll put the others in the Buffy collection. That is, if we get more Angel figures. I'd need at least one more so they look like their own little collection. Hoping we get a lot more of the Angel line though!

I think this new setup looks nice but I really loved how they all looked on the large bookcase. They seem a bit too crowded now. Eventually when my oldest decides to flee the nest we'll convert her room to a den and I can reclaim my bookcase!

So here's the old setup:



And the new setup:


Firefly Fanatic, I've seen your display a couple of times in other threads and in the Btvsfigs board, and I always thought it was neat. I envy you for having all the exclusives (I only have a couple of them, I'm from Spain, and the high shipping costs are usually not worth of a school bag or an extra sword). I love the way you pose them all, it's simple, yet effective and natural. As for the new display, yes, it needs work, and I'm glad you're on it. It looks great anyway, but what would upset me the most is not the space, but the fact that it seems the figures are displayed reaally high in the room, as you said, in a shelf over a hutch. I bet you have to step onto a chair or something to look at them all. Oh, and the cleaning, it must be a drag for you now that they're up there. Maybe it's not that big of a deal for you, if so, I'm glad :) So, both displays are really awesome, and your figures and accesories look great all together (including the lovely Mr Edith and the guitar for Oz, nice additions). Oh, and don't worry, we're getting a couple more figures next Toy Fair. I'm betting Wesley and Anya/Anyanka. I have a feeling...
olvidadero the height issue isn't too bad. My ceilings are only about 7 feet high. But, it isn't as nice as being able to look at them eye level. And yeah, I can already see that they need to be dusted and I'll have to have my husband get me out the step ladder to do that task. My oldest is 20 years old and has kind of talked about getting out on her own but I'm guessing she'll still be living here for the next couple of years. So, for now, they'll have to stay up high!

Anyway, thanks for the compliments (you too UToyFan)! UToyFan, I got the guitar off of Ebay. There's a whole Oz Guitar thread where others have left some links to places where you can get a guitar for him.
Hi guys. I've been out of the loop for a while, but I'm back now. I sure wish I had some of those nice glass cabinets so I could actually DISPLAY some of my figures! I live in a small house, the second bedroom of which looks more like a library than anything else. I have to have two desks, and two computers in there, also one whole wall of oak storage units. Soooo, that leaves only three walls, (minus a closet and an entry door) for shelves...which are up covering every other square inch available, lined with Sideshow boxes slammed side by side like books! (I also collect Dragon Model figures and Cy Girls, so ther is NO actual "display" room!)

However, I do have 7 "little people" living on my desk top, in and around my papers and stuff. I couldn't stand it if I couldn't have my green guy,
(my FIRST green guy..."The Creature... as I now have Lorne) within reach. If I had any place for those neat cases, (and knew where to find them) I'd go into debt to have a display like that! Who am I kidding. I owe my soul to Sideshow as it is!
like I've said elsewhere, I'm just now putting the Buffyshrine together...here's a Photoshop "sketch" of what I'm thinking...


...a question for you all--as also stated elsewhere, I'd like to display them *without* bases...does anyone have any idea how I might accomplish it? a non-destructive but VERY strong adhesive? wire/fishing line? are there other threads that discuss something similar?

Anzik--sorry, people who don't live in SoCal probably wouldn't have similar concerns; you're right, they DO stand up nicely by themselves...

but, being here in Los Angeles, I'm planning against small earthquakes. when the 7.0 or better hits, I know the chances of any Buffy figures surviving is slim, base or no. but there must be something for those of us who'd like to keep things safe as possible...
Oh I got ya!
Well I started making my own backdrops, but 3 dimensional 'set pieces' if you will. As soon as Xander arrives today I will be taking some pictures. I just made a brick wall and sidewalk out of styrene. The sidewalk is basically a box that can serve as a base, so if you made something similar you could easily cut two small holes on either side of the feet and wrap wire around the ankles, similar to how many figures come packed. I think that would at least keep them attached.
Anzik--yah, I'm thinking about the small-gauge wire solution for the smaller figures. and I finally brainiacked a solution for the PF's...find steel dowels and drill those into the shelf they'll be standing on. duhhhh! (it'll probably be some cheap Ikea shelving, anyway.)
I got my film back of my backdrops only to find some streaks in the prints but I think they'll show up ok.
First is the brickwall/alley environment.

Next is the "dungeon" look inspired by the SS pic of Vamp Willow. The first is unpainted and the second is the finished product.


And then there is the bronze entrance.

And the mark of gachnar, first with the floorboards in place, then with them ripped up so when Giles and Gachnar arrive I can put a light under it.

Thanks very much. Right now I'm working on a stonewall to go behind Young Frankenstein for a friend of mine.