Darth Sheba's House of Paint & Plastic

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Darth Sheba

Super Freak
May 4, 2006
Reaction score
North Carolina
This was as good a time as any to start a thread. Anyway, I just got a camera - nothing too fancy, just enough to get by. While I'm learning this contraption and taking scads of awful pictures, I thought I'd pull out the PB figure I'm using as a base for my first custom. She's not all that interesting to look at in her generic halter and capris, so I'm dressing her up in stuff I have lying around or borrowing stuff from other figures. I guess I'll be doing that until I have all the pieces of her custom outfit.

The cape and dress came from a Hasbro Barris Offee. (She might not get them back. ;) ) I was curious to see if the dress would fit. The lightsaber is Qui-Gon's. I couldn't get the boots off another figure, so she's barefooted.





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I've been looking at these pics for a bit and wondering if I should go ahead and do a custom Barriss to tie me over until SS does theirs. I'd need a new body, some boots, and probably build a lightsaber. The paintwork is what scares me, getting the tattoos right. We'll see. :D
Lookin great so far! You should be able to do a Barriss figure, just practice the tattoos on a cheap head and go for it. You might try using a thin point permanent marker, that might make it easier.
I think you should bash her into Barris Offee. The outfit on the body looks really good and a repainting of the hands and head will be really cool. Might try it myself.

If your having trouble with getting the boots off try warming them up with a hairdryer, the hotter you heat them the easier they are to takeoff but then you cant touch them cause there too hot.
I tried that when I was going to "borrow" Han's boots. They looked too big and clunky on her. But I'm looking at something else that might work.
Okay, update:

After whining about boots I found something that might work for the ranger, plus I picked up a few other loose parts from Toy Anxiety. A second order of stuff should be coming the end of this week. What I'm lacking now is a bow I've had my eye on for a while. After that, it'll be on to the scratch-build and paint phase. Which is scaring me.:horror
WIP Update:

I've got enough stuff so that I can start dressing the ranger to see how things look so far. Couple of pics (lighting wasn't so great):



It looks a little bulky, but you'd expect that with three layers of clothing. I'd like to repaint the sword, but it and the scabbard are made of metal and I don't know what paint to use for that. I haven't done the hack job on the boots yet. She still needs a few things, including some grasping hands so she can hold the sword better.
Mesa: I'm a total newbie to doing customs, so the ranger is all there is right now. I'll have to get a new body for the Barriss Offee custom.

ian1138: The head came with the body. A Barbie head is for a future custom. :D
Okay, the boots are done. The mod looks kind of crude, but I've never seen a ranger that wasn't a little scruffy around the edges. :D

More WIP pics. I don't see me getting much more for her, other than a decent pair of hands. I just about had a fit when I could find only one glove, but then I remembered that I bought only one. :duh



Today was "gravy day". Rhianwyn is essentially done, so anything else I add is just gravy. A little paint and a redress, then she'll really be finished.

Already planning the next 4 projects. :D
All done! :chew

The story:

Five hundred years had passed since the Wizard' s War. Okit the Betrayer had been banished, but some of his evil goblin minions or their descendants returned to the lands of the Three Kingdoms. They hid amongst the trees of the great ancient forest of Aldoren, where they would launch raids into the surrounding countryside and make the roads too dangerous to travel. From this was born the Brotherhood, men who accompanied travelers, turned back raiders, and searched for lairs where the brigands would strike from.

Emrik of Aril was one of those men. Living within view of the ancient forest, Emrik and his wife Brenna raised their daughter, Rhianwyn. She was a child of their latter years, and Emrik and Brenna knew there would be no more. Emrik loved his little girl more than life itself and taught her everything he knew. How to survive in the wild, how to ride, the ways of the sword and the bow. She became quite proficient, and when she was old enough she would accompany him on some of his rounds.

One day, however, he would not take her along, as he and his cohorts would be closing in on a known brigand hide-out. Days passed with no word. After a fortnight, three of the Brotherhood returned, with Emrik's body draped over a pack-horse. The battle in the brigands' lair resulted in the deaths of all the evil-doers, as well as that of one other ranger.

The night after Emrik was buried, Rhianwyn approached her mother. She had her father's sword clutched in her arms. Brenna understood, though it grieved her that she might lose her daughter, too, if she agreed to what Rhianwyn had intended to do. But Rhianwyn wasn't a child anymore, and she was able to make her own decisions.

To say the Brotherhood was surprised when Rhianwyn showed up at camp two days later would be an understatement. Their first inclination was to run her off, but in the end they decided to let her stay because of their friendship with Emrik. Arul the leader still told her, "you pull your weight, we'll keep you around." At first, she sat away from the group, keeping to herself. In the mornings they would find her gone, but she'd return a few hours later with some fish, berries, or a fat pheasant she had trapped. The murmuring over her presence slowly quieted.

The Brotherhood was called upon to escort a group of travelers along the road passing through the Winsome Wood, on the northwest edge of the Forest. Arul went himself and brought Rhianwyn along. The trip was relatively short--two days--so he thought there would not be any trouble. The northern branch of the Brotherhood kept that road well patrolled. Once among the trees, however, Rhianwyn felt uncomfortable. Arul ignored her. Another hour in, she stopped and listened for something. All of a sudden she took her bow and shot an arrow upward into the tree branches. Something screamed and fell down into the underbrush. It was a goblin with Rhianwyn's arrow through its throat.

They had walked into an ambush.

Six goblins dropped from the trees and attacked. Arul ordered Rhianwyn to move the women and children to safety while Arul and the men fought the brigands off. Soon five goblins lay dead, with the sixth escaping through the brush. Quiet fell over the forest. Just as Arul turned to collect Rhianwyn and the others, he heard the familiar ring of Emrik's sword leaving its scabbard. There was a clashing of weapons and another unearthly scream. Arul ran toward the sound. A few feet off the road and near a fallen tree, the women and children had taken cover. Rhianwyn was standing over the body of the sixth goblin. A bit shaken, she wiped the blood off the sword with the tail of her cloak and returned it to its scabbard. Exactly the way Emrik had done it.

It was as if Emrik had returned to them. So the Brotherhood made room...for a sister.






Parts list:

  • body & headsculpt - BBi Perfect Body Caucasian (repainted)
  • shirt - Hasbro AOTC Obi-Wan
  • under-jacket - SS Leia Boushh
  • jerkin - SS Aragorn (modified)
  • vambraces - DiD Gimli (modified)
  • fingerless glove - DiD Aragorn
  • pants - DiD Legolas
  • boots - DiD Aragorn (modified)
  • cloak - SS Faramir
  • sword & scabbard - DiD Aragorn
  • belt - DiD Aragorn
  • dagger - Dragon Timeline Arnaut
  • quiver, bow & arrows - SS Aragorn
  • bedroll - scratch
  • haversack - SS Sam Gamgee (modified)

I painted the face to tone down the make-up. That was the very first time I painted a figure. Obi-Wan's shirt had a snap closure I removed to lessen the bulk. Leia's jacket was wrapped tight and kept in place with Obi's sash. The jerkin is taken in a bit at the sides. I hated doing the boots. I couldn't find anything sized for her, so I cut off the toes and moved them in. Not happy with what I did, but what can you do? The sword and scabbard are metal and have obvious weight. It came with a strap with two loops, but it wouldn't hang right from the belt. So I cut the strap in half and made two separate parts to hang the sword from. Looks much better. The haversack's strap was too short (and was sewn on wrong), so I cut it off and glued a leather strap on the bag. There are two large beads in it so it will hang better. There's also two beads weighing down the hood when it's on her head. :p

The pictures I took in the kitchen. I flooded the room with sunlight and stood her under a window which I adjusted to not get that lens flare once the sun had moved. Some light reflected off the refrigerator and probably caused that hot spot under her left eye. The matte sealer I used left the face a bit too shiny for my taste, so that's probably what's responsible for that hot spot, too. Maybe I'll have a better lighting setup for the next one. ;)

There's more pics in this batch; I'll upload them to my gallery soon.
The pics I took Sunday are all uploaded, plus some extra ones I took Tuesday. Check them out! :D

Okay, I'm hunting for parts for the next four projects. I don't know which will be finished first, but I'm guessing it will be a wizard from Rhianwyn's world. He needs hair and lots of it. I haven't decided how he'll get that hair: a wig, a reroot, or a transplant. He'll be interesting in that he won't look like the quintessential wizard. This will also be my first attempt at a diarama base. Just some grass and a fallen tree, woodsy stuff.
The Chief is in the house! :D


I'm not going to do what that brave soul ryan1982 did and put the armor onto a 1/6 scale figure :)horror). But he's so well done that I might make a base and pass him off as a statue. :D

Looks like the wizard will take more time to do, even though I've found most of the stuff I'm looking for. I decided on getting a wig for him, but I can't get it until I get the body so I can measure the head for the right size. The wig is probably the least painful (for me) solution to the problem.

Unfortunately, I can't say the same for my covert ops/spy figure. When the body comes, I want to reroot the hair. She'll have the right skin tone, but the hair is jet black and that's not what I want. This will be the first crack at rerooting, and, again, I'm quite apprehensive about it.