Count Dooku PF @ SDCC 09

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I have had bad luck in the past getting wired capes to hang naturally. Wireless might be less dynamic, but I still prefer it as the look of the piece on display isn't hurt by my lack of wire bending skills.

Had I been planning on ordering this, I would have been saddened by the lack of a light up saber. But I am out of room for prequel PFs anyway (unless they do a ROTS Obi-Wan), so I'm not going to complain.
A Yoda exclusive would have swayed me into the "buy it" column for sure. I wonder why they didn't do an exclusive. It seems so weird.
Boots are too short. Pants are too baggy. 'Skirt' is too long.

Wow, he just doesn't look good at all. The likeness isnt there and the outfit isn't close to correct.

Sucks, as he is my favorite PT character.
Costume looks too big to me.

Pants are too baggy.....
Boots arent high enough.......
Jacket seems to be a tad too long......
cape = great!
Base = Meh.....

SS what are you doing to us??

The pants and jacket look okay based on the posted pic. The top of the boots could be hidden by the floppy pants. The brown instead of black uniform is a bit puzzling though.
The pants and jacket look okay based on the posted pic. The top of the boots could be hidden by the floppy pants. The brown instead of black uniform is a bit puzzling though.

I had that thought also, i am hoping that the boots are higher and that the pants are just flopping over them a bit, if thats the case, i could probably live with it, maybe tuck them in a bit upon arrival, clothing can be fixed, but the boots cant if they are not high enough.
I can live without the light up saber also, even thought light up is preferred..........actually i dont see anywhere on the product that has the 'lightsaber does not light up' comment they usually have (can anyone clarify?)
But im thinking this PF should be around the same price range as Asajj.... I duno..... ive been spun into state of confusion at this release :sick
Ouch. I am not big into the prequels, but this is the main one I was longing for. After seeing it, I am not feeling it at all.
A Yoda exclusive would have swayed me into the "buy it" column for sure. I wonder why they didn't do an exclusive. It seems so weird.

Wow, that would have been a great idea... and wouldn't have been much bigger than the 1/4 Salacious Crumb that was Slave Leia's Ex.

At the end of the day, this just doesn't look enough like the character... especially for 300 clams.
Pass for me. The character was cool, but not enough to get it in PF form and especially since it looks to me like SS missed on this one somewhat with the likeness. Also the costume looks off to me.
this will ba around forever and might help sign the death of SW PF's ;) LONG LIVE MARVEL! (shai made me do it)
What a way to throw a wrench in my SITH only PF display for SW.

What is with the no Excl? Why buy it from them ?

Then tell me... why is it that a hack company like GG can nail Lee's image, multiple times, yet the great SS cannot ? FTW !!!!!

I mean come on guys, I have 3" figures that look better.

But you know what, all in all, I would have caved and gotten it, had there been a proper exclusive and at least the saber ... LIGHT THAT B!*TC# up !!!!!

Tragic fail SS. I really wanted this one ...
300 light up likeness......way to drop the ball SS...easy pass. :(:mad:
The $300 price tag doesn't surprise me at all. The PFs, like everything else Sideshow, has been going up with really not much to show for it. Disappointed in this latest offering. It's getting to the point where something really has to "wow" me to get me to spent that kind of money on collectibles anymore..and lately, it's hasn't been much.