Celebration Europe Art Prints now on SW.com

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gato said:

If anyone here is going to CE I would pay to get one of the Cat Staggs, the Tie-Pilots have always been my favs.
ok... it took a while to get the shipping estimate (plus fuel surcharge ~sheesh!), the printing costs and to figure in the cost of airfare, hotel, food, all at inflated "summer holiday in England" rates.... and the VAT , the licensing % and the table costs....

But I've got prices. You people will probably hate me.

Lucasfilm, unfortunately, had the right idea in suggesting we simply take our US dollar amount, and switch the dollar sign for the pounds one. I could have saved myself alot of time doing all that math; the results were identical.

Adam's print will be 75 pounds. My prints will be 30 pounds.

And? Before the complaints begin.... if I sell out my entire edition at 30 pounds? I will break even. If I want to bring home some money, I better get some sketching done!!!!!

IrishJedi said:
I don't hate you at all, Allison.

In fact, I wanna know when the next round of Margeritas is. :duff


well... the next round might be NOW. I know its only noon, and I am still in my pajamas. But drinking seems appropriate.

The math for that pricing has my head spinning. At one point I figured that if I sold ALL my prints at 30 pounds, I had $15,000 US dollars. HOW IN THE NAME OF ALL THAT IS HOLY do I end up with lint in my pockets, from FIFTEEN THOUSAND DOLLARS?!?

whew.... going for that blender.... where's my tequila?
DarthSaffron said:
well... the next round might be NOW. I know its only noon, and I am still in my pajamas. But drinking seems appropriate.

The math for that pricing has my head spinning. At one point I figured that if I sold ALL my prints at 30 pounds, I had $15,000 US dollars. HOW IN THE NAME OF ALL THAT IS HOLY do I end up with lint in my pockets, from FIFTEEN THOUSAND DOLLARS?!?

whew.... going for that blender.... where's my tequila?

Tequila, you say? :duff
DarthSaffron said:
ok... it took a while to get the shipping estimate (plus fuel surcharge ~sheesh!), the printing costs and to figure in the cost of airfare, hotel, food, all at inflated "summer holiday in England" rates.... and the VAT , the licensing % and the table costs....

But I've got prices. You people will probably hate me.

Lucasfilm, unfortunately, had the right idea in suggesting we simply take our US dollar amount, and switch the dollar sign for the pounds one. I could have saved myself alot of time doing all that math; the results were identical.

Adam's print will be 75 pounds. My prints will be 30 pounds.

And? Before the complaints begin.... if I sell out my entire edition at 30 pounds? I will break even. If I want to bring home some money, I better get some sketching done!!!!!


Allison, you won't get complaints from any UK folk.

This is what I expected to pay (in fact I've been telling people to account for maybe £40.00 so this'll be good news for them).

Your print is well worth £30.00 and Adam's for £75.00 is a great price too.

The UK is a very expensive place to live compared to the US. I'm telling you guys, politics aside, you really do have it good.

It's two weeks to go and I can't wait to meet you and Adam at Celebration Europe and buy you both a pint (or two...).
hey folks.. in the same boat as Allison. I too will be doing the symbol swapping...Print Price will be 50 pounds and is 18" x 24"
DarthSaffron said:
well... the next round might be NOW. I know its only noon, and I am still in my pajamas. But drinking seems appropriate.
Hey its happy hour somewhere. So why not drink with them in spirt.
Hey everyone-

Animation Art Gallery, who is the sponsor of the CE art show, will have a special Ralph McQuarrie piece (limited to 200 prints) available at CE. Kind of similar to the way Celebration IV had the "City in the Clouds" print.

They are currently taking a very limited number (50 to be exact) of pre-orders for this piece. You MUST pick this print up at the show in London. They cannot and will not mail it to you.

The print costs 45 pounds (VAT included). Follow this link.


Anyone, especially Allison, know if any of these prints will be available from SWS.com, if there are any left over? So us "Blokes" can get them to complete a set?
Fubeca said:
Anyone, especially Allison, know if any of these prints will be available from SWS.com, if there are any left over? So us "Blokes" can get them to complete a set?

Well; its hard to say. First, you have to hope they don't sell out. Second? You have to hope that if you didn't sell out, that you still did well enough that StarWarsShop.com will want to buy your work. And last? If you don't sell out, but do well enough that StarWarsShop wants to buy your pieces, you have to hope that you prints ship over in one piece, and back in one piece. Mark Chiarello sold like 200 of his 250, and StarWarsShop really wanted his last 50 pieces... but they were all ruined in shipping them from C4 in LA to his home in New Jersey.

Some of the members of my Yahoo group are offering to pick up prints for other group members that can't make it to London. Perhaps try asking them for thier help?

Fubeca is now sorted!

Guys, guys, guys, I'm gonna feel like King Rockafella at CE. Not including my own I'm currently getting some 37 prints for the good freaky folks.

That's some serious cash of yours that I'll be spending!!!!!!

I think I'd better get some more poster carrier tubes!!!!!!
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swabie2424 said:
Hey everyone-

Animation Art Gallery, who is the sponsor of the CE art show, will have a special Ralph McQuarrie piece (limited to 200 prints) available at CE. Kind of similar to the way Celebration IV had the "City in the Clouds" print.

They are currently taking a very limited number (50 to be exact) of pre-orders for this piece. You MUST pick this print up at the show in London. They cannot and will not mail it to you.

The print costs 45 pounds (VAT included). Follow this link.



Another McQuarrie print flies by that I wont be able to get my hands on.:monkey2
Although I prefer the 'Droids' one more still, this would be nice.
Update on the Animation Art McQuarrie Print.

They are limited to 2 per person. No exceptions, despite trying my hardest there is no way around this. I've even turn on the 'Northern Charm' but to no effect.

I already have one order for one of these prints so that's one space left.

It will have to be first come, first served for the other place I'm afraid.

The good news is that I have reserved two prints so they are safe!
abstractharmony said:
Update on the Animation Art McQuarrie Print.

They are limited to 2 per person. No exceptions, despite trying my hardest there is no way around this. I've even turn on the 'Northern Charm' but to no effect.

I already have one order for one of these prints so that's one space left.

It will have to be first come, first served for the other place I'm afraid.

The good news is that I have reserved two prints so they are safe!
I'm first, right? :p