Captain America: The First Avenger Discussion Thread

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Re: The First Avenger: Captain America Discussion Thread

Most actors that have a few films under their belt don't have to audition. If you can't tell he can do the job from 3 or 4 previous films, then he's probably not right for it.
I agree with theMike. I don't think Evans has played a character even remotely similar to Rogers/Cap. You can't gauge the ability of someone to play a specific part without seeing how they handle something close to what the character will be. You might have an idea that they have range and know that they can portray some characteristics of a character effectively, but that's about it.

Regarding Downey, Jr., even if he did audition, he didn't have to diverge from what he previously did as Iron Man, so in that instance, I would agree with you. But Evans can't act like Johnny Storm or frat-guy, or the guy from Sunshine and hope to pull off Captain America.
Re: The First Avenger: Captain America Discussion Thread

She was a freedom fighter with the French Resistance during World War II. She worked with Cap and according to original continuity the two fell in love despite Rogers never finding out her name.

In original continuity, Sharon was the younger sister of Captain America's wartime love interest, Peggy Carter, but she was already recently retconned as Peggy's niece so I'm assuming that is what they'll keep.

Here is Peggy:


This actress beat out Knightley for this role...

Here is a much better picture of her...much more...qualified actress!

Re: The First Avenger: Captain America Discussion Thread

I think that is bull____. Really just because someone can act doesn't mean they are right for the role. Robert DeNiro can act that doesn't mean in his youth he could have played Wolverine.

Robert Downey Jr had to audition for Iron Man. Hemsworth for Thor. Reynolds for GL. Bale for Batman....nothing in Evans' resume screams Captain America to me, casting him without auditioning was not only ballsy but reckless by Johnson IMHO and definitely makes him lose credibility as a director in my eyes.

I find it hard to believe that RDJ auditioned for Iron Man. I remember something in the DVD extras about meeting with Favreau and costume tests, but I don't remember an audition.
Re: The First Avenger: Captain America Discussion Thread

What I don't understand is how there were weeks of casting calls, auditions, inside reports, etc, even top runners and actors talking about call backs or what not - and then the person they choose didn't even audition. :lol
Re: The First Avenger: Captain America Discussion Thread

Obviously none of their auditions worked out.

F4 sucked, yes, but not because of Chris Evans. In fact, I would argue that he was by far the best part of the whole thing (and no, not JUST because he is nice eye candy :lol). He's actually a pretty good actor. Have you seen Sunshine? He was very very good in that. He has depth that he will bring to Captain America.

Now, that being said, Cap is my least favorite of all the Avengers, so I guess maybe I'm also not as passionately attached to it :)
Re: The First Avenger: Captain America Discussion Thread

Well if I cant Morena as Wonder Woman then as I'll take her as Scarlet Witch (Actually I'll take her any way I can get her)

Re: The First Avenger: Captain America Discussion Thread

"Apparently Whedon's role in the Marvel film universe may expand even further, as he's also likely to be tasked with doing a polish on the Captain America script," a source "close to the project" tells them.

IGN Movies contacted Marvel this morning to get confirmation on this, but all they'd tell us is what we pretty much figured already: "Marvel doesn't comment on rumors."
Re: The First Avenger: Captain America Discussion Thread

"Apparently Whedon's role in the Marvel film universe may expand even further, as he's also likely to be tasked with doing a polish on the Captain America script," a source "close to the project" tells them.

aka "Whedon to rewrite two movies featuring characters he's already admitted to having no interest in." :)
Re: The First Avenger: Captain America Discussion Thread

Well, better than someone who gloats about how much they just *love* the characters... and then ends up ____ing everything up.

This may be the exact opposite. :)
Re: The First Avenger: Captain America Discussion Thread

I find it hard to believe that RDJ auditioned for Iron Man. I remember something in the DVD extras about meeting with Favreau and costume tests, but I don't remember an audition.

Then you weren't paying much attention, the Iron Man DVD includes RDJ's screen test. ;)

He's actually a pretty good actor. Have you seen Sunshine? He was very very good in that. He has depth that he will bring to Captain America.

Every keeps quoting Sunshine so I watched it. He was actually very good in it, better than I expected. That being said nothing in that film screams Captain America to me.

Now, that being said, Cap is my least favorite of all the Avengers, so I guess maybe I'm also not as passionately attached to it :)

Me too. Although I won't say who is my favorite Avenger. ;)

Well if I cant Morena as Wonder Woman then as I'll take her as Scarlet Witch (Actually I'll take her any way I can get her)

Multiple sites are reporting that the role of Wanda Maximoff has gone to Olivia Munn although nothing confirmed. They can always recast for The Avengers but if this IS the case then she might step into the Scarlet Witch's shoes.

"Apparently Whedon's role in the Marvel film universe may expand even further, as he's also likely to be tasked with doing a polish on the Captain America script," a source "close to the project" tells them.

Perfect storm of issues. Johnson hiring people who haven't auditioned. Johnson obviously not understanding the core of the character by his explanations of what he wants to see on screen. Evans admitting at WonderCon that he doesn't know much about the character. Whedon rewriting a script that already looks to suck adding more quips and more angst I'm sure then Captain America 90210 already had. Casting Bucky who is a hair younger than Cap to give us a Robin style feel from Batman Forever I'm sure.

If this thing is great I'll gladly shallow my pride and say that I was wrong but at this point the Failboat is on the horizon.
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Re: The First Avenger: Captain America Discussion Thread

If this thing is great I'll gladly shallow my pride and say that I was wrong but at this point the Failboat is on the horizon.

I also see this turning into the next Joel Shumacher apology. Only Hoe Johnson doesn't seem like the type to give people their money back.

It's just a shame, you'd think a pro director would put some more thought into something that is connecting to so many other people's hard work, that he should I would think, have respect for. But Johnson has already proved with Jurassic Park he has no problem destroying a good franchise. Say what you will about the Lost world, but it was a Masterpeice compared to the idea that dinosaurs managed to magically evolve themselves in under 2 years.

The fact of the matter is his only good movie is the Rocketeer, and as big a Rocketeer fan as I am, its actually not the best flick. It starts well, and the end is decent aside from Howard Hughes saving the day. But the entire bridge of the film is just boring.
Re: The First Avenger: Captain America Discussion Thread

I love the Rocketeer but it isn't a good movie. Realistically it doesn't hold up and the movie isn't that great, usually I just watch bits and pieces when I do watch it but can't sit through a whole viewing.
Re: The First Avenger: Captain America Discussion Thread

Johnson did Jurassic Park III? ____.
Re: The First Avenger: Captain America Discussion Thread

Isn't it the norm for actors not to be too familiar with superhero characters before they're casted as a superhero character? Most of 'em say "Well, I didn't know much about the character until I was a part of the project, but now I'm a big fan." That's a paraphrase about a couple dozen actor quotes and amalgamated into one. :lol
Re: The First Avenger: Captain America Discussion Thread

Well, I'll be willing to give him the benefit of the doubt until the first trailer at least. I was one of those originally against Heath Ledger as the Joker but the first trailer made me do a 180. Sometimes directors see something in an actor we don't. That was certainly the case with Heath. I never would have even thought to cast him, but he was perfect. I'm not saying Evans will be that perfect of a choice as Heath, but I'm not going to bash him until I'm proven otherwise. My only reason against casting him was just that he was already the Human Torch. I guess they won't do any F4 cross overs without rebooting them.
Re: The First Avenger: Captain America Discussion Thread

Joe Johnston is not Chris Nolan.

He has done nothing in the past 20 years to really brag about at all, I would say the real pinacle of his career was likely being art director on ESB.

Nolan on the other hand has made a number of well recieved, successful films. I trust his judgement because of his track record.
Re: The First Avenger: Captain America Discussion Thread

Oh my god - you can't give this a fail before even the script is even finished or a frame is shot. Remember, this is Marvel producing, not Fox - I think they've earned a benefit of a doubt.

As for Bucky being a couple years younger than Cap - it was that way in the comic - cap was what, 24? And Bucky 17?

But the G4 girl as Wanda? - now THAT'S a fail.
Re: The First Avenger: Captain America Discussion Thread

I don't get all that excited about The Rocketeer, but two of his films that I actually like are Hidalgo and October Sky. I think that he can handle character driven visual effects movies better than some others, but he's not enough of a true visionary to overcome a bad or problematic script. If he isn't being handed a film that is already great on the page, then I don't trust him to turn it into one. But if the script is solid and if he has a strong team around him and the support of producers who know what they're doing, then I think this could be a good film.
Re: The First Avenger: Captain America Discussion Thread

Oh my god - you can't give this a fail before even the script is even finished or a frame is shot. Remember, this is Marvel producing, not Fox - I think they've earned a benefit of a doubt.

As for Bucky being a couple years younger than Cap - it was that way in the comic - cap was what, 24? And Bucky 17?

But the G4 girl as Wanda? - now THAT'S a fail.

Normally I would agree, but there's yet to be one piece of news that came out of this that sounds good. I hope we're all wrong and suffering from Chicken Little syndrome. Cap is one of my favorite characters and this is probably the Marvel movie I'm most looking forward to.