Captain America: The First Avenger Discussion Thread

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Re: Chris Evans Confirmed for "Captain America"!

He won't be the "fans" choice, but he'll do good. Ledger wasn't the fans' choice either, and we all know how that turned out.
Re: Chris Evans Confirmed for "Captain America"!

After Heath Ledger as Joker I swore I'd never again go off on a casting choice before seeing the movie.

Re: Chris Evans Confirmed for "Captain America"!

Yeah and people, all people, should follow your example. But we all know that's not gonna happen.
Re: Chris Evans Confirmed for "Captain America"!

Aww....I liked him as the Human Torch lolz.
Would be interesting to see his interpretation though.
Re: The First Avenger: Captain America Discussion Thread

I think Evans did a really good job in Sunshine and his Johnny Storm was pretty good too.
I give him the benefit of the doubt and I hope he'll give us an awesome Captain America!!! :rock :rock :rock
Re: The First Avenger: Captain America Discussion Thread

He will really have to bulk up. He can pull off scrawny Steve but Super Soldier Steve ?

Yeah, this guy is toothpick scrawny.
Re: Chris Evans Confirmed for "Captain America"!

Yeah and people, all people, should follow your example. But we all know that's not gonna happen.
Regardless of my feelings on the Evans casting decision (which has been discussed extensively in the existing Captain America movie thread), the Ledger example doesn't mean much of anything. Just because lots of people who apparently didn't see or pay attention to Ledger's previous work and the range therein were nay-saying the choice to cast him as Joker doesn't mean that Carrot Top could make a great Ultron.
Re: Chris Evans Confirmed for "Captain America"!

first, ryan reynolds as both deadpool and gl. now evans as both torch and cap? nice recycling :) lookin' forward to it!
Re: Chris Evans Confirmed for "Captain America"!

Yeah...wasn't talking about carrot top. I was talking about about any real actor who can ACT. But thanks!
Re: The First Avenger: Captain America Discussion Thread

No kidding.

He's buff and will have no problem packing on more muscle if need be.
Re: The First Avenger: Captain America Discussion Thread

This is bad. I'd like to hear The Mike's thoughts about this fiasco. Worst episode ever.:banghead

Now that its actually happened I feel its a mistake but maybe not of epic proportions.

People love to point out the Ledger example but the fact of the matter is that Heath had shown acting prowless in films before TDK, its just that geeks hadn't seen them, not to mention that the point of reference people were using to discredit him was "10 Things I Hate About You" which was out in 1999 so they were going back almost 10 years to flaw him.

With Evans though he has shown that he has some acting ability in his non "I'm a slacker with a heart of gold" roles but I don't think for a second that he has the acting chops to stand in the same room with Robert Downey Jr and Edward Norton and be able to hold his own as the most commanding and powerful person in the room meant to lead everyone instead of follow. Chris Helmsworth as Thor isn't as bad since in reality Thor is played plenty aloof in the Avenger especially the early ones and as long as Thor can look uninterested or full of angst then he'd be fine but Cap is something different. Cap has to go head to head with Tony on both practical and moral issues, he has to argue back Banner for the greater good and has to instill enough respect and enough strength to get them to follow him.

If anything it'll test more the acting ability of the others to make it believable.

From the getgo they've been setting this Captain America film for an interesting run, they've got Rogers looking for acceptance instead of answering a call. They've got him running around at USO shows instead of charging into battle whenever he could. It sounds like Captain America 90210 from the plot elements released and the way the producers are discussing it so Evans doesn't surprise on that front but he does disappoint.

I think in his own film he might be fine as long as they don't stack too much talent around him (I for the life of me can't see Evans holding his own against someone like Hugo Weaving) but once he gets into The Avengers it'll really come to pass just how miscasted he was.
Re: The First Avenger: Captain America Discussion Thread

I really don't care about the guy being buff, it is if he can act and pull off the part.
Re: The First Avenger: Captain America Discussion Thread

I think he's a good actor, but alas that's everyones own judgement. I'm sure some people who dislike Julia Roberts acting love someone like Jessica Albas. :lol

But i've enjoyed him in all of his roles that i've seen.
Re: Chris Evans Confirmed for "Captain America"!

He won't be the "fans" choice, but he'll do good. Ledger wasn't the fans' choice either, and we all know how that turned out.

I always thought Ledger was going to do awesome. Was a fan of him since his early Aussie days! : )
Re: Chris Evans Confirmed for "Captain America"!

Personally, after seeing Sunshine, I think he's perfect.
Re: Chris Evans Confirmed for "Captain America"!

Yep! Sunshine is one of his best roles.
Re: Chris Evans Confirmed for "Captain America"!

I can see him as cap. Interested to see how he will do. Last I heard he was just being considered or talking things through because he was unsure about diving into another superhero role. I think he could be good as Captain America
Re: The First Avenger: Captain America Discussion Thread

The Mike is right, he will have to be able hold his own again RDJ and Norton. It'll be a big test for his skills and hopefully he will have that gravitas and commanding presence similar to what Chris Pine had in Star Trek. Im cheering for ya Evans! :duff