Big Chief Studios James Bond Series

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Re: Big Chief Studios Acquires James Bond License

This is a bittersweet announcement. Shame a better company didn't acquire the licence.
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Re: Big Chief Studios Acquires James Bond License

I like BIG Chief. Their quality is of a high standard and not over tanned like Hot Toys (Bruce Banner is not indian far too dark) or under detailed like Three Zero. Their clothes always need bit of posing but i don't want a figure to come out of the packet and be ready i want to take my time getting the figure how i want it. But over priced? really guys hot toys most recent iron man is more than having 2 figures.
This line is going to be an incredible chance to see what BIG Chief is made of and making judgements based on a different license is pointless. I don't get judged by people for not being able to spell my full address when i was 7 so why judge a company on faults from years ago. I've heard the TARDIS's have had issues but i mean its a show from the BBC they can't even keep the bake off on their channels so there is no way the TARDIS is perfectly straight and all the lights work inside of the actual prop.
I can't wait to own some of the bonds, definitely a Connery but i will have to see what else takes my eye. Maybe a JAWS ooooooo
So lets all spend time thinking of what figure they may do and how great they could be rather than judging the company. Plus i don't know about you guys but we are collecting high end collectibles which are essentially toys if they act childish i don't blame them we are buy toys and in many ways giving them criticism.

Well you see you're new here, but we've seen what BC does. They make some great pieces for sure, but a lot of stuff they make isn't up to the price they ask. There's nothing wrong with being skeptical, it's up to BC to prove the doubters wrong, the ball is in their court as the saying goes.
Re: Big Chief Studios Acquires James Bond License

This is a bittersweet announcement. Shame a better company didn't acquire the licence.

This is exactly how I feel.
I would've loved to hear Blitzway or HT. I want any Bond figures on their level.
Re: Big Chief Studios Acquires James Bond License

I like BIG Chief. Their quality is of a high standard and not over tanned like Hot Toys (Bruce Banner is not indian far too dark) or under detailed like Three Zero. Their clothes always need bit of posing but i don't want a figure to come out of the packet and be ready i want to take my time getting the figure how i want it. But over priced? really guys hot toys most recent iron man is more than having 2 figures.
This line is going to be an incredible chance to see what BIG Chief is made of and making judgements based on a different license is pointless. I don't get judged by people for not being able to spell my full address when i was 7 so why judge a company on faults from years ago. I've heard the TARDIS's have had issues but i mean its a show from the BBC they can't even keep the bake off on their channels so there is no way the TARDIS is perfectly straight and all the lights work inside of the actual prop.
I can't wait to own some of the bonds, definitely a Connery but i will have to see what else takes my eye. Maybe a JAWS ooooooo
So lets all spend time thinking of what figure they may do and how great they could be rather than judging the company. Plus i don't know about you guys but we are collecting high end collectibles which are essentially toys if they act childish i don't blame them we are buy toys and in many ways giving them criticism.

Signed up today just to immediately post that in this particular thread and then log off and disappear again. How...interesting.
Re: Big Chief Studios Acquires James Bond License

Only if he has the correct colour socks.

Even if he doesn't I'm sure a treatise on the virtues of badly mismatched, poorly fitted, over priced foot fashion is just around the corner... :p

I kid. Probably.
Re: Big Chief Studios Acquires James Bond License

Signed up today just to immediately post that in this particular thread and then log off and disappear again. How...interesting.

I wasn't going to go there, but I thought about it lol.
Re: Big Chief Studios Acquires James Bond License

It's hard not to be highly sceptical and suspicious given the circumstances, but I wouldn't want to be unwelcoming either, so after partaking in a bit of banter above I'll now promptly leave it at that. :)

Personally I'd be excited to see Dalton made, even more so now that Penny Dreadful seems unlikely to make much of an appearance any time soon.
Re: Big Chief Studios Acquires James Bond License

It's hard not to be highly sceptical and suspicious given the circumstances, but I wouldn't want to be unwelcoming either, so after partaking in a bit of banter above I'll now promptly leave it at that. :)

Personally I'd be excited to see Dalton made, even more so now that Penny Dreadful seems unlikely to make much of an appearance any time soon.

You take that back!
Re: Big Chief Studios Acquires James Bond License

What do you mean interesting? i log off because I'm at work in an office and I'm not allowed lots of windows open. I signed up hoping to have adult conversations and comment on how i can't wait for these figures but all i see is the hate. Whats the point in hating all the time, sometimes figures don't go right my 11th doctor stand broke and same with my twelfth but i brought some new stands and spoke to someone there and they got me the one stand free as it was a replacement part. That is not only reasonable but damn good service. And i only joined today as i haven't really found a topic that i want to be a part of but James Bond i mean i grew up watching these films, everyone has. So before making sarcastic comments and thinking I'm some kind of fraud you may want to go out into the sunshine and slap a smile on your face and find some reason to be happy or you should really consult professional help.
Re: Big Chief Studios Acquires James Bond License

I think the believe was that someone from BC signed up for the specific purpose of trumpeting their virtues on this site. That thought occurred to me as well.

It was your first post and you were defending the compnay who was (rightfully?) being dragged thru the mud. Couldnt help but think that.

Anyway, welcome.
Re: Big Chief Studios Acquires James Bond License

Well yeah i want to be fair to all companies. Blitzway before weren't great but those ghostbusters hell yes! Hot Toys Bruce Banner and endless first order stormtroopers ugh but that Harley Quinn holy crap i want that! but i strictly go for licensed product. i like customs because they are personal but some companies who don't have the license so the actors and companies don't get the money which they deserve i won't condone.

And i get that my first post start with a bang ay.

but thank you for the welcome :)
Re: Big Chief Studios Acquires James Bond License

And i get that my first post start with a bang ay.

but thank you for the welcome :)

Also, you have to see that your first post was overly defensive and going against the general consensus that BCS needs to up their quality by a long way.

Unfortunately, they have a bit of a history of not taking criticism well (see their post in this thread) and many feel they can be unprofessional. I've been on the receiving end of both polite and rudeness. It depends on who you deal with.

If you are indeed not linked to them in any way then :welcome1: and apologies for the suspicion.

If you are a sock account :pfft: :lol
Re: Big Chief Studios Acquires James Bond License

aha aha ha ahaahaahahaahhaaahhahahahaahahaahahahhaahahhaahahhaahahahahahaahahahahaahahhahahahahahahaahahahahaahahhahahaahahaahahahhaahahhaahahhaahahahahahaahahahahaahahhahahahahahahaahahahahaahahhahahaahahaahahahhaahahhaahahhaahahahahahaahahahahaahahhahahahahahahaahahahahaahahhahahaahahaahahahhaahahhaahahhaahahahahahaahahahahaahahhahahahahahahaahahahahaahahhahahaahahaahahahhaahahhaahahhaahahahahahaahahahahaahahhahahahahahahaahahahahaahahhahahaahahaahahahhaahahhaahahhaahahahahahaahahahahaahahhahahahahahahaahahahahaahahhahahaahahaahahahhaahahhaahahhaahahahahahaahahahahaahahhahahahahahahaahahahahaahahhahahaahahaahahahhaahahhaahahhaahahahahahaahahahahaahahhahahahahahahaahahahahaahahhahahaahahaahahahhaahahhaahahhaahahahahahaahahahahaahahhahahahahahahaahahahahaahahhahahaahahaahahahhaahahhaahahhaahahahahahaahahahahaahahhahahahahahahaahahahahaahahhahahaahahaahahahhaahahhaahahhaahahahahahaahahahahaahahhahahahahahahaahahahahaahahha
compared to years ago the paint apps have climbed mountains. Big chief have even held back some figures now cause they've redone their processes. i get that people get mad but me id rather have a better paint job. which I'm guessing will mean better bond painting too which for me is a huge plus! i want the best for my money. Also Dollar to pound right now is a steal for any figure they do.
Re: Big Chief Studios Acquires James Bond License

I'd love to work in that business would be awesome. and to be honest i'd probably get a lot more frustrated than them when things are critiqued. I'm guessing they need to up their processes which takes money. everything comes down to it and they have just got bond lets just hope they get it all up soon cause i literally will be up at whatever time to pre-order that figure!
Re: Big Chief Studios Acquires James Bond License

Just so people are aware, there is a bootleg 1:6 company that regularly produces pieces for which BCS has won and paid for the official licenses and they (the bootleggers) plant people here and on facebook for the express purpose of slagging BCS off.

Just FYI.
Re: Big Chief Studios Acquires James Bond License

Just so people are aware, there is a bootleg 1:6 company that regularly produces pieces for which BCS has won and paid for the official licenses and they (the bootleggers) plant people here and on facebook for the express purpose of slagging BCS off.

Just FYI.

But no one has been extreme in their comments here. We haven't even see the figures yet. Just concerns and hopes.
Re: Big Chief Studios Acquires James Bond License

Serious? Thats crazy! I would hate to be found out for that, that guy/girl would get spammed!!!
Re: Big Chief Studios Acquires James Bond License

I have not bought any bootleg (that I'm aware of?) of any of BCS' work. Custom Bonds, yes, but no bootlegs. I have their Sherlock and Watson figures, and while the sculpts and clothing are excellent, the bodies are weak-jointed (always falling over) and the paintwork is subpar. Now, that was a couple years ago, and it's quite possible they've upped their game. I'm cautiously excited, but of course I would've been more excited had the license gone to HT or QMX, for example, because I already know they'll be amazing. BCS is more of a wait and see. I've already been so disappointed in Asmus' LOTR that I've become cynical when I don't see a good track record (so far).

Also, there's the fact that their pricing (at least to those of us in the States) have been way, WAY too high for the market - which is probably what is driving bootlegs.

I will say that the protos for the Bride Sherlock and Watson are exceptional; if they keep up that quality through release, it'll be great!