Bethesda:Wolfenstein the New Order

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I expected a hidden trophy/achievement for "nightmare" and was surprised there wasn't one.
No kidding, that seems like it would be standard. Note to self, don't bother with nightmare mode.
No kidding, that seems like it would be standard. Note to self, don't bother with nightmare mode.
He is not talking about the nightmare mode, the nightmare here is a small easter egg because he 'dreams' of killing Nazi in his sleep. its a minigame o playing the classic Wolf3D
I finished it last night. It took me a while to figure out what to do in the first part of the final boss battle. If you like first person shooters with good graphics and a good story, you'll enjoy this. I really liked the final end credits song. I think it tied in well.
I totally suck at this game. First time playing a shooter on a console with a controller...ouch.
Plus I'm on UBER mode, because I am after the trophies too.

Still, it's a struggle. The crappy controller doesn't help either, being a shooter. Not used to this.
Mouse and keyboard are just way better for precise controls in shooters.
I totally suck at this game. First time playing a shooter on a console with a controller...ouch.
Plus I'm on UBER mode, because I am after the trophies too.

Still, it's a struggle. The crappy controller doesn't help either, being a shooter. Not used to this.
Mouse and keyboard are just way better for precise controls in shooters.

lol i sooo disagree about mouse and keyboard being better..obviously since you haven't used it like that its foreign but to me its totally time consuming using mouse and keyboard.
Mouse and Keyboard FTW! there is a reason the whole first person perspective from Quake onwards coined the term 'mouselook'
I totally suck at this game. First time playing a shooter on a console with a controller...ouch.
Plus I'm on UBER mode, because I am after the trophies too.

Still, it's a struggle. The crappy controller doesn't help either, being a shooter. Not used to this.
Mouse and keyboard are just way better for precise controls in shooters.

Ok, I am gonna need you to man up, son!!!!!!!! Controllers is how your pappy did it; its how your grandpappy did it, and gosh golly, you are gonna do it!!!!!! Keyboard/mouse = sissys!
Ok, I am gonna need you to man up, son!!!!!!!! Controllers is how your pappy did it; its how your grandpappy did it, and gosh golly, you are gonna do it!!!!!! Keyboard/mouse = sissys!

haha yea no ways its the controllers fault, thats the oldest excuse in the book imo…

and I've never heard of the term mouse look in my life before tbh
Thinking about picking this up tomorrow. Never played this series at all but the trailers look cool and killing Nazis is always fun.
Thinking about picking this up tomorrow. Never played this series at all but the trailers look cool and killing Nazis is always fun.

Yeah, dont even remember the last one I played, but this is a good starting point for new fans, me thinks. On Ch 13: fun game. Doesn't reinvent the wheel; not trying to - its a fun, well done throwback to classic shooters!
You probably havent played classic first person games like Quake on your PC then...

yea I played doom very briefly on pc but my primary gaming has always been console and portables like gameboy, gbc, gamegear, etc. Tbh though a person after X amount of time can always get used to even the most awkward controls, regardless of what you're used to…at least thats been my experience.
I really enjoyed it. Gameplay is good (the shooting felt right, akimbo guns!). The characters and story are well done. The tone is more serious than previous entries and could have easily turned cheesy. It's the third in a trilogy (Return to Castle Wolfenstein [reimagining of Wolf3D], Wolfenstein [2009], and The New Order), but the story is self-contained enough for those new to the series and you don't need to play the previous games unless you want to know more about Deathshead and Blazkowicz's exploits (they're also pretty good games).

Looking forward to more from MachineGames. I'd like to seem them reimagine the original Quake.
MachineGames is literally Starbreeze, the studio that gave us that Fantastic Chronicles of Riddick Escape from Butcher Bay. If you'd play that game you'd see the striking similarities of how this game was designed. I hope MachineGames churn out more games over the years because they are a very very talented bunch of guys. I think ID should bring them on board in making Doom 4
Been playing this most of the day and it's pretty damn cool. I'm only 41% completed it says.