Batman vs. Wolverine

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Who would win?

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Snake Plissken

40s "men" still cry about being bullied here
Apr 10, 2012
Reaction score
On the run.
I love both characters dearly, but I'd have to give it to Wolverine. He's got too much of advantage with healing factor and pretty much unlimited stamina, but both men have the same physicality and strength. I don't know if Batman could behead Wolverine with a Batarang :dunno

Also I put in "Draw" since this might be case where neither could better the other. I respect people going with Batman too, I can completely understand it.
Wolverine would slice him in half

He could, but Wolverine has fought many people without them being turned into cold cuts. I still think even in him not slicing him, he would eventually tire Batman out.

Yeah I like that one. Also, just came across this. I didn't think Wolverine could have male pattern baldness.


Some sort of Magnetic Field I guess that he built to stop Wolverine?

Thats my guess anyway sorry for spoilers
Well you have to have it Batman's gadgets vs. Wolverine's claws. Having a handicap that isn't one of Batman's skills kind of nullifies the question of this poll.
Batman would figure out a surefire way of being able to defeat Wolverine, but before he can do that Wolverine would've turned him into a Kebab.


Even at Chess


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I ****ing vote Batman, dude is richest dude in the world. Dude has government contracts in Wayne Enterprises and I'm sure he could build a Adamantium Bat Suit to protect from the claws. Ntm make Adamantium Batarangs. The only way I'd see how ya take down Wolverine is to fight the ******* in a smelting or steel facility and shove his *** in the smelter like a Terminator when ya punch him real hard. Like people said, Bats uses smarts. He uses the tactics to make you go where he wants ya and close combat to be honest is stupid for bats to do with Wolverine. He'd have to lure him...
Maybe it's extra Kevlar? :rotfl

Unless that's a new type of booze, doubtful. :lol

I ****ing vote Batman, dude is richest dude in the world. Dude has government contracts in Wayne Enterprises and I'm sure he could build a Adamantium Bat Suit to protect from the claws. Ntm make Adamantium Batarangs. The only way I'd see how ya take down Wolverine is to fight the ******* in a smelting or steel facility and shove his *** in the smelter like a Terminator when ya punch him real hard. Like people said, Bats uses smarts. He uses the tactics to make you go where he wants ya and close combat to be honest is stupid for bats to do with Wolverine. He'd have to lure him...

How quick you underestimate Logan. Not only is their training pretty much on par (both have trained in Japan and around the world), but Logan trumps Batman in experience, having fought through several centuries worth of combat. Batman might be able to trick Logan into a berserker rage, but whose to say he even has a counter for that. He's the goddam Batman, but even Batman was broken by brute force.
Batman. Wolverine never struck me as all that bright -- how many asswhippings does it take to figure out you ought not go head-to-head with Magneto? Shouldn't take Wayne all that long to outsmart him with a magnetic weapon of some sort.


Some sort of Magnetic Field I guess that he built to stop Wolverine?

Thats my guess anyway sorry for spoilers

This is a good point. I voted Wolverine, but if Batman found a way to stop Wolverine like this, he is done for.