Avengers: Age of Ultron

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Since they just re-painted the Mk42 for AoU, I'm guessing they're going to stick with the Mk2 design for Rhodes, IF he wears his armor. If and when Marvel decides to go to the drawing boards for the Mk3, I do hope they go back to a bulkier design, cuz that's vintage War Machine.

Same here, otherwise its just a grey suit, not War Machine. Don't get me wrong I like the MK II but if I had to choose... I choose the IM2 version
I wish we got a better look at Ultron's body. I like the head design but not sure if I love the overall look enough to buy a figure - the exposed machinery look isn't cutting it for me, looks a little too much like the Bones suit or T-800. I'm gonna wait for the movie to come out and see all the different looks Ultron is sporting before deciding if I want a figure.

I agree that if there's any Avengers villains to get, Ultron is most definitely on that short list. My other considerations would probably be Thanos and Kang.
That plus a simple Mk42 repaint = big profits.
Im hoping they fox whatever the joint issue I read people are having along with giving it soke weapons (hopefully it will be shown firing missiles etc in the film) and a less severe damage mode along with a clean alt head for showing the open visor.

That said they may give us an alt helmetless head like the Mark 7 as its a poster/magazine promo shot.
Going to SDCC next week and will be at the Age of Ultron panel. My biggest hope (besides lots of footage) is that the panel starts with the lights going out, and we hear James Spader's voice as Ulton. Talking about how he will defeat The Avengers and rule the Earth, or something like that. That would be so sweet.
I wish we got a better look at Ultron's body. I like the head design but not sure if I love the overall look enough to buy a figure - the exposed machinery look isn't cutting it for me, looks a little too much like the Bones suit or T-800. I'm gonna wait for the movie to come out and see all the different looks Ultron is sporting before deciding if I want a figure.

I agree that if there's any Avengers villains to get, Ultron is most definitely on that short list.


I hoep they give him a cape


I love how he looks with that :drool he needs a throne aswell, damn if that happens its gonna be a expensive figure..
Woah that looks awesome!!!!

I know right!? :lol

Ultron is awesome


Going to SDCC next week and will be at the Age of Ultron panel. My biggest hope (besides lots of footage) is that the panel starts with the lights going out, and we hear James Spader's voice as Ulton. Talking about how he will defeat The Avengers and rule the Earth, or something like that. That would be so sweet.

That would be so super cool

I think its tim for a War Machine MK III :lol maybe Tony will make a suit for him that works just like MK XLII and XLIII ? I hope so...

I wanted the classic helmet, but that looks good enough, I can't wait for the figure :drool christ this movie has so many characters.. I need to start saving :slap

I would love a more classic helmet but think this ones pretty great tbh, I'm also 95% sure this is his second form as all the drones suggest this will be the canon fodder battle scene. The previous version seen on set would be his first "physical" form imo and his final form for the last battle is yet to be seen.

So as a big ultron fan are you pleased with the image of ultron? I must say i like it a lot you can tell its Ultron but a very realistic and scary way, put james spaders voice with it and you have the potential for one of the scariest villians on film,

I like it for a movie verse design, it looks realistic and is easily recognisable as Ultron. I would change some things if I could like a more comic shaped mouth but nothing major. Like I said above I still think there's his final "vibranium" form to be revealed.
So as a big ultron fan are you pleased with the image of ultron? I must say i like it a lot you can tell its Ultron but a very realistic and scary way, put james spaders voice with it and you have the potential for one of the best villains ever in the history of film

Fix'd :lol

I would love a more classic helmet but think this ones pretty great tbh, I'm also 95% sure this is his second form as all the drones suggest this will be the canon fodder battle scene. The previous version seen on set would be his first "physical" form imo and his final form for the last battle is yet to be seen.

Yeah, the Helmet they showed in the teaser is my favourite. I'm not an expert on Ultron but this is the one I love:


The one we've seen could be his second form then? alright, I see many Ultron figures in my future :lol

Could this be his final form?


He may look like that in the movie at some point
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Going to SDCC next week and will be at the Age of Ultron panel. My biggest hope (besides lots of footage) is that the panel starts with the lights going out, and we hear James Spader's voice as Ulton. Talking about how he will defeat The Avengers and rule the Earth, or something like that. That would be so sweet.

"Observation and analysis suggest that humanity is encoded with chaotic and violent tendencies that cannot be overcome.
Humanity is inherently flawed. My imperative is to bring peace and order to this world, I am about to fulfill that imperative.
This is not a threat.
Humanity is obsolete.
Accept your end."

"Humanity has failed as a species.

The only way to achieve peace is through the elimination of those who would perpetuate war. You have accomplished much with your limited capacity, but ultimately you were too greedy and too frail to ever last in the environment you have created.
You lack the strength to bring about the perfect world you desire. A world without chaos and violence.
This is what needs to be done, this is what you could not do.
Your compliance is unnecessary.
The process has already begun.
For the extinction of humanity begins now."​
"Observation and analysis suggest that humanity is encoded with chaotic and violent tendencies that cannot be overcome
Humanity is inherently flawed. My imperative is to bring peace and order to this world, I am about to fulfill that imperative.
This is not a threat.
Humanity is obsolete.
Accept your end.

Humanity has failed as a species.

The only way to achieve peace is through the elimination of those who would perpetuate war. You have accomplished much with your limited capacity, but ultimately you were too greedy and too frail to ever last in the environment you have created.
You lack the strength to bring about the perfect world you desire. A world without chaos and violence.
This is what needs to be done, this is what you could not do.
Your compliance is unnecessary.
The process has already begun.
For the extinction of humanity begins now."​

Woah now that is awesome...and terrifying...
"Observation and analysis suggest that humanity is encoded with chaotic and violent tendencies that cannot be overcome
Humanity is inherently flawed. My imperative is to bring peace and order to this world, I am about to fulfill that imperative.
This is not a threat.
Humanity is obsolete.
Accept your end.

Humanity has failed as a species.

The only way to achieve peace is through the elimination of those who would perpetuate war. You have accomplished much with your limited capacity, but ultimately you were too greedy and too frail to ever last in the environment you have created.
You lack the strength to bring about the perfect world you desire. A world without chaos and violence.
This is what needs to be done, this is what you could not do.
Your compliance is unnecessary.
The process has already begun.
For the extinction of humanity begins now."​

Awesome I was just gonna post some Ultron quotes :lol
I like this one
"Children. Unexpected. Assessment: potential threats. Commencing termination. "