Avengers: Age of Ultron

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HT won't make a figure from an after credit scene, I doubt Marvel would allow them to do that. Those scenes are teases for fans and the characters appearance might change by the time we get to Avengers 3. I don't think they'd want their main baddie to become old news years in advance of the film release

I don't believe we'll see a Thanos figure until A3, but he does feature in GOTG a few times, but your right Marvel wont allow him to be made until A3.

Well Ultron HT is coming, I can feel it!

Yep, I'm giddy with excitement in anticipation! I really hope he has his classic look like in the teaser from comic con (my profile pic).
Well Ultron HT is coming, I can feel it!

It is def going to happen. That is certain. Whedon will not let us down. AoU will be so awesome that an Ultron fig will be a must. And I dont think the set photos we have seen are his final. I bet he will have stages. He will likely start looking like the set photos and change as his Artificial Intelligence grows. I bet his form will change to adapt as the story progresses. My vision is by the end of the movie he will look more like the Mecha Ultron most of us know and want. I think this early stuff is a more humanized version. It is no real surprise that his counterparts and the populace would respond better to a more human-like android. It makes sense seeing as he will deal closely with the Avengers. Im betting that he will start all nice and human-like and once he starts becoming truly self aware he will look more menacing. As he physically adapts to combat his enemies, his humanity will be stripped away and it will leave behind the cold, calculating and fierce looking machine we are familiar with.
It is def going to happen. That is certain. Whedon will not let us down. AoU will be so awesome that an Ultron fig will be a must. And I dont think the set photos we have seen are his final. I bet he will have stages. He will likely start looking like the set photos and change as his Artificial Intelligence grows. I bet his form will change to adapt as the story progresses. My vision is by the end of the movie he will look more like the Mecha Ultron most of us know and want. I think this early stuff is a more humanized version. It makes sense seeing as he will deal closely with human counterparts. Im betting that he will start all nice and human-like and once he starts acting out and pursuing his own goals he will look more menacing as his humanity is stripped away. It will leave behind a cold, calculating and fierce looking machine.

I still think those set photos are of Hydra Dreadnoughts
I still think those set photos are of Hydra Dreadnoughts

Good call!

I never thought that those early pics were of Ultron. And it makes sense that they're Dreadnoughts now that we know how prominent HYDRA is
It bugs me so god damn much that's they're called infinity stones instead of gems. I dunno I think 'stones' is overused in movies XD 'get the stone!' ' 'oh no it's the ___ stone!' Guess im kinda just sick of magical stones in movies. I know it's such a huge nitpicky thing but couldn't they really just have called them the Infinity Gems?
It bugs me so god damn much that's they're called infinity stones instead of gems. I dunno I think 'stones' is overused in movies XD 'get the stone!' ' 'oh no it's the ___ stone!' Guess im kinda just sick of magical stones in movies. I know it's such a huge nitpicky thing but couldn't they really just have called them the Infinity Gems?

Well its not great but is it really THAT bad
As he physically adapts to combat his enemies, his humanity will be stripped away and it will leave behind the cold, calculating and fierce looking machine we are familiar with.

Except that's sort of not what Ultron is??? That statement is very contradictory of Ultron's characterization. Yes he hypes himself up as technological perfection, but part of his characterization is how his drive is deeply rooted to human emotions/psychology (he has an oedipus-complex in the comics for crying out loud) and often times that proves to be his biggest weakness (even Whedon recognizes this and blatantly mentions how Ultron is a very frustrated and angry A.I.) It's what makes Ultron so fun as an A.I. villain, he's NOT entirely logical, as a lot of his mentality is based on human irrationality, hence why he's so psychologically flawed in his schemes and design.

Even in Annihilation: Conquest he finally comes around and believes that humanity as organic lifeforms definitely has its uses contrary to what he used to believe, and he even believes that techno-organic lifeforms are far more superior than purely technological beings (the former being his end-goal in regards to what wants to become). If anything, going by Ultron's mentality, it should be the reverse: he starts out more mechanical and becomes more techno-organic (i.e. humanoid) by the end of the movie.

As for the productions shots, it may or may not be Ultron, but it's definitely very heavily Ultron-inspired. Anyone who's read Annihilation: Conquest should easily recognize that it's far closer to Ultron's design than a Hydra Dreadnought.
The onset shots definitely look more like Ultron than a Dreadnought. Just hope it's an early stage Ultron before he gets to his classic look. Which seems likely as they twins will need breaking out early in the film to later join the team for the final act.
The onset shots definitely look more like Ultron than a Dreadnought. Just hope it's an early stage Ultron before he gets to his classic look. Which seems likely as they twins will need breaking out early in the film to later join the team for the final act.

Well its either Ultron(Early form/Hydra Dreadnought), but there really is no way to know. and even if it was it could just be a mock-up of a robot that looks nothing like that in the movie because its been completely digitally replaced....
I think they will reveal Ultron in a Comic Con trailer in a few weeks.
It's not a bad design as it stands, I just dont like the small eyes and no mouth, the opposite of classic Ultron designs.
Yep definetly not an Ultron design so now Dreadnought makes more sense right!

Not really, it does have the Ultron antenna and looks to have the right lines to have larger eyes and mouth. I still think the version on set is a lighting reference model and will be used for reference when Ultron is CG'ed in. Or as has also been said an early model of Ultron.

View attachment 107364
Not really, it does have the Ultron antenna and looks to have the right lines to have larger eyes and mouth. I still think the version on set is a lighting reference model and will be used for reference when Ultron is CG'ed in. Or as has also been said an early model of Ultron.

View attachment 107364
I'm hoping if I deny that its Ultron enough it will change :rotfl
Except that's sort of not what Ultron is??? That statement is very contradictory of Ultron's characterization. Yes he hypes himself up as technological perfection, but part of his characterization is how his drive is deeply rooted to human emotions/psychology (he has an oedipus-complex in the comics for crying out loud) and often times that proves to be his biggest weakness (even Whedon recognizes this and blatantly mentions how Ultron is a very frustrated and angry A.I.) It's what makes Ultron so fun as an A.I. villain, he's NOT entirely logical, as a lot of his mentality is based on human irrationality, hence why he's so psychologically flawed in his schemes and design.

Even in Annihilation: Conquest he finally comes around and believes that humanity as organic lifeforms definitely has its uses contrary to what he used to believe, and he even believes that techno-organic lifeforms are far more superior than purely technological beings (the former being his end-goal in regards to what wants to become). If anything, going by Ultron's mentality, it should be the reverse: he starts out more mechanical and becomes more techno-organic (i.e. humanoid) by the end of the movie.

As for the productions shots, it may or may not be Ultron, but it's definitely very heavily Ultron-inspired. Anyone who's read Annihilation: Conquest should easily recognize that it's far closer to Ultron's design than a Hydra Dreadnought.

1) I havent read a comic with Ultron in it in years, so I conceed I am extremely rusty on the subject. But obviously he is emotionally rooted and driven by his obssession with Pym. No doubt!

2) What I said wasnt intended as canon history. More of a take on how it could be done amd admittedly, I ran with it. Its just a what if scenaro. Its just excitement over q great character.

3) I see a big difference between emotion and humanity. Emotion is an ability to feel the external within yourself. Humanity is the ability to connect with it. Its simply a point of view. In my eyes Ultron does lose his humanity. Instead of being a charitable and forgiving being, he becomes frustrated and obssessive. Rather than connect with others, he chooses to dominate and subdue them. In my eyes he turns his back on everything that could possibly make him human. A good example is Data from Star Trek. Its the longing and intention to do right and connect with others that is the underlying definition of humanity. Not human kind, but more what binds us together. Ultron destroys through his obssession. He is psychotic, and through his actions aheds his human qualities. He may act human, with emotions and longings and ambitions, but the violent and cruel nature that he displays destroys the fabric of what he began as.

Its just a point of view, my friend.

But I do agree with your points. I think its how you look at it. Im sure bad guys dont percieve themselves as evil
Not to keep jumping universes, but Vader believed he was preserving peace for the galaxy by mudering innocents. He felt his view of order was necessary for the greater good.
Frustrated and obsessive are still human emotions. Ultron's actions as he evolves are more and more driven by emotions, mainly hatred. He even attempts to build himself a mate in the comics.