Assassin's Creed: Revelations

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Left: Altair-------Right: Fatburn & old Ezio (Really hate that new design :()


ezio is the man !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:rock:rock:rock :rock :rock
Not sure, but in that picture Ezio may have around 55 years or so (or more :dunno)..but who knows.

Maybe we'll relieve the previous years of the Ottoman Golden age or the begining of that age, but it always depends on the "actual" age is in that Ezio's picture...which we do'nt know for sure
Yeah and 55 is extremely old for that time period.
Yeah and 55 is extremely old for that time period.

life expectancy was lower at that time.. but Ezio was'nt an ordinary guy either .

Uncle Mario was there in Brotherhood jumping and climbing buildings as a young man. right?? :rotfl

Lol did you say fatburn ?

Yeah! Fatburn Ezio powaaaaa!!!
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life expectancy was lower at that time.. but Ezio was'nt an ordinary guy either .:rotfl

Well yes average was much lower but most died very young skewing the statistic. If they lived into adulthood living into 50s was normal but would be equivalent of 70-80 year old today.
Yes!!! It's Ezio again. I am really glad they went with him instead of those speculated French Revolution and Civil War.

Ezio might be old but he will still be the ladies' man and will kick arse for sure.

Love his new costume too. Like a more subdue and mature version of his usually flamboyant costumes.

I can't believe not more people are more enthusiastic about Ezio. I mean he basically saved the franchise. If AC2 has a boring character like Altair, it would have died an early dead.

I am not too keen of Altair honestly but hopefully this game will make him a lot more interesting.
Confirmed by Ubisoft that this is the last chapter in the Ezio trilogy but i hope they continue after this.I kinda hoped they would make a game with Altair before the last chapter with Ezio like Konami did with the Metal Gear saga,build up the anticipation about everything.
Confirmed by Ubisoft that this is the last chapter in the Ezio trilogy but i hope they continue after this.I kinda hoped they would make a game with Altair before the last chapter with Ezio like Konami did with the Metal Gear saga,build up the anticipation about everything.

Yes, this is the last chapter in the Ezio Trilogy, and it seems that the gameplay will be similar to Brotherhood (confirmed)... then AC3 will be released (scheduled for 2012) but they are working right now on both games at the same time :monkey1
keep in mind that desmond went into a coma and he is stuck in memory land at the end of brotherhood, so it was a given that ezio would return in some for before the end.
and with the god(if you will) still apparently around even so the first one we saw, said that she was the last, who knows what revelations will come about and also speculations are that altair used the apple to become immortal so he may appear and help out ezio.

and what about the awesome subject 16 giving us hints in the last game that desmond might be his father... a big wtf moment during the awesome 16 memories, someting that also hints to some sort of time paradox/ traveling
More info guys:

Is in spanish but I'll translate the most relevant things:

We'll play as an older Ezio (more than 50 years old :(), Desmond (present) and of course Altair :yess::yess:

Desmond gameplay will focus more on solving puzzles than in previous games, accompanying the main story of Ezio, Desmond can access to the "lost memories" in a new "backup" Animus system. (black room)
As Desmond Miles, we'll use the Animus to revive the lives of both ancestors: Ezio & Altair, however, Ezio can do the same in this game, reliving the adventures of Altair in the area. (!!¿¿??!!)

Ezio wil visit:
-Constantinople: four districts: Constantine, Beyazid, Imperial & Galata
-Turkey: The region of capadoccia (Anatolia nowadays)
More places: "coming soon"
New Update 23-may: Greek island of Rhodes

Ezio will have a new device, a hook that will allow you to move more quickly through the city,(showed in picture), firing into the roof to scale rapidly. Ubisoft says that, this can accelerate the Ezio's movement in the game around 30%, and also, can be used as a weapon to end combos (BAA Style :rotfl)

His "eagle eye" will be improved, displaying more info of the Highlight character and we even be able to predict where the enemy will go.

The player can not only change the fisical appearance (outfit) but also to make weapons and form Guilds.
Ezio can make bombs of different types, (up to 300 different, according to Ubisoft...)

The brotherhood of Assassins is still there, but now you can increase your level to 15 (in The Brotherhood was up to 10). The war to liberate parts of the domain over the Templars is more complex now, Borgia towers have been replaced by a larger number of buildings controlled by the Templars, the player will have the option of attacking those enemy hideouts, taking the control and improving the facilities and buildings, and send troops to defend them when they are attacked or assign a hired Assassin to protect those facilities.

The side quests will disappear in favor of other "random events" (RDR¿¿?? :dunno )

Multiplayer has been confirmed, pretty similar but improved from AC Brotherhood,and will have new features like the ability to configure your character with their own weapons, and create clans with other players.

Facial animation technology has been changed and improved, and now, they are using a similar Multi-cam system technology that Rockstar used in L.A Noire. :yess::yess::yess:

AC Revelations will be released: November 2011(PS3, 360, PC)


EDIT: Added more info
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Thanks for the info!!! Ezio might be old but he will still be a badarse ladies man I am sure.

I am glad about the new random event. The side quests are boring too me and mostly predictable. Random event sounds like a great way to mix things up. That is actually one feature I really like a lot from RDR.
Added new info and Scans from Gameinformer










As I thought one of the secondary characters will be a young 17 years suleiman,(or soliman 1494-1566),therefore we'll relive the previous moments (and beginnings??) of the "Golden age" of the Ottoman Empire.

Suleiman became sultan (emperor) in 1520 and since then, "the golden age" of the Ottoman Empire and conquests began .. and ended with his death in 1566

Ezio was born in 1459 and Suleiman in 1494, if Suleiman has 17 years old in AC REVELATIONS (according Gameinformer) then Ezio Auditore has: 52 years in this game
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For sure. But how many other questions(like the ones from that GI article) will be answered?

Here's hoping...

I think that Revelations will set more questions (new) than answers .. and most of them will be answered on AC3 (Ubisoft is working on both games right now according some reliable sources :monkey1)