Asmus Toys: Witch-king figure

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I could be wrong, but in the last shot of the body it looks like they added a bit of length to the thighs, might be another reason for the electrical tape if that's the case. Still weird, but as long as the body holds poses I'm not too worried about it.

Those are still just electrical tape... to prevent Witch-king falls to his knees before Eowyn.
Hmmmm. Intersting range of responses so far.

Personally I don't mind the tape if it makes the figure better and isn't something I have to worry about replacing.

I will withhlold judgement until mine arrives. I wouldn't expect Hot Toys quality but I do expect it to be better than Sideshows old Lord of the Ring line.
That electrical tape IS very concerning, especially for the price point.
Is anybody able to speak with ASMUS and get a definitive answer as to why this was done?
Its very VERY dodgy. Im not happy i paid $200 total inc s/h for this kind of quality. :mad:
That electrical tape IS very concerning, especially for the price point.
Is anybody able to speak with ASMUS and get a definitive answer as to why this was done?
Its very VERY dodgy. Im not happy i paid $200 total inc s/h for this kind of quality. :mad:

I don't know. I have received plenty of Sideshow figures and even a few Hot Toys figures throughout the years that could have benefited from some taped joints. As long as its making the figure better and isn't damaging it I don't have a problem with it but I can totally see why some do. If it means he can stand without falling over I'll take it.
I just don't get it, after all the rave reviews regarding the Kaustic Plastic body.

My one concern is that adhesive tapes can actually harm figures. Tapes melt and leave gooey/sticky residue particularly at high humidity. While the tape itself might be vinyl, the adhesive could also cause chemical reaction to the figure's material.

That's an awful shortcut on ASMUS' part.

wow that's incredible!
Not much different then Enterbay's taping of the knees of the Men in Black figures. My guess is they received there order of bodies and under normal conditions they would have passed as good enough but because of the heavy weight of all the metal being used they found they needed extra support. Committed to the purchase and unable to dump a complete run of bodies opted to modify these. Not the best solution but I don't blame them for trying to make these work. Also the use of black plastic may have thrown off the specs. At least it was taken care of before they shipped. Other companies say screw it and ship the floppy bodies and sort it out if some one makes a return.

Just my guess. I personally dont care. Most of the time I do something similar anyway.
The base kp is pretty top heavy to start so I an understand the taping, though I do have concerns over time with residue, in other news mine is shipping
Makes sense, especially since the figure's helmet must also be very heavy and difficult to balance weight given its shape and design.

I might just try to find something better to support the joints then.
Makes sense, especially since the figure's helmet must also be very heavy and difficult to balance weight given its shape and design.

I might just try to find something better to support the joints then.

I have a couple of kp2's with just resin armour and they both struggle at the knee joints, not horrible but could b better
I just don't get it, after all the rave reviews regarding the Kaustic Plastic body.

My one concern is that adhesive tapes can actually harm figures. Tapes melt and leave gooey/sticky residue particularly at high humidity. While the tape itself might be vinyl, the adhesive could also cause chemical reaction to the figure's material.

That's an awful shortcut on ASMUS' part.

That's a good point. Has anyone e-mailed ASMUS and asked for an explanation?
That's a good point. Has anyone e-mailed ASMUS and asked for an explanation?

My guess is robbiethepainter is probabyl correct. It makes sense. Bodies arrive and they all of the sudden realize there is just too much flop at the knees and they search for a quick and easy solution that won't slow down the ship out too much.

I wonder what it cost to have someone individually tape 1,000 plus bodies. Also if they were already boxed before they realized the problem then you are talking about unboxing and undressing all those figures to add the tape and repackage. While it is a little worrisome as to what the tape might do over time it is nice to see that they might have been proactive in trying to prevent floppy figures from reaching their customers and forcing the customers to do it themselves. I think it bodes well for the future and it might mean that they try to prevent the floppy knees on the future bodies.
My guess is robbiethepainter is probabyl correct. It makes sense. Bodies arrive and they all of the sudden realize there is just too much flop at the knees and they search for a quick and easy solution that won't slow down the ship out too much.

I wonder what it cost to have someone individually tape 1,000 plus bodies. Also if they were already boxed before they realized the problem then you are talking about unboxing and undressing all those figures to add the tape and repackage. While it is a little worrisome as to what the tape might do over time it is nice to see that they might have been proactive in trying to prevent floppy figures from reaching their customers and forcing the customers to do it themselves. I think it bodes well for the future and it might mean that they try to prevent the floppy knees on the future bodies.

Well since it was supposed to be out in June, I'm going to say...3 months.

Well, like someone said I hope the tape doesn't cause any problems in the future.
I hope so too. The price point right now is good for what we are getting in my opinion but if I have to factor in buying another body you are getting into the $200 plus range.
I'd agree with Robbi also... probably a solution to a body that wasn't quite right for the release. Electrical tape is pretty stout stuff so it's unlikely you're going to have any issues with it over time... I mean I was replacing light fixtures in my house (which is over 30 years old) and the electrical tape used then had not broken down even after all that time.

As for the KP bodies, they do tend to have weak knees... not generally an issue for most figures, but anything with significant weight would certainly cause problems.