Apple iPhone - Who's getting one...

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Fu, do you use the internet function on the Q? I just try to check and it takes hours. I usually just end up calling. Except that the number is 777-film and the letters associated with each number aren't on the Q since is has a full keyboard. It's just little things like that which are frustrating.
Wow, I just heard that Apple employees are getting a free iphone. I work for Apple and hadn't even heard that but my friend just sent me an e-mail saying he just read that Apple is giving their employees one. Guess there are perks to being an employee after all! :rock

I've never even owned a cellphone so I've just taken my first step into a larger world. Guess I better start looking into a Cingular plan.:D
Good to know but Apple is still advertising Cingular so are they just owned by AT&T and keeping the name?
dekadentdave said:
Good to know but Apple is still advertising Cingular so are they just owned by AT&T and keeping the name?
They merged, some parts are cingular some parts are at&t. Wait until you see the bill, its a min of $80 for service and a two year contract. Unless they have some sort of employee plan which they use to do for retailers and people like that , and if so it should be about half that or more.
holy crap dave how have you never had a cellphone before? :confused:
Hey, Dave. I worked for Apple a few years back myself. And my older sis was there for 10 years!

I'm getting one through my old contacts there (hopefully) - through the Friends & Family program.

But I will have to wait til they become available to the program.

nash said:
holy crap dave how have you never had a cellphone before? :confused:

Well, to tell you the truth, I hate phones. I hate talking on the phone. Never liked cellphones. Especially people who drive and talk on cellphones. Oh, they are great for emergency situations and such but I've never been important enough to get ahold of. I value my anonymity and my time too much to waste on expensive technology I don't need. I had zero interest in the iphone but seeing as how I'm getting one for free, well, why not? And I can't sell it because of Apple's employee policy. So, I'm sort of stuck with it. Funny how they give them out to employees. Gives AT&T an advantage, doesn't it? Suddenly they have 3 million new customers contracted exclusively for 2 years. So there really isn't somethin for nothin. Somebody's getting kick-backs. Always.
Watching the news last night and saw people actually started lining up days in advance to buy the iPhone - PS3/Wii style. That just blows my mind. Lining up to buy a phone ... :rotfl

I don't see the need for all the bells and whistles on the phone. It only has 2 gigs for picture and MP3 storage (or 4 gigs for the larger, more expensive model). That's next to useless if you plan to use it for that function. Tech reviewers have already complained that the internet access is slow - although they blame Cingular's networks. But they are your only provider option so you are stuck with "hoping" they improve the performance.Plus, even with the cheapest plan, you will still be spending close to 2 grand over the course of your contract on top of the 500 to 600 they charge you for the phone. What the hell ever happened to getting the phone for free with these 2 year contracts !?!?

P.S. If the iPhone scratches as easily as the iPod does ... well, you better be sure to buy a giant carrying case and handle that expensive toy with micro fiber gloves :D ... because I bet you Apple will charge an arm and a leg to replace scratched touch screens.
I've been reading about the iPhone ever since it was announced, the features are amazing and all of the commercials I've seen lately just blow me away. But the main thing that bothers me is the lack of memory, only 8 Gigs for $600? I'm of the mind that for that price they could've packed at least 20 or 30 Gigs in there, which I'm sure they'll do with later versions. I own a 80 Gig Video iPod and I have Videos and Tons of music in it and I know I'd like to have quite a few things on a device like the iPhone, but would fill it up way too fast. Maybe down the line when the price drops and they add more drive space I'll get one.
Naw, too rich for my blood. Just paid a bunch of money off to have money for comic-con. No way I'm wasting that on a applephone.
I'll probably get one a few generations down the road. Not in any hurry at the moment to get one. The kids will insist on one, me I would rather not be able to be contacted all the time.
I do not and will not purchase a cell phone. I am nobodys slave, lackey or errand boy who needs to be shackled 24/7/365. If I want to talk to anyone I have a regular old fashioned telephone in my home for that purpose. I can think of one single time in the last five years in which a cell phone would have come in useful in a car accident. Other than that I strongly suspect that 99.9% of conversations are completely and utterly a waste of time and go something like this

"Betty, its me at the 7-11. What size soda did you want?"


"Did you see that top she was wearing in History class? Gross!!!"


"I'm in the hardware store... which store in the mall are you in?"

Really important stuff.

No thank you. Its all hype and modern waste disguised as hip essentials.
DouglasMcc said:
Watching the news last night and saw people actually started lining up days in advance to buy the iPhone - PS3/Wii style. That just blows my mind. Lining up to buy a phone ... :rotfl

I don't see the need for all the bells and whistles on the phone. It only has 2 gigs for picture and MP3 storage (or 4 gigs for the larger, more expensive model). That's next to useless if you plan to use it for that function. Tech reviewers have already complained that the internet access is slow - although they blame Cingular's networks. But they are your only provider option so you are stuck with "hoping" they improve the performance.Plus, even with the cheapest plan, you will still be spending close to 2 grand over the course of your contract on top of the 500 to 600 they charge you for the phone. What the hell ever happened to getting the phone for free with these 2 year contracts !?!?

P.S. If the iPhone scratches as easily as the iPod does ... well, you better be sure to buy a giant carrying case and handle that expensive toy with micro fiber gloves :D ... because I bet you Apple will charge an arm and a leg to replace scratched touch screens.

People are going crazy. But the Iphone is a nice thing. But I think the back is aluminum and then front is some kind of glass, so while it has a front similar to the Ipod, the back is more durable like the Ipod Nano.

I'd get one but it's too expensive. I'm already technically on an AT&T plan anyway with Cingular. But I doubt that it would transfer that plan over.
Already with ATT - Already need to renew my 2 yr - I'm a Mac Freak - Haven't had new 'ipod' in 3 years - iPhone will be mine.

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