Any chance of a Sideshow Darth Vader Apprentice figure?

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why do you guys like this character so much?

hes boring, has no character, and just looks like that dancing boy from that dancing boy movie. Also he is somehow as or more powerful than maul (techincally),vader, and palpatine?

You cant put a character that powerful into a story line and then have him never mentioned in any of the movies ever again. lazy writing and a glitchy game. :D

I feel it went well. The ended was very satisfying to me. He's insanely important to the universe, but I'd agree he probably would have been mentioned in later stories, but only like 4 people knew of his heroism. The best I can describe without giving up anything about the plot.
why do you guys like this character so much?

hes boring, has no character, and just looks like that dancing boy from that dancing boy movie. Also he is somehow as or more powerful than maul (techincally),vader, and palpatine?

You cant put a character that powerful into a story line and then have him never mentioned in any of the movies ever again. lazy writing and a glitchy game. :D


Dude, its EU, they can pretty much put what ever they want. If you get into the whole story behind the apprentice. He is supposed to be what Luke would have been if he would have joined Vader. (Like I said, what ever they want :D)
why do you guys like this character so much?

hes boring, has no character, and just looks like that dancing boy from that dancing boy movie. Also he is somehow as or more powerful than maul (techincally),vader, and palpatine?

You cant put a character that powerful into a story line and then have him never mentioned in any of the movies ever again. lazy writing and a glitchy game. :D


the character design (rexus prime costume) is nice and something id like to own in 1/6 scale.. granted he may be boring/and have no character, (I cant say,I haven't played the game) but maul was no bowl of chatty goodness either:lol.
I can like what I want...and I like the Apprentice...And therefore would like a figure of him...
I Finally got the game and its KICK ASS!!!!!!!..SICK STORY LINE,SICK CHARCTERS,SICK GAME,SICK COSTUMES,SICK GRAPHICS,SICK FORCE POWERS in a nutshell FRICKIN SICK!!!!!! so gonna make the other costumes in the game,DARTH REVAN from KOTOR is a must on my list!! and a few more others from both games then gonna try out a few of my own original designs..what can i say i love star wars..was one of the best memories of me childhood,lol..actually i watched the movies in reverse order RETURN OF THE JEDI being the first,lol, wanted to be a jedi,lol..heh who dosen't!!
Can't wait for mine in the Jedi Adventure robes Jedi Kashan!

If you haven't played, play it. If for nothing else, the story is great and this character is insanely important to the Star Wars Galaxy if you play it all the way through. He's vital to several elements in the movies, so I feel he deserves a place in my collection too.
i'd say if Sideshow made an Asajj figure, then chances of making an Apprentice/Starkiller figure are about even.

and i'd rather have a Komari Vosa figure than either of those.
Vaporizer store
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You cant put a character that powerful into a story line and then have him never mentioned in any of the movies ever again. lazy writing and a glitchy game. :D


The problem there is that with Star Wars, they're trying to fill in all the gaps as much as possible and when they do that, people like Lucas want to then "correct" their previous work with these new additions.

A lot of the EU has been incorporated into canon in the previous years by Lucas, here's a few big ones off the top of my head:

-Shadows of the Empire and its characters/vehicles
-The Clone Wars Cartoon Series
-The Force Unleashed
-Coruscant (a name used for a LONG time in the EU and then officially recognized in the PT)
-Garm Bel Iblis (longtime Rebel leader used in EU and finally recognized thanks to FU)

I almost think this is the direction Lucas wants the Jedi to go...and actually I agree with him. The Jedi should basically be one-man armies and in the EU novels & some of the prequels they are often depicted taking on waves of enemies. I think the Force Unleashed depicted how the Jedi SHOULD be in a much more realistic light.

This along the lines of how the Jedi were in the PT and how Lucas wanted to redo the ANH fight between Vader and Kenobi with them flipping around.
why do you guys like this character so much?

hes boring, has no character, and just looks like that dancing boy from that dancing boy movie. Also he is somehow as or more powerful than maul (techincally),vader, and palpatine?

You cant put a character that powerful into a story line and then have him never mentioned in any of the movies ever again. lazy writing and a glitchy game. :D


That's your opinion and you're certainly entitled to it. I happened to think the game was fantastic. As for Vader's apprentice being more powerful than Maul, Obi-Wan beat him as an apprentice so that isn't saying much considering Qui-Gon wasn't a very good Jedi (see here) and the apprentice was trained by Vader. As for Vader, we all know that at this point in his life, he still lets his anger and his ego get the best of him so he, theoretically beats himself :)naughty)....

maddogjwn13 nailed it. Only a handfull of people knew of his existence. Vader and Palpatine (but they wouldn't mention him), Kota, Leia, Bail Organa and Juno. But why would the last four even mention him anyway? Mentioning him could lead Vader and the Emperor to finding them. By ANH, 30 years later, he'd be all but forgotten but his cause would live on. Kota has already fallen to Vader at this point, Juno's most likely vanished, Bail dies when Alderaan is blown up and Leia could potentially have forgotten his name. Can you tell me the name of the man who sparked the Vietnam war without looking it up?

As for the game being glitchy, I saw the review on G4. They called it glitchy as well (though I suspect they played the 360 version). My friend passed it up based on that review alone. However, playing it on the PS3, I found what they called glitches, an actual learning curve. By the end of the game, it was fine. Your comment about the apprentice being more powerful than Palpatine leads me to believe you haven't even played the game all the way through. Did you even do that or are you going around bashing this game from hearsay?
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maddogjwn13 nailed it. Only a handfull of people knew of his existence. Vader and Palpatine (but they wouldn't mention him), Kota, Leia, Bail Organa and Juno. But why would the last four even mention him anyway? Mentioning him could lead Vader and the Emperor to finding them. By ANH, 30 years later, he'd be all but forgotten but his cause would live on. Kota has already fallen to Vader at this point, Juno's most likely vanished, Bail dies when Alderaan is blown up and Leia could potentially have forgotten his name. Can you tell me the name of the man who sparked the Vietnam war without looking it up?

nam, you are mistaken here. There is only a 18 years gap between ROTS and ANH. According to SW databank, Starkiller born just before Order 66 and his first mission was at the age of 15. Let´s suppose he is 16 years old when he fights Vader and the Emperor, so the game should take place at 2 BBY. If he is so vital to the foundation of the Rebellion at least Leia should remember him.
Sadly, you'll see a PF of this ********* before any rendition of Amanaman, Yakface, or Zuckuss.
nam, you are mistaken here. There is only a 18 years gap between ROTS and ANH. According to SW databank, Starkiller born just before Order 66 and his first mission was at the age of 15. Let´s suppose he is 16 years old when he fights Vader and the Emperor, so the game should take place at 2 BBY. If he is so vital to the foundation of the Rebellion at least Leia should remember him.

Taking your time line into consideration (even though he looked and behaved a hell of a lot older than 16), would Leia remember the situation? Absolutely. Remembering him, eh, potentially. His name? Not so likely. To put your theory to the test, I asked several of my friends (we're all in our 30's) a simple question utilizing an equal, 18 year gap. "What was the name of the general in charge of U.S. Forces during the first Gulf War?" Most, especially the younger ones said General Colin Powell. This isn't the case, it was Gen. Schwarzkopf aka "Stormin' Norman."

It's likely, given the results I received and considering the importance of her profession, Leia would've only heard mention of him in passing, which we actually SEE in the cinematic at the end of the game. Additionally, Leia was never in his physical presence. Remember, her image was transmitted through the droid when Vader captured the rebels, adding even more distance between Leia and Vader's apprentice. Let's not forget that the rebel alliance was technically formed on Coruscant during the events of ROTS. Though most of the scenes were cut from the final film, that's when Lucas has it start and it's canon considering when TFU happens, Bail already knows Mon Mothma making the apprentice's role that of a key incident after the fact and not the initial factor itself.

Sadly, you'll see a PF of this ********* before any rendition of Amanaman, Yakface, or Zuckuss.

*********? Doesn't Yakface, your avatar, have one hanging on either side of his maw? This character is considerably more relevant than the yawnfest you stated above. With the exception of Zuckuss, the other two were nothing more than insignificant window dressings utilized to simply pack a scene with aliens. Zuckuss (whose droid 4LOM looked way cooler BTW) is only relevant for a single scene, the bounty hunter scene in Empire and had less screen time than the Tonnika Sisters. Regardless, all three have received their appropriate dues as photos on trading cards. The fact that Hasbro even made action figures of them shows how desperate they were to milk every penny they could from the Star Wars franchise.
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Taking your time line into consideration (even though he looked and behaved a hell of a lot older than 16), would Leia remember the situation? Absolutely. Remembering him, eh, potentially. His name? Not so likely. To put your theory to the test, I asked several of my friends (we're all in our 30's) a simple question. "What was the name of the general in charge of U.S. Forces during the first Gulf War?" Most, especially the younger ones said General Colin Powell. This isn't the case, it was Gen. Schwarzkopf aka "Stormin' Norman." It's likely, considering the importance of her profession, Leia would've only heard mention of him in passing, which we actually SEE in the cinematic at the end of the game. Additionally, Leia was never in his physical presence. Remember, her image was transmitted through the droid when Vader captured the rebels, adding even more distance between Leia and Vader's apprentice.

Yes, he looks like older, more than 20 years old if you ask me, but they can´t make him older than 18 because that´s when ANH takes place (18 years after he was born). Which lead us to the question of how a 16-18 years old guy can be so powerful. On the other hand, if Starkiller is so vital for the Rebellion he should be remembered even for those who were not physically there, in other words, he should be an icon of the Rebellion and well known by every Rebel.

And here is where the problem lies. This game gives itself too much importance, the EU shouldn´t create a character of such relevance every time they want to explain or expand some story plots because then you find he isn´t mentioned in the films.
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Yes, he looks like older, more than 20 years old if you ask me, but they can´t make him older than 18 because that´s when ANH takes place (18 years after he was born). Which lead us to the question of how a 16-18 years old guy can be so powerful. On the other hand, if Starkiller is so vital for the Rebellion he should be remembered even for those who were not physically there, in other words, he should be an icon of the Rebellion and well known by every Rebel.

And here is where the problem lies. This game gives itself too much importance, the EU shouldn´t create a character of such relevance every time they want to explain or expand some story plots because then you find he isn´t mentioned in the films.

For the life of me, I can't remember hearing reference to Mace Windu (more powerful than Yoda), or even Qui-Gon, Obi-Wan's master mentioned in the last three films. When they mention the Clone Wars, certainly they'd mention Darth Sidious and Darth Tyranus, wouldn't they? Or even Jango Fett who was responsible for dumping his DNA on the Kaminoans to produce the clones, right? Or the onslaught of millions of droid armies? Is that why everyone hates droids? What about Mon Mothma? She doesn't say a word about Padme Amidala or Bail Organa's sacrifice at the Death Star attack briefing, nor the attack on Endor. No. Truth of the matter is, GL didn't even have TESB or ROTJ committed to paper when he'd finished ANH. The good news is that yes, it is entirely plausible that TFU could've happened and it fits right in where it should. Stop over criticizing the damn game and enjoy it for the great Star Wars experience it is. I HAD A BLAST PLAYING IT TWICE IN A ROW! That's what's important to me and the rest of us who enjoyed it. This is why we'd love to have 12" action figures to stick in our collection so we can reminisce which is why anyone who's into it for their love of Star Wars, buys these things.

People who hate the EU always try to punch holes in it. I'm not ^^^^^ing about The Ewok Adventures (either of them). Why not give it a rest. You like it, fine. You don't, go toss on a NIN album and have a good cry about it. Whether you like it or not, the Star Wars universe DOES exist outside of the OT, 90% of the EU material was made official canon by GL himself (he approves the plot of every novel, comic, game, etc), and is further being made cannon every Friday night on Cartoon Network and a live-action TV series that's in the works.

Here's some funny irony that pretty much describes most of the people who hate the PT and the EU. A self proclaimed "Star Wars Purist" actually picketed the release of the Special Editions of the OT in the 90's, boycotted their many DVD releases and even picketed the PT films and boycotted their follow-up DVD releases. Hardcore, right? Hardly. When GL decided to release the unaltered versions of the films, he passed on them because they weren't 16x9 anamorphic widescreen...:rolleyes:
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