ANH Luke

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I can't wait to order this Luke. I'll be on bright and early for this one for sure!
All those complaining about "another Luke figure" do us all a favor and stay off the site on the 18th so you don't muck it up for those of us who do want it!
LOL...j/k...or am I? Nah I am...or maybe not!

I just hope the paint apps on the body match with his face and neck. He has an open v-neck so it would be very noticable. It will look pretty bad if it turns out like Leia's hands.
I can't wait to order this Luke. I'll be on bright and early for this one for sure!
All those complaining about "another Luke figure" do us all a favor and stay off the site on the 18th so you don't muck it up for those of us who do want it!
LOL...j/k...or am I? Nah I am...or maybe not!


You and the people like you are the reason why we don't have a Vader.

C'mon guys you have to be a little pissed about this.Another Luke,
Dude, I didn't expect this guy for a long time, what with Bespin Luke just having arrived.

I haven't read through the comments yet, but The Luke head is my sculpt. He was actually a lot of fun to make, I hope you guys like it. See, what did I tell you...2007 was the year of LUCASFILM for me. :D

I think the outfit looks awesome! I had yet to see this prototype,
Dude, I didn't expect this guy for a long time, what with Bespin Luke just having arrived.

I haven't read through the comments yet, but The Luke head is my sculpt. He was actually a lot of fun to make, I hope you guys like it. See, what did I tell you...2007 was the year of LUCASFILM for me. :D

I think the outfit looks awesome! I had yet to see this prototype,

Well, that seals it for me, this figure should be gold!
You guys have been saying this for two years.C'mon man...wake up!

SS is Pimping you guys around,and all you can say is ahh...gee..well at least your pretty much garanteed no more Luke's.

No offense to you DA,but jeezus....

I have not been saying that for years. In fact I have remained passive as always because of one simple fact. I make figures for a LIVING, B*TCH! :lol

It's not an easy task, finding a cheap and effective way of creating an armored character. And Vader is a tough custom to make, much harder and detail oriented than say Luke or Han. So if it is hard for me to wrap my head around, imagine how tough it would be for SSC. They have been working on it, and I would rather they take the time to do it right than to release a crap figure for us... just to appease the ignorant fanboys among us that must have what they want NOW.

SSC is not "pimping" anyone around. They are out to make figures, and if they have to release anther Luke to help fund the R&D necessary to make Vader, Boba and the troops.... so be it.

I'd rather be patient and see how nice it comes out... whenever the Hell it does. :moon
Dude, I didn't expect this guy for a long time, what with Bespin Luke just having arrived.

I haven't read through the comments yet, but The Luke head is my sculpt. He was actually a lot of fun to make, I hope you guys like it. See, what did I tell you...2007 was the year of LUCASFILM for me. :D

I think the outfit looks awesome! I had yet to see this prototype,

:bow :bow

Trevor, I think I may just worship you. :rotfl Great work man. Can't wait to get this ordered.
Jedi Luke, Yavin Luke, Bespin Luke and coming soon...ANH Luke. Well,that should cover up all the luke..wait the minute, we haven't got x-wing Luke, hoth luke yet :eek:

For some reason, I don't see those 2 Lukes coming out that soon. All the Lukes we've gotten so far have gotten basic outfits compared to all the crap/kibble they've got put on the X-Wing pilot version and that's not counting which version to use. The Hoth outfits are layered and can't be crapped out because he would run the risk of looking like the Staypuff Marshmellow Luke. I think the intricasies of the outfits will keep these two from coming out right away and even then I think the X-Wing version would be next. Save for the accessories that could be made seperately, this (Tattoine version) was a logical choice and a quick money maker for Sideshow.
Dude, I didn't expect this guy for a long time, what with Bespin Luke just having arrived.

I haven't read through the comments yet, but The Luke head is my sculpt. He was actually a lot of fun to make, I hope you guys like it. See, what did I tell you...2007 was the year of LUCASFILM for me. :D

I think the outfit looks awesome! I had yet to see this prototype,

I knew it was yours... Had to be. Your work is instantly recognizable, Andy was that way as well. Your style is just easy to pick out of a lineup. Kind of the way you can tell a Les paint app from mine, Darren's or Mike.

Can't wait to see better pics. :rock
Well, this was the Luke I have been waiting for, so I do not mind a 1:6 Farm Luke...I mean, with ANH, Leia, Ben AND Han, SS wasn't going to show some ANH Luke love?

Looks good to me....I hope we get an exciting exclusive, cause the last couple have sucked.

Now, how about a damn VADER, more delays. No more excuses.
Yeah laugh it fuzzball.

Because,this whole three Luke's in two years thing is laughable.

Get this, don't buy the ones you don't want. I know it's a hard concept to grasp.

I like Metallica, but sure as hell didn't buy there last 3 albums.

Maybe Medicom will make a Pink Stormtrooper for you.
Great to hear we're getting another sculpt from you Trevor!

And Chavez, seriously dude. Just because your unhappy doesn't mean the rest of us are. I had one more Luke figure I really wanted, now I'll have him and its all good.
I have not been saying that for years. In fact I have remained passive as always because of one simple fact. I make figures for a LIVING, B*TCH! :lol

It's not an easy task, finding a cheap and effective way of creating an armored character. And Vader is a tough custom to make, much harder and detail oriented than say Luke or Han. So if it is hard for me to wrap my head around, imagine how tough it would be for SSC. They have been working on it, and I would rather they take the time to do it right than to release a crap figure for us... just to appease the ignorant fanboys among us that must have what they want NOW.

SSC is not "pimping" anyone around. They are out to make figures, and if they have to release anther Luke to help fund the R&D necessary to make Vader, Boba and the troops.... so be it.

I'd rather be patient and see how nice it comes out... whenever the Hell it does. :moon

Dude...Did you just call me a B*tch?

It is about time! I hope to hell he comes with a Stormtrooper Blaster!
Ok, we get it, you're pissed.

LOL Gotta love it! Once I found out about SSC and their STAR WARS line I was hooked. My 1st figure was Jedi Luke, I got him at a little newstand at a mall in NH. I was on vacation, I hadn't seen the figures anywhere in MA where I live I was on vacation and had the cash, I almost passed on the figure but my twin brother said "You know you'll never find them any where we live, so get it" I did and to my surprise it was only around $40. I've been hooked ever since!
Way to go SSC...this looks wicked awesome!