ANH Luke

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Even with the small pic, it looks just like Hamill in the "staring at the horizon" scene to me. Can't wait for the full pics, I think this is gonna be a killer sculpt.

I actually find it more stern, feels more like "I want to learn the way of the force and become a Jedi like my father." Either look will be great, and I have the utmost confidence in how it'll look, but the image quality of the pic does allow viewers to see other faces in it because some of Hammil's defining traits are lost. I know, I'm an image nerd.
I want a Biggs darklighter out of left field now from the deleted ep4 scene.
I would buy that in a second.

And I'd buy another one 2 seconds after you did! Back when FAO offered them I bought a couple Biggs and Wedge 2 packs to custom Darklighter from that scene. I've read where Lucas cuts it out because it doesn't "flow" the progression of characters but even that small reference adds so much to Luke in Star Wars. If the Original Trilogy was about leaving home on a journey, Biggs is a big part of that!
Well those that kept on and on about releasing "core" figures are getting another Luke. :lol

Oh well, at least he looks good. Heck, that pic looks better than the PF.
There really is no winning, with Ben, Leia and Han out, if they had some PT Jedi or aliens or something in between, innevitably some group would have whined that they did so many core ANH heroes and no Luke. It is best to finally offer this version, get it out of the way, and move on.

I hate to say it, but you're right. with my custom lukes, this gives me 6 though! ZOMG. lotsa lukes. well. Bring him on.. I'll get him. not my favorite luke, but still essential!
I want a Biggs darklighter out of left field now from the deleted ep4 scene.
I would buy that in a second.

And I'd buy another one 2 seconds after you did! Back when FAO offered them I bought a couple Biggs and Wedge 2 packs to custom Darklighter from that scene. I've read where Lucas cuts it out because it doesn't "flow" the progression of characters but even that small reference adds so much to Luke in Star Wars. If the Original Trilogy was about leaving home on a journey, Biggs is a big part of that!

Exactly and it makes biggs death so much more potent.

I hope it's in the hi-def versions someday.
It's my least favorite look for Luke of all the films, but this will go great with the other ANH stuff, and I don't dislike it, it's just my least favorite but I'm still all for a nice figural representation of it, which this looks promising to be.
I'm sure it's minor to some people, but having Hasbro's VOTC Luke, it's refreshing to see the cloth quality on the shirt in this image, definitely looks nice and thin and correct for the look of the film.

Exactly and it makes biggs death so much more potent.

I hope it's in the hi-def versions someday.

Yeah, such a waste that it isn't even remastered to basic standards. Those two shots of him left standing alone atop Tosche Station flow well into the twin sunset scene. Remphasizes his "loner" wormie tag, not entirely dorky enough to be left out, but just tolerated enough to take up space. Only Biggs gives 2 ****s and when he's gone gives Han's friendship/mentor to Luke that much more emotional resonance.
Re: A New Hope Luke

Granted it's a teeny little picture, but the face on it bears a striking quality resemblance to ANH Han, could we be in for another Trev? I'd feel good if we are, it doesn't look like any of the previous Luke's in style.

That's what I thought too.... looks like a Trev sculpt to me. Something about the features and hair that gives me that impression.

It looks phenomenal from what I can see, whoever did it. :lol

I know I want one....
Well I would have liked a armored figure but I im more interested in the EMP5 figures so Ill prolly get it
heres hoping we get something unique next time
There's been three luke's in two years already.At this rate we won't see a Vader till next year.Another Luke,give me a break.

SS screwed me twice today!
Yeah, such a waste that it isn't even remastered to basic standards. Those two shots of him left standing alone atop Tosche Station flow well into the twin sunset scene. Remphasizes his "loner" wormie tag, not entirely dorky enough to be left out, but just tolerated enough to take up space. Only Biggs gives 2 ****s and when he's gone gives Han's friendship/mentor to Luke that much more emotional resonance.

Double true.
Well, look at it this way... You are pretty much guaranteed no more Luke figures, except maybe an SDCC exclusive in flight gear. :D

And I have a feeling we will get a nice surprise at ToyFare here in the coming months. At least something armored. At least that is my guess.
Well I guess I will see if I can teach a recitation class and order this at the same time next Friday. Hopefully it will be as easy as Han was a few weeks ago. Well we now have all 4 of the heroes from ANH.
Jedi Luke, Yavin Luke, Bespin Luke and coming soon...ANH Luke. Well,that should cover up all the luke..wait the minute, we haven't got x-wing Luke, hoth luke yet :eek:
Well, look at it this way... You are pretty much guaranteed no more Luke figures, except maybe an SDCC exclusive in flight gear. :D

And I have a feeling we will get a nice surprise at ToyFare here in the coming months. At least something armored. At least that is my guess.

You guys have been saying this for two years.C'mon man...wake up!

SS is Pimping you guys around,and all you can say is ahh...gee..well at least your pretty much garanteed no more Luke's.

No offense to you DA,but jeezus....