A General Chat about Hot Toys

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This is why I will getting prenup should I get married! :D


LOL you a prenuptual agreement here in the UK isnt worth the paper its written on? Its completely at the discretion of the judge in question as to whether its honored or not. Unlike in the US where they are legally binding.
Heres something I think is really impressive about HT.

IMII isn't even in theaters yet, but already we have seen previews for War Machine and Whiplash.

How long does it take for SSC to announce figures for Indiana Jones 4 or the Clone Wars Anakin figure and the like?

HT=ahead of the curve
SSC=playing catch up
This is a good thread!

I haven't seen it before now, I think each toy company should have their own thread really so people can have just a general discussion without some plank screaming about getting back on topic!

Being honest as I've just noticed the thread I only looked at the first page and I'm kinda shocked at all the "too many HT threads" type posts, who cares? Its not like we're gonna run out of space...if you dont like it dont post here!

Anyways I just wanted to throw my two cents in! :)

My current Hot Toys status is: waiting on Blade, trying frantically to find a Wolverine after debating over him for so long I may have missed out altogether :)banghead:banghead) looking forward to seeing how whiplash looks as I've been waiting to see him since the trailer aannnnnnnnndd...

Thats it at the minute! Again, nice thread dude.
Alright heres a question

Back when I was collecting McFarlane figs I always loved the big heavily armoured guys like:

I actually still love this guy I gotta get him out of the attic! :)

Also this one:

I like the style of it, like the guy inside is not all that huge but he's wearing lots of armor in the style of Warhammer type stuff:



Anyways point is I'd love to see some medieval type stuff like this from HT but in the more fantasy style as opposed to realistic like Leonidas or how the Clash of the Titans stuff will no doubt be. I'd really like to see them start their own line to do something along these lines, I know thats probably a total pipe dream but in the interests of general discussion its just something I'd love to see! :)
Some sort of medieval warriors would be cool with some touch of fantasy or something. Could also do warriors from different countries or eras. Vikings, Samurai, Knights, Celtics and so on.
Almost everything HT brings to the table is movie based, which has me wondering about their Marvel line. Is it only going to be movie based items? or will comics be woven in? I personally collect HT stuff because of the connection to the movies and I'm not sure I care otherwise.
I'd love it if Hot Toys went into dark fantasy stuff but unless it's a movie licence, I cannot see it happening.
We will have some Clash of the Titans stuff so I am all stocked for that.

My Top Dream Hot Toys would be:


And this one I know will definitely not happen! :)
Yeah Maximus would be cool in the armor from the beginning of the film...

I think I'd prefer the Immortals than Xerxes though...especially the uber immortal that guy was violent :)
Yeah Maximus would be cool in the armor from the beginning of the film...

I think I'd prefer the Immortals than Xerxes though...especially the uber immortal that guy was violent :)

I just got my Neca 300 figs out of storage last week to take some pics and I was thinking how awesome it would be if Hot Toys made an Immortal!


The armor and masks these guys have look amazing!! Wouldn't be too interested in that über Immortal, but I'd seriously consider buying a regular one!! :rock :rock :rock

As for a license I'm really hoping HT will pick up:


CONAN THE BARBARIAN!!!!!! :rock :rock :rock
I would like for Hot Toys to do more videogame licenses. Metal Gear Solid (no shock there), Splinter Cell, Ninja Gaiden, Arkham Asylum, Call of Duty, Aliens vs Predator, Resistance: Fall of Man. I know other companies have done smaller figures and merchandise of alot of these licenses, but would just love some more 1/6th scale video game stuff from Hot Toys.

Supernatural would be pretty cool also. The outfits wouldnt be too complicated but the amount of accessories and stuff that Sam, Dean and even John could come with...

Conan would make quite an imposing figure on a shelf.

Although theres many licences and figures etc. that I would love to be produced, I hope its when I can actually afford them. I cant sell the other kidney... but I suppose there is my liver, it does grow back after all :D
Theres an almost endless list of things that could be done but never will be, or at least are very unlikely to be! My main grail fig at the minute is Rorschach beyond any doubt, probably next after that would be Mad Max 2 Max, just because his costume is so cool. Actually saw an excellent one in the show your shelves section and meant to ask the owner where he got it but I forgot and now I'll probably never see it again :)

I am a huge videogame fan but for some reason I've never had any interest in figures from games...just me I suppose...maybe if they did some from the new avp I'd bite, but only because its Aliens and Predators, not because of the game! (which I thought was a little wobbly incidentally) :)