12" SS SW Asajj pic

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Andy Bergholtz said:
The difficulty lies mainly in the design, engineering, and fabrication of the costume (and accessories). In other words, everything besides the portrait. ;)

Well the design, engineering and fabrication of each costume is obviously a factor in every figure but since she has half of the costume and accessories (2 simple lightsabers?) as say, the standard Jedi figure, is she going to be half the price?
I'm guessing she'll be sold for $60 regardless of her simplicity compared to the other pieces.

Andy Bergholtz said:
Just because some of the more complicated characters may take a while to come to fruition doesn't mean anyone's "intimidated", lol. The "hard stuff" by nature usually takes a lot more work and R&D, so some of those figures may naturally come later in the line. Like you said it's been about a year now on this line, and Sideshow has already announced 6+ of the most important characters in the entire film franchise, what's wrong with having a little fun now and then with some side characters? I'll admit that a lot of the Sideshow crew are in geeky love with Asajj, we actually think it's a pretty cool addition. And SS is in this for the long haul, I don't understand the rush to get all the major characters on the market. Star Wars has been a cultural phenomenon for 30 years, I don't think the popularity is going to vanish any time soon. :) I personally don't think the pace of the line has been unreasonable...?

Of course the popularity of the SW license isn't going to diminish anytime soon but will your rights to the license? Maybe if I knew for a fact you guys were guaranteed to have the license for enough years to make the brunt of the coolest characters then I wouldn't feel so slighted that you're doing minor EU characters this early along.

I can appreciate you guys have a "geeky love with Asajj" but if that eclipses your love of the film characters then I'm truly shocked.

Granted you say you've tackled 6+ of the most important characters, you haven't necessarily announced any of the coolest. Even Hasbro made (while of far lesser quality) waves of 12" figures that were varied and didn't just do 7 Jedi in a row because it was easiest to do because of the costume similarity.
It would be nice if a Jedi was followed by an alien or an armoured figure.
The line seemed to get stale to many collectors because they each announcement was yet another Jedi followed by another. The fact the Plo Koon prototype is rehashing 75% of the Mace costume is another detail many of us have noticed and gives further credence to my feelings you guys might be leaning more towards profit over quality as the line goes on.

If you guys know for a fact that you can mosey on down the road making any old character you happen to like then all the better but I for one get the impression the SW 12" line from SSC is going to end with lots of great character designs undone while we have a bunch of sub-par EU figures in their place.
Since you know so much about doing business and the SW license why dont you just start you own company and make your own figures. It seems that you have a vast amount of knowledge on the subject. It seems only right that you create a company of your own and show Sideshow how they should be running their company. I so wish you worked for Sideshow, I'm sure they would do much better with you at the helm.
Wow, so cool figures should be made before important ones.

Cool is a opinion.

As for the Plo Koon rehash, please show us a picture of what he wore under the robe. What's that? You can't? For all we know he wore Maces clothes. Hell he may have wore nothing but boots.
Andy Bergholtz said:
edit: It's obvious that you have a sizeable chip on your shoulder about the EU, and that's fine... Just understand that not everyone shares your exact feelings on the subject. Maybe someday Sideshow will be able to produce a product line specifically designed around your personal preferences... But until then I guess you'll just have to deal with one or 2 releases that aren't your cup of tea. ;)

And on a side note.... If you're so convinced that Asajj is soooooo lame and will "struggle" with sales, how exactly does that equate to her being a quick, easy figure "produced to make a buck"?

I thought Sideshow was producing a product line designed around my personal preferences...it's called Star Wars and it consists of 6 movies.

You're missing my point. It's not just that Asajj is so lame, it's that she's a design about as complicated to make as a 12" blue Snaggletooth.
Come to think of it, at least Snaggletooth would require a detailed sculpt and a costume you'd have to make of new materials. Asajj looks like an Art S Buck head painted white with 2 eyebows and some lipstick.

It seems to me from the pics that her dress seems to be made from leftover tunic fabric from Anakin and her upper torso costume is about as basic a design as they come. Throw in 2 simple sabers and a couple of plastic wristbands and possibly plastic neckpiece. There's nothing else she can come with because she was a bare-bones design to begin with. Therefore I think that illustrates how I believe she is being made to "make a quick buck".
At least even an AOTC Padme in the white outfit would require one hell of a headsculpt.

At this point I wouldn't even be surprised to see Asajj sold for $65. She'll at least be $60 I'm sure...

Of course the parade of "Andy, you're so smart" or "Andy, you PWNED Poggle!" comments are sure to come but maybe the fact you guys stopped posting at Rebelscum when you encountered the heat of un-Sideshow biased SW fans just goes to show you're believing your own hype too much by going solely off the intrests of the people here who will buy any and everything you make and not the true fanbase who is going to make this license sink or swim.

Regardless of what the concensus of the smiley rolling SSC-can-do-no-wrong tells you here, take it from someone who was a SW collector decades before SSC started into it: keep making lame EU figures on top of rehashed Jedi costmes on top of production figures that are 15% of the prototype shown at sale and you're going to shoot yourselves in the foot and watch the line slowly fail.

No matter how much crap I get here nor no matter how much you hate my guts or think I'm a jerk, I can honestly say I hope SSC gets it together with this line and makes the best SW 12" figures in history. It's just you have to realize these aren't Freddy Krueger or Highlander figures, they are Star Wars and us hardcore SW fans are the pickiest bastards in all of geekdom. So even though you want to make light of my opinion by saying you're sorry you're not catering to me, you'll soon learn you MUST cater to me because I am the ones who will keep you in business. The hundreds of SSC disciples you have here are not the millions of SW only fans who will pick apart your work and very vocally let it be known when you do something wrong. Hasbro has the luxury of not having to care what the fans truly want but a much smaller internet only company such as yourself does not.

I respect your talents and if they were below average I wouldn't expect as much but SSC could be handling this line in a much bigger and better way in my opinion.
Andy Bergholtz said:
SS is in this for the long haul, I don't understand the rush to get all the major characters on the market. Star Wars has been a cultural phenomenon for 30 years, I don't think the popularity is going to vanish any time soon. :) I personally don't think the pace of the line has been unreasonable...?
I'd just like to get some of the more iconic figures before I'm 50, please. That way I'll still have a few good years to enjoy them before I kick the bucket!

Maybe someday Sideshow will be able to produce a product line specifically designed around your personal preferences...
I don't think the world is ready for a line of designer Snaggletooth's quite yet. :lol
Poggle the Greater said:
Well the design, engineering and fabrication of each costume is obviously a factor in every figure but since she has half of the costume and accessories (2 simple lightsabers?) as say, the standard Jedi figure, is she going to be half the price?...

Half the costume? I'd like a little of whatever you're smokin'. :D If you think a few extra square inches of fabric (ie: a jedi robe) constitutes "twice the costume" and therefore "twice the price" of a figure with a more slim-fitting costume design, than your idea of this kind of production is more skewed than I thought and it's just plain pointless to go on debating this. After all, the 'bulk' of the costume design is the only thing I can possibly imagine that you see as "half" that of the previous releases.... The literal complexity of the costume itself (the number of elements, quality of fabric, layers, trim, details, etc) is every bit as extensive as those previously announced.

The rest of your argument -about which characters are "coolest" and therefore more worthy of being produced- is completely valid (and totally subjective of course), I won't argue that there are zillions of cooler characters yet to be done.... I guess the wait for my 'favorite' characters just doesn't bother me (or most others, evidently) as much as you. Chalk it up to a glass half full vs glass half empty mentality I suppose. :)
Poggle the Greater said:
...Asajj looks like an Art S Buck head painted white with 2 eyebows and some lipstick...

...It seems to me from the pics that her dress seems to be made from leftover tunic fabric from Anakin and her upper torso costume is about as basic a design as they come.Throw in 2 simple sabers and a couple of plastic wristbands and possibly plastic neckpiece...

...the fact you guys stopped posting at Rebelscum when you encountered the heat of un-Sideshow biased SW fans just goes to show you're believing your own hype too much by going solely off the intrests of the people here who will buy any and everything you make and not the true fanbase...

LOL.... Wow, ok... For a while there you almost had a valid argument, but when you start just blatently making things up that you clearly know nothing about, you lost me. I was wrong about the 'chip' on your shoulder, it's the Rock of friggin' Gibraltar.

I give up, you're a genius.. You've got us all figured out, congrats!

Wow, I can't believe those past few comments. I would have thought people would maintain a bit of courtesy and propriety here, but I am not pleased with such unkind and presumptuous comments. I think such remarks are only meant to prove a point and assume dominion over the conversation to turn it to their favor. I find that to be both unproductive and ineffective. Using kindly words will do more for your views than will biting comments and meaningless assumptions. Let's all try to be a little gentler here.

I think the Asajj figure is wonderful, and Andy, please tell whomever made it that I think it is a terrific figure. It doesn't mean much, but I think it's beautifully done--the lines of the face, the cheekbones, the height of the brow--I think it's a thrilling sculpt. Please let them know that for me! Thanks.
I've got the totally subjective "cool" thing going on too. Part of my beef is that so much attention has been paid to the more recent films at the expense of A New Hope and The Empire Strikes Back when it comes to the 12" line. Now that I think of it, is Bespin Han the only 12" figure so far from the first two films,how can that be?

I've seen all the films, but I only watched ANH and TESB repeatedly. After that with the dam Ewoks and all the cutesy stuff added later on to those films and the first 3 eps released later on I was interested enough to watch, to somewhat enjoy but not to really get into like I did with the first two films (which came out when I was 10-14 yrs old or so, that probably tells you something.

I don't mind that all these characters (some that I can only trust you guys that appeared for a few seconds in one of the more recent films), or ones that only exist in other formats are being made, I'm not upset by it, but I do question why so many of them have been announced so early in the line. Make everything, make everyone happy, I'd just like to see some more figures from ANH and TESB in the mix.

Plo Kloon, Asajj, Kit Fisto, I had never know their names or would even make a bet that any of them were actually in a Star Wars film until you guys announced their figures. After seeing them and seeing some of the films again I say "oh, there's that one". It's certainly not the same as getting an X-wing pilot, Han/Luke/Leia or soldiers in Hoth gear (a much cooler IMHO choice than Endor soldiers, but more complicated/expensive I'm sure).

I guess I'm just hoping that in with these 10-second-on-screen wonders that Sideshow has announced recently we might also see some of the lesser characters from the earlier films.

Tarkin, Lando, Rebel starship security, those guys with the crazy helmets that turned on the Death Star ray, X/Y wing pilots, Greedo, Jawas, Sand People/tusken raiders (in the more recent films as well of course).

Then Old Ben, Chewbacca, R2D2, C3PO, ANH Leia, ANH Luke, Yoda, and more
ffl1940 said:
I've got the totally subjective "cool" thing going on too. Part of my beef is that so much attention has been paid to the more recent films at the expense of A New Hope and The Empire Strikes Back when it comes to the 12" line. Now that I think of it, is Bespin Han the only 12" figure so far from the first two films,how can that be?

I've seen all the films, but I only watched ANH and TESB repeatedly. After that with the dam Ewoks and all the cutesy stuff added later on to those films and the first 3 eps released later on I was interested enough to watch, to somewhat enjoy but not to really get into like I did with the first two films (which came out when I was 10-14 yrs old or so, that probably tells you something.

I don't mind that all these characters (some that I can only trust you guys that appeared for a few seconds in one of the more recent films), or ones that only exist in other formats are being made, I'm not upset by it, but I do question why so many of them have been announced so early in the line. Make everything, make everyone happy, I'd just like to see some more figures from ANH and TESB in the mix.

Plo Kloon, Asajj, Kit Fisto, I had never know their names or would even make a bet that any of them were actually in a Star Wars film until you guys announced their figures. After seeing them and seeing some of the films again I say "oh, there's that one". It's certainly not the same as getting an X-wing pilot, Han/Luke/Leia or soldiers in Hoth gear (a much cooler IMHO choice than Endor soldiers, but more complicated/expensive I'm sure).

I guess I'm just hoping that in with these 10-second-on-screen wonders that Sideshow has announced recently we might also see some of the lesser characters from the earlier films.

Tarkin, Lando, Rebel starship security, those guys with the crazy helmets that turned on the Death Star ray, X/Y wing pilots, Greedo, Jawas, Sand People/tusken raiders (in the more recent films as well of course).

Then Old Ben, Chewbacca, R2D2, C3PO, ANH Leia, ANH Luke, Yoda, and more

Wow, whaddaya know.... So that point can be made with tact! :)

Very well put ffl1940, and I agree... In fact, don't tell the licensor this, but I personally can't stand the prequels. :)

I love the original 3 films though, especiall the first 2... And I can't wait for more characters from those films to be released. I guess knowing that those characters are indeed in the works is what gives me an edge though, and allows me to not be as bummed out by the pace of their announcements.
wow, heated arguement but I hpoe there were no hard feelings, because this is a natural thing for poggle to ask about and I would've probably thought the same if I had not researched or known any better.
this is what keeps sideshow top-notch.
constant criticism will only push them to do better, and I think we should applaud both poggle for bringing this esoteric topic up, as well as Andy for being generous enough to share his valid knowledge on this subject :rolleyes: :D
Andy Bergholtz said:
In fact, don't tell the licensor this, but I personally can't stand the prequels. :)

I love the original 3 films though, especiall the first 2... And I can't wait for more characters from those films to be released. I guess knowing that those characters are indeed in the works is what gives me an edge though, and allows me to not be as bummed out by the pace of their announcements.

Well I'm glad you at least sculpted Obi-Wan with some decency and respect for the character and likeness of the actor instead of giving us an indifferent half-assed job. Good to know Sideshow has artists who are willing to create impassionate collectibles for the passionate fans. Also good to know that the characters we really want are in the works, although they will probably get delayed and then released all at the same time. :D
Personally, I have no problems with them covering the PT early on since I'm a fan of STAR WARS and these are from that Saga I'll be glad to take them. I figure everyone will get covered in time and add to the collection be it PT or OT. Bottom line it's not about PT vs OT for me. I love both, collect both, and am glad to be a fan of both.

LOL.. this is hilarious because like sebcanadaceo said... She'll still sell out very fast! So a lot of you Die-hard OT collector's are complaining for no reason... because you still will buy her!! :lol
jlcmsu said:
Personally, I have no problems with them covering the PT early on since I'm a fan of STAR WARS and these are from that Saga I'll be glad to take them. I figure everyone will get covered in time and add to the collection be it PT or OT. Bottom line it's not about PT vs OT for me. I love both, collect both, and am glad to be a fan of both.


Josh I thought you were a teacher! learn to add correctly!

PT + OT = PTOT :lol
ffl1940 said:
I've got the totally subjective "cool" thing going on too. Part of my beef is that so much attention has been paid to the more recent films at the expense of A New Hope and The Empire Strikes Back when it comes to the 12" line. Now that I think of it, is Bespin Han the only 12" figure so far from the first two films,how can that be?

I've seen all the films, but I only watched ANH and TESB repeatedly. After that with the dam Ewoks and all the cutesy stuff added later on to those films and the first 3 eps released later on I was interested enough to watch, to somewhat enjoy but not to really get into like I did with the first two films (which came out when I was 10-14 yrs old or so, that probably tells you something.

I don't mind that all these characters (some that I can only trust you guys that appeared for a few seconds in one of the more recent films), or ones that only exist in other formats are being made, I'm not upset by it, but I do question why so many of them have been announced so early in the line. Make everything, make everyone happy, I'd just like to see some more figures from ANH and TESB in the mix.

Plo Kloon, Asajj, Kit Fisto, I had never know their names or would even make a bet that any of them were actually in a Star Wars film until you guys announced their figures. After seeing them and seeing some of the films again I say "oh, there's that one". It's certainly not the same as getting an X-wing pilot, Han/Luke/Leia or soldiers in Hoth gear (a much cooler IMHO choice than Endor soldiers, but more complicated/expensive I'm sure).

I guess I'm just hoping that in with these 10-second-on-screen wonders that Sideshow has announced recently we might also see some of the lesser characters from the earlier films.

Tarkin, Lando, Rebel starship security, those guys with the crazy helmets that turned on the Death Star ray, X/Y wing pilots, Greedo, Jawas, Sand People/tusken raiders (in the more recent films as well of course).

Then Old Ben, Chewbacca, R2D2, C3PO, ANH Leia, ANH Luke, Yoda, and more

Poogle take note...Thats how you make a point AND make sence doing it. Wonderfully put ffl!