12 inch Bespin Han

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Anyone with a positive opinion on this figure based on a small preview pic should allow others to have their own opinion as well, even if it isn't unreservedly positive.
My feeling is: Debate is a good thing. It helps Sideshow to correct issues with a figure that they may not see that we the collector might see. I will not pass judgement on this figure until I see the whole face or costume for that matter. Right now we have little to go on so I am hoping for another winner. As I said before, I agree with debating and opinions, but let's keep it civil. This is a fun hobby and I do not think there is a need for things to get to heated.
gdb said:
Sideshow's Han looks good to me.

In my work I have seen enough photoshoped pics to know that the 2 doctered pics above tell more about the low skill of the "fan" than the quality of the design. (The lighting on Harrison's face should have adjusted to match the eyes of the model, the retouched eyes have no pop, etc.) It's a case of a little knowlege (of how Photoshop works) is a bad thing.

Perhaps, if I may say so, graphic design should be left to profesionals. Just my opinion.

Oh I can't disagree more. I think that the fan photo is really quite well done. I don't care what someones skill in graphic arts is, I have yet to see anyone on this board say that the fan photo is actually worse then the prototype is and to do that demonstrates at least a substancial amount of skill there that should be recognized.
And now that I see a side by side comparison, I unfortunatly have to pass a little judgement about the eyes, which we CAN see. The eyebrows ARE a little too bushy, the bags under his eyes ARE a little too puffy and his eye color is plain wrong. All of which can be corrected before final production and all I would ask is that sideshow take a look at page 9 of the "12 inch Han Bespin" thread on sideshow collectors.com and really do some individual soul searching. Cudos to mystery fan artist for making it all the more clear now, for me anyway...
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Broken record. Replace Bespin Han with OB1, Anakin, Luke, Kit Fist and you have the same thread repeated to a infinity that even Chuck Norris could not count to.
I can see why some aren't satified by the pic. The eyes/facial features do look a bit off...I'm really curious about the overall expression of the figure, and that's hard to judge with what we've been shown.

I'm glad they've chosen Han for the next figure, but I can understand the complaints. Still looking forward to seeing the entire face.
Bonehead15 said:
I agree.

Remember how lots of people were complaining about the 1/6 Strider and then when the figure went up for sale? After more pics were released, most people were very happy with the figure.

Ironman1188 said:
But why is it ok for the guys who say its a good likeness to be able to express their opinion and those of us that can see, that at least in this picture, the likeness is apparently lacking cannot?

First, for the record, my eyesight is very good.:D

Second, I never said the likeness was very good. My point was to wait until we have better pics to pass judgement.

Third, I never said you couldn't voice your opinion.

This is a discussion board. You discuss things and voice your opinion. Just as someone has the right to complain about a piece someone else has the right to praise the same piece. I did neither.
Just my opinion, but from what I can see, I'm not sure how anyone can make a reasonable judgement on the likeness, positive or negative.
I am happy with the choice of character though. And what I expect the costume to be. But I'm going to reserve my opinion on the likeness until they show one. It doesn't make a heckuva lot of sense to get too worked up yet either in a happy or sad sort of way about this figures appearance. But again, I'm happy with the subject.
Broken record. Replace Bespin Han with OB1, Anakin, Luke, Kit Fist and you have the same thread repeated to a infinity that even Chuck Norris could not count to.

It seems to me the general complaints go beyond the qualms regarding people not liking Luke mouth or Kit's teeth.

I don't recall anyone on any forum saying the actors likeness was this off regarding Luke,Obi or Anakin.

I'm just hoping SS addresses these complaints and changes the figure because I'd really love to have it if could look like the one in that fan corrected pic.
I remember seeing an interview with the top sculptor at Madame Tussauds. He made an interesting point which I agree with wholeheartedly. He said that a lot of time goes into making sure the eyebrows are as accurate as possible because believe it or not, incorrect eyebrows can throw the entire likeness off. This has happened on the PF 1/4 Han and also appears to be happening with this 12" version. If only they could get the eyebrows and eyes correct, I think it would be a lot better.

Yes, when you think about it, the eyes are a very distinguishing feature of an individual. If you ever see photos of patients in medical journals, their entire bodies can be exposed, except for their eyes.
Seretur said:
And as for the atmosphere inside the Space Slug -- remember, they were inside the Falcon's shield, which would've created enough air pressure for their bodies to comfortably survive (pressure being the #1 issue of survival in space, followed closely by temperature -- and the slug itself provided the heat in this case).

:google :google wtf??? Some people really DO love their Star Wars..:D
If you guys don't end up liking Han's face you could always stick the mynock on it. :D

Poggle the Greater said:
Sorry, but I doubt pics from any other view are going to change the eye color and eyebrows many people feel are wrong!

But the point is alot of SS's prototype figures have had different colored eyes than the final correct product. Bushy eyebrows? Looks just like some extra paint is all.

The sky isn't falling. Go back and reread the last 4 figure preview threads.
Every single preview image has caused an overreaction that is INSTANTLY removed once people see all the pics. Every single time. There are not more people doing it this time, either. It's going to happen every.single.time.
bluesparrow said:
Every single preview image has caused an overreaction that is INSTANTLY removed once people see all the pics. Every single time. There are not more people doing it this time, either. It's going to happen every.single.time.

Yea, but you know it different this time :rolleyes: