1/6th Scale Sideshow Boba Fett Figure

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Sorry to pile on here, but as much criticism as the vest & the braids are getting, is no one else bothered by the brighter shade of green that was done for the armor? I always thought it should be closer to an olive green than the Crayola green that we're all seeing here. This was the same problem I had with Sideshow's 1/6 Yoda.

And, in all fairness, I do plan on picking up a few Sideshow parts to upgrade my ESB Medicom Fett, particularly the rifle & parts of the outfit. So it's not like this figure is a total wash!

Everything looks about the same to me except the chest armor + vest, and the wookie braids. I'm hoping the paint difference is due to the hot lights for the prod pix.


They did an amazing job matching the weathering/scrapes, but that new green... How can it be hot lights? It's the same SSC studio set up isn't it? It does kind of bring 12" Kenner Boba to mind though!

Still a decent looking figure, but yeah, those braids are a huge step down from the Hasbro ones, and that chest plate is going to be a pain to fix.
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They did an amazing job matching the weathering/scrapes, but that new green... How can it be hot lights? It's the same SSC studio set up isn't it? It does kind of bring 12" Kenner Boba to mind though!

There is a huge amount of denial going on here. Sideshow appears to be delivering one of the most popular Star Wars character with three major errors: colouration, vest, wookie braids.

But of course people like me are just 'entitled titty-baby whiners' for expecting Hot Toys quality from Sideshow when they are charging Hot Toys prices.

This is the usual inexplicable Sideshow failure. They can reproduce the weathering effect nicely, but not match the primary colour accurately. How after a decade in business they have such an ineffectual, failure prone relationship with their factories in China is beyond me.
There is a huge amount of denial going on here. Sideshow appears to be delivering one of the most popular Star Wars character with three major errors: colouration, vest, wookie braids.

But of course people like me are just 'entitled titty-baby whiners' for expecting Hot Toys quality from Sideshow when they are charging Hot Toys prices.

This is the usual inexplicable Sideshow failure. They can reproduce the weathering effect nicely, but not match the primary colour accurately. How after a decade in business they have such an ineffectual, failure prone relationship with their factories in China is beyond me.

The production shots indicate that this will only be a placeholder until SS allow Hot Toys to make the necessary improvements.

Technically most figures are placeholders since design and execution generally improves as time passes.

That would at least explain how SS might have messed up one critical area of design.

Today's hot cake is yesterday's mouldy bun.

Planned obsolescence.

This one has so much right, that maybe it's possible to disguise the awkward-looking mid-section without resorting to surgery.

But on the other hand, this figure may forever be haunted by reference to the "life jacket". If that's the case he won't be a 'grail figure', prices won't rise as one might expect if he were closer to prototype. (That is, if these mass-produced figures actually do continue to rise).

Therefore there is less to lose by conducting some surgery - or you could even buy the necessary part-out pieces to work on those instead.

It's an extra unwarranted expense for an already pricey Boba, but at least there's hope for salvaging the situation.

Notice how Sideshow has craftily concealed the odd-looking production photos behind better looking prototype thumbnails?

It's just mostly that this figure doesn't feel like a massive leap forward even on the $30 Hasbro VOTC 12" from eight years ago (which everyone will be using the scalps from.) That's a mass-market toy, but they got more right than wrong on it, and with customization it can really look great.

While the proto had issues, I sort of assumed this was going to be "the" Boba, stepping off the screen in ESB. But getting Boba right is all about a ton of minute details, colors and shapes, all in perfect relation to each other. And getting precise details, colors and shapes right has never been SSC's strong suit. I have constantly looked at their figures in-hand and thought "it would have been the same amount of effort and money to get this exactly right, they have all the reference, yet they didn't."
There is a huge amount of denial going on here. Sideshow appears to be delivering one of the most popular Star Wars character with three major errors: colouration, vest, wookie braids.

But of course people like me are just 'entitled titty-baby whiners' for expecting Hot Toys quality from Sideshow when they are charging Hot Toys prices.

This is the usual inexplicable Sideshow failure. They can reproduce the weathering effect nicely, but not match the primary colour accurately. How after a decade in business they have such an ineffectual, failure prone relationship with their factories in China is beyond me.

Hot Toys charges well over $200 for mediocrity now, dear. Boba, at HT prices, would easily be well above the $250 mark. Sideshow's not charging HT prices. :lol And if you compare how off the non Battle Damaged Luke looks to Mark Hamill vs. how close this looks to the actual costume, Sideshow's far closer than HT as far as likeness and accuracy. :wave
I understand that no figure is perfect and you get what you paid for and all that. However I really don't understand the vest problem. I mean paint apps or other things I can see SS not getting perfect. The chest plate and vest thing is beyond weird to me. Of all things to not get right, how do you NOT get that right? Even the old Boba figures like Hasbro, Medi, and even Marmit back in the day never had a problem in that area. They never had a vest that looked square. So why now? I'm scratching my head on that one.

I still love this figure. And as a bonus, he didn't spontaneously crumble on the shelf. Whereas it was going to be Marmit, Medi, and SSC sharing shelf space, Marmit outlasted Medi so I'll incorporate the Attakus into my display.

I consider myself objective when it comes to judging these companies by as for me, I'm staying away from Medicom from now on. There's nothing on SSC's Boba Fett that is so bad I can't fix to my liking, just like I did with every other figure I've ever owned from Hasbro to Hot Toys. That's part of the joy of this hobby for me. Sweeping pieces of a decomposed figure off the floor is not, especially a $200 figure that is less than 10 years old.
So you are saying SSC bar of "excellence" is what Hot Toys produced 3-4 years ago, whilst their price point is only $10-15 less than several of the current HT Avengers?

Who do you think is closer? Sideshow's Boba to the costume? Or HT's Hawkeye to Jeremy Renner?


If you're being absolutely honest with yourself, you already know the answer, and it's not Hot Toys.
Everyone needs to understand that they are freaking out over 1 figure and 1 set of photos. How about we wait until pics of a 2nd figure before we all go super-fiasco-fail-endoftheworld over here?
The color complaints have to be a new low in nitpicking.

Seriously, the vest wasn't enough for you guys? :dunno

So just to be clear you consider the opinion of the original prototype painter a "new low in nitpicking":

Looks like the colors may have become more vibrant rather than remaining the muted grayer shades. I'm afeared I'm going to feel the need for a full repaint now.

Honestly your casual acceptance of these flaws surprises me more than anyone else's opinion. I know you love Star Wars, but I would have thought you would have put having a firm standard foremost. The main colour on a unique, iconic armour is not the same as someone having a fit over the Joker's socks.
i honestly think that the vest issue (foam insert or whatever it is) was to offset/conform to the new armored body because boba's armor isnt completely all armor like a sandtrooper/stormtrooper. basically to fill it out to relieve the gaps in the body between it to hang right. looks as if they went with a 1/3 as much it would have worked but clearly it's just too much.