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Watched the film again tonight for the fourth time, took My Mom. As we're leaving the theater, she says to me "The green guy Thor saw in the dream that lifted the hammer is supposed to be Jesus, right?"

My 67-year-old mother who's never read a comic in her life made the Adam Warlock connection after one sitting. I've had at least a dozen arguments with people on message boards that most definitely read comics and yet refuse to believe Disney/Marvel has merged Vision with Adam.

I asked my Mom what led her to believe that and she says "Pretty much everything he said." She was pleased to hear Vision was indeed "Space Jesus" and Marvel's messianic figure.

I'm happy with Bettany as Adam and not at all upset they went this route. In the end, having Adam begin as Vision is easier for the general audience to digest than inroducing him as "Him" via the Enclave and the High Evolutionary.

I predict by the time Adam/Vision takes part in Infinity War he'll look more like Adam, with hair and a skin tone closer to ours. I'm also expecting him to name himself Adam.
Watched the film again tonight for the fourth time, took My Mom. As we're leaving the theater, she says to me "The green guy Thor saw in the dream that lifted the hammer is supposed to be Jesus, right?"

My 67-year-old mother who's never read a comic in her life made the Adam Warlock connection after one sitting. I've had at least a dozen arguments with people on message boards that most definitely read comics and yet refuse to believe Disney/Marvel has merged Vision with Adam.

I asked my Mom what led her to believe that and she says "Pretty much everything he said." She was pleased to hear Vision was indeed "Space Jesus" and Marvel's messianic figure.

I'm happy with Bettany as Adam and not at all upset they went this route. In the end, having Adam begin as Vision is easier for the general audience to digest than inroducing him as "Him" via the Enclave and the High Evolutionary.

I predict by the time Adam/Vision takes part in Infinity War he'll look more like Adam, with hair and a skin tone closer to ours. I'm also expecting him to name himself Adam.

Okay where the hell did this Adam Warlock being Vision thing come from?
Okay where the hell did this Adam Warlock being Vision thing come from?

They basically took Adam Warlock and gave him most of Vision's origin.

-Unlike Vision from the comics, movie Vision is bio-organic - like Adam. His cocoon was the Cradle. His High Evolutionary was Dr. Cho. The various mentions of chrysalises and the drawing of the butterfly are nods to Adam.

-Thor sees Adam/Vision in his vision involving the gauntlet. This foreshadows the huge role Adam/Vision will play in the events to come - which is the reason Thor protects him and assists in his "birth".

-Pretty much everything Vision/Adam says is messianic.

"I am not a child of Ultron. I'm not Ultron. I'm not Jarvis. I am."

"I am on the side of life. Ultron isn't. He will end it all. I don't want to kill Ultron. He's unique and he's in pain and that pain will roll over the earth. So he must be destroyed. Every form he's built, every trace of his presence on the net. We have to act now and not one of us can do it without the others. Maybe I am a monster. I don't think I'd know if I were one. I'm not what you are and I'm not what you intended. So there may be no way to make you trust me...but we need to go."

-The lifting of Mjolnir which followed that above speech is the final nod to Adam - which is Marvel's Jesus. Nobody is more worthy of wielding Mjolnir than Adam.

Before I saw the film for the first time I had read that James Gunn confirmed the cocoon in GOTG was not Adam's after all. After six months of saying it was he changed his tune in January. I always wondered what was up with that but then I saw AOU and realized they'd merged Adam with Vision, explaining Gunn's statements. He clearly found out after he recorded the commentary for GOTG in November.
I'm just gonna be like you're looking way to deep into things and Adam is gonna be in GotG 2 because he has the Soul Stone
They basically took Adam Warlock and gave him most of Vision's origin.

-Unlike Vision from the comics, movie Vision is bio-organic - like Adam. His cocoon was the Cradle. His High Evolutionary was Dr. Cho. The various mentions of chrysalises and the drawing of the butterfly are nods to Adam.

-Thor sees Adam/Vision in his vision involving the gauntlet. This foreshadows the huge role Adam/Vision will play in the events to come - which is the reason Thor protects him and assists in his "birth".

-Pretty much everything Vision/Adam says is messianic.

"I am not a child of Ultron. I'm not Ultron. I'm not Jarvis. I am."

"I am on the side of life. Ultron isn't. He will end it all. I don't want to kill Ultron. He's unique and he's in pain and that pain will roll over the earth. So he must be destroyed. Every form he's built, every trace of his presence on the net. We have to act now and not one of us can do it without the others. Maybe I am a monster. I don't think I'd know if I were one. I'm not what you are and I'm not what you intended. So there may be no way to make you trust me...but we need to go."

-The lifting of Mjolnir which followed that above speech is the final nod to Adam - which is Marvel's Jesus. Nobody is more worthy of wielding Mjolnir than Adam.

Before I saw the film for the first time I had read that James Gunn confirmed the cocoon in GOTG was not Adam's after all. After six months of saying it was he changed his tune in January. I always wondered what was up with that but then I saw AOU and realized they'd merged Adam with Vision, explaining Gunn's statements. He clearly found out after he recorded the commentary for GOTG in November.

In the comics, Ultron also planned for Adam Warlock to become his perfect final form (he actually achieved this, but was defeated because of plot). Vision essentially takes on that same role in the film as Ultron's would-be final form.

While I'm not disregarding the fact that we may still get Warlock, I'll admit that it wouldn't surprise me if they just mixed both Vision and Warlock given their very similar roles so far.
I'm just gonna be like you're looking way to deep into things

I'm really starting to believe theology is completely dead for anyone under 40. If that dialogue doesn't blatantly make him sound messianic then you're literally going to need a scene where someone calls him "Space Jesus".

and Adam is gonna be in GotG 2 because he has the Soul Stone

Comics Adam has the Soul Gem and is created by the High Evolutionary and the Enclave. Movie Adam has the Mind Gem and is created by Dr. Cho.

Again, the cocoon in T:TDW & GOTG isn't Adam's so you won't be seeing him in GOTG2.

I'm really starting to believe theology is completely dead for anyone under 40. If that dialogue doesn't blatantly make him sound messianic then you're literally going to need a scene where someone calls him "Space Jesus".

Comics Adam has the Soul Gem and is created by the High Evolutionary and the Enclave. Movie Adam has the Mind Gem and is created by Dr. Cho.

Again, the cocoon in T:TDW & GOTG isn't Adam's so you won't be seeing him in GOTG2.


I'm starting to think people over 40 think everyone younger than them doesn't know any better :lol:lol:lol

And we don't need the damn cocoon for Warlock. And so what if he wasn't in prior movies, GotG could just start off with Quill, oh hey look a cocoon with the Soul Gem in it, oh wait there's a dude in there. He could just be another alien. But would that impact the character? Most likely not. Just taking liberties so the audience can follow easier. Don't forget that these movies aren't 100% straight from the comics.

Your just gonna keep shoving this down people's throats until GotG2 set pics of Warlock comes out huh
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I'm starting to think people over 40 think everyone younger than them doesn't know any better :lol:lol:lol

You seem to have missed all the messianic jargon in Vision/Adam's dialogue. I've noticed the same from other posters that don't know much about theology.

And we don't need the damn cocoon for Warlock. And so what if he wasn't in prior movies, GotG could just start off with Quill, oh hey look a cocoon with the Soul Gem in it, oh wait there's a dude in there. He could just be another alien. But would that impact the character? Most likely not. Just taking liberties so the audience can follow easier. Don't forget that these movies aren't 100% straight from the comics.

To do Warlock without an origin remotely resembling his own would be pointless. The concept of Warlock comes from the idea of balance in the universe, which Vision/Warlock references in AOU during Ultron's death scene in the woods. Adam is the avatar of life, created to protect it. Thanos is the Avatar of Death created to destroy life. What makes Adam's origin unique is that his creators made him to be the first lab-made man. He ended up being much more than what he was intended to be (another reference made by Adam Vision in AOU). In the comics, the universe forces the hand of the High Evolutionary and the Enclave to create Adam, thus giving life a fighting chance in the great battle with Thanos.

Sure Vision sounds like Warlock but psh it isn't out of character for Vision to be like that.

Yes it is. Comics Vision is not messianic at all.

Your just gonna keep shoving this down people's throats until GotG2 set pics of Warlock comes out huh

Ignoring the condescension, I'm still curious as to why you expect Adam in GOTG2 given that the cocoon wasn't his. That was really the only thing to indicate he might play a role in that film and its been squashed by Gunn himself and the characterization given to Vision in AOU. You really believe at this point you'll have another character that is basically identical in portrayal to Vision be introduced in the MCU?
You seem to have missed all the messianic jargon in Vision/Adam's dialogue. I've noticed the same from other posters that don't know much about theology.

To do Warlock without an origin remotely resembling his own would be pointless. The concept of Warlock comes from the idea of balance in the universe, which Vision/Warlock references in AOU during Ultron's death scene in the woods. Adam is the avatar of life, created to protect it. Thanos is the Avatar of Death created to destroy life. What makes Adam's origin unique is that his creators made him to be the first lab-made man. He ended up being much more than what he was intended to be (another reference made by Adam Vision in AOU). In the comics, the universe forces the hand of the High Evolutionary and the Enclave to create Adam, thus giving life a fighting chance in the great battle with Thanos.

Yes it is. Comics Vision is not messianic at all.

Ignoring the condescension, I'm still curious as to why you expect Adam in GOTG2 given that the cocoon wasn't his. That was really the only thing to indicate he might play a role in that film and its been squashed by Gunn himself and the characterization given to Vision in AOU. You really believe at this point you'll have another character that is basically identical in portrayal to Vision be introduced in the MCU?

I'm just blown away how adamant you are, even if you're just speculating.

I was under the impression that MCU Vision was the modern interpretation of the character.

And yes I do believe Adam is going to be in gotg2 but portrayed differently. How hard is that to understand ahem *yondu* ahem. And by your own argument Vision himself.

Btw you condescended me first by saying idk what theology is :lol
Uhh I thought Vision in the movie was pretty much Vision in the comics aside from Ultron just creating him to destroy the Avengers and not having the brainwaves of Wonder Man.
I'm just blown away how adamant you are, even if you're just speculating.

Speculation denotes a lack of evidence. I have plenty, specially with Gunn disqualifying the cocoon in GOTG as Adam's.

I was under the impression that MCU Vision was the modern interpretation of the character.

MCU Vision is basically Adam Warlock packaged as Vision. The moment he opened his mouth I realized they'd done away with Vision's persona and replaced it with Adam's. If the dialogue doesn't convince you of this nothing else will short of Paul Bettany saying "I'm really playing Adam Warlock."

And yes I do believe Adam is going to be in gotg2 but portrayed differently. How hard is that to understand ahem *yondu* ahem. And by your own argument Vision himself.

I agree Yondu was a departure from his comic form as was Quill, but you won't be seeing another Yondu or another Quill in the MCU. To do Adam at this point makes no sense. He would just sound and act like Vision's twin. Let me reiterate that Gunn pumped Adam for GOTG2 from the film's release all the way up to his commentary track in November. Then in January he drops the whole thing and says Warlock wasn't in the cocoon. You don't think that reads as if he found out about AOU Warlock between November and January?

Btw you condescended me first by saying idk what theology is :lol

Well, I posted a speech by Adam/Vision that heavily alludes to the messianic nature of Warlock. To ignore that and say its just a coincidence that he sounds messianic comes from either a lack of knowledge in theology (which I've encountered from several message boards) or a failure to accept the truth its suggesting. This isn't about interpretation. "I am." doesn't really leave any room for interpretation nor does his convo with final Ultron about humans and their perspective on order and chaos. This is a divine ideology at play, which doesn't at all fit with comic Vision's.

The moment Thor saw Vision in his dream the weight that corresponds to Adam in the Infinity Gauntlet saga was foreshadowed as now belonging to Vision. That was the first clue. The Chrysalis/Cradle creating real tissue was an earlier nod.
Uhh I thought Vision in the movie was pretty much Vision in the comics aside from Ultron just creating him to destroy the Avengers and not having the brainwaves of Wonder Man.

You missed alot then, because they basically took Adam Warlock and gave him most of Vision's origin.

-Unlike Vision from the comics, movie Vision is bio-organic - like Adam. His cocoon was the Cradle. His High Evolutionary was Dr. Cho. The various mentions of chrysalises and the drawing of the butterfly are nods to Adam.

-Thor sees Adam/Vision in his vision involving the gauntlet. This foreshadows the huge role Adam/Vision will play in the events to come - which is the reason Thor protects him and assists in his "birth".

-Pretty much everything Vision/Adam says is messianic.

"I am not a child of Ultron. I'm not Ultron. I'm not Jarvis. I am."

"I am on the side of life. Ultron isn't. He will end it all. I don't want to kill Ultron. He's unique and he's in pain and that pain will roll over the earth. So he must be destroyed. Every form he's built, every trace of his presence on the net. We have to act now and not one of us can do it without the others. Maybe I am a monster. I don't think I'd know if I were one. I'm not what you are and I'm not what you intended.*So there may be no way to make you trust me...but we need to go."

-The lifting of Mjolnir which followed that above speech is the final nod to Adam - which is Marvel's Jesus. Nobody is more worthy of wielding Mjolnir than Adam.

Before I saw the film for the first time I had read that James Gunn confirmed the cocoon in GOTG was not Adam's after all. After six months of saying it was he changed his tune in January.


I always wondered what was up with that but then I saw AOU and realized they'd merged Adam with Vision, explaining Gunn's statements. He clearly found out after he recorded the commentary for GOTG in November.
I...did not miss a lot. Dude, Vision is Comic book Vision straight up. I think you're reading way too much into the whole Adam Warlock thing. I get that he now has the Mind Gem in his head just like how Adam has the soul gem in his, but I don't think he's space Jesus. He's just majestic as ****. XD and they portrayed that beautifully from the comics to screen.

First off, Vision has always been bio organic. Ultron made Vision not only to fight the Avengers but to show that he can create life to Hank and that was his Vision of the future.

The lifting of Mjolnir could be anyone, dude. It could be Thor, Sif, Odin, freaking Peggy Carter. Spider-Man is more than worthy.

He was saying he was on the side of life. I honestly just think he's saying that he's on our side. XD