Hot Toys Elite Praetorian Guards

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Sep 23, 2008
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Might as well start this since the three are definitely coming. Looks like we're getting the trio of Heavy Blade, Double Blade, and Whip Staff guy. Hopefully, they can get the OT Royal Guard PO out first.


So, are there 3 or 4 variants? If 3, has HT ever done a 3 pack? If 4, two different 2 packs seems like a possibility. For those that have said, 'but these don't look like SW' I disagree. They look like an Emperor Royal Guard had a love child with an Eastern influence design. I think they look cool, but not sure I want to drop $800 or more on 4.

And they better be in the movie for more than 3 secs.

Most of the new trilogy designs are so-so, but I like how these are pretty unique.
I know there's a poster with Kylo and 5 of them but going by the Black Series and Figuarts toys, they've only "named" these three variations.
I know there's a poster with Kylo and 5 of them but going by the Black Series and Figuarts toys, they've only "named" these three variations.

Ok, thanks......5 damn! Maybe I'll get the 'sad face' guy and call it a day

As for the movie and Kylo, I really want to see the little beyotch get his ass handed to him by Luke.
I think we can differentiate them by helmets as multiple weapons can be included with one figure. In that case, there are 3 helmets so far. In the picture with the 5 guards, it appears there are two pairs with the same helmets.
Considering the emphasis on their multiple weapons in the marketing and merchandising so far, I assume we're going to see a badass fight scenes involving those Preatorians. I wouldn't like another Force handwave/smack into wall scene.
Or another Phasma getting owned and thrown in the trash. These guys better so something cool.
I've never really understood these kinds of Guards.... even as a kid, I never understood the point of the Imperial Guards. They can easily be taken out by anyone with a blaster, and utterly destroyed by anyone with force powers.
Eh, I'm fine with them. They don't bother me any more or less than the original Emperor guards. Curious to see if they indeed see action or if they're just going to be standing around.
I personally hate that they all have different helmets, I'd prefer some uniformity for these guys. The one helmet I like the most is the one with the hat.
They all look the way they appear in pictures from TLJ, so I guess HT nailed the likeness.

Also, why is Kylo Ren holding his lightsaber like it's an actual metal sword in that last pic, wouldn't it just melt through the floor if it was being held that way? :lol
OK, so three of my four choices for Farce Friday have now been revealed. I assume Rey will be next.

I have no inclination to buy these red dudes. I only sort of like the square hat guy. But if they are just background like the Red Guards, then its a pass-a-roo!

Of course if the black leather underneath is hinting that these guys are actually the Knights of Ren usurped by Snoke, then that changes things.
First give me royal guards, scout troopers, cantina scum, jabba's goons, lando, ackbar, etc etc etc
Ok, thanks......5 damn! Maybe I'll get the 'sad face' guy and call it a day

As for the movie and Kylo, I really want to see the little beyotch get his ass handed to him by Luke.
Kylo has to come out on top in this movie. Only way for there to be stakes in Ep9 (considering Kylo is still the villain), he has to beat Rey this time, and possibly even Luke too. I honestly can't wait to see what happens.

As for the Praetorian guards, I like them. I'll probably only get one, but it's an interesting twist on the Royal guards and I like that they're trying new things. The First Order seems heavy on melee weapons this time around.
I remember being sad/disappointed seeing “The Emperor’s Royal Guards (red ones) in Attack of the Clones/ROTS (PT). I was first introduced to them (via ROTJ action figures) as "Emperor’s Royal Guards” so naturally In my mind I had always imagined that they were created for the evil Emperor. Seeing them in the PT illustrated that the guards were always there, guards provided to the “Chancellor” in power at that time.