Statue T-800 Endoskeleton Maquette

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I owned the Pf and not sure what they used on that piece it was solid felt and looked like chromed metal. Just repeat that again, if cost more charge more. I didn't keep because I thought we would get a new one that great.
Chronicle is also known for not being most honest company around, so I'd take whatever they said with a grain of salt. This has an edition size of 300 because of poor sales, which is something that probably wouldn't have happened had this been chromed. If it's not them being lazy or not putting forth the effort, then what is it? As I've said before, there's a lot of decent paints on the market that have a very similar effect to chrome that are very affordable. If those knock off endoskulls from China can be chrome (which I doubt have a large edition size) then so can this. Not sure why several people feel the need to defend SS on this one.

All companies lie, but I'm inclined to believe what they said regarding the chrome, as I had heard similar from PCS. Regardless what people think about Chronicle, there's no doubting they are quite passionate about what they do and pride themselves on film accuracy. I know if chrome was a viable option for them, they would've used it. I can't think of one reason why they wouldn't.

I hear people call Sideshow lazy and cheap for using plastic in some statues as well, yet I've heard from 3 different companies now that producing in plastic actually costs more when talking low edition sizes.

I'm not defending Sideshow at all. I'm far from a fanboy...I'm simply calling it as it is. This topic has been discussed with enough manufacturers now to suggest that there is more to this than simply buying some chrome paint. Using one paint to another has literally nothing to do with laziness as it wouldn't take any extra effort to do so, which lends me to believe that there must be more reason to it. If Sideshow released a silver endo and Chronicle did a chrome one, I would be inclined to think Sideshow cheapened out, but with Chronicle going a similar route, it's kind of hard to suggest Sideshow is lazy, unless we are implying that Chronicle were lazy too, which I doubt it considering how much their endo was delayed trying to get the paint finish right.
All companies lie, but I'm inclined to believe what they said regarding the chrome, as I had heard similar from PCS. Regardless what people think about Chronicle, there's no doubting they are quite passionate about what they do and pride themselves on film accuracy. I know if chrome was a viable option for them, they would've used it. I can't think of one reason why they wouldn't.

I hear people call Sideshow lazy and cheap for using plastic in some statues as well, yet I've heard from 3 different companies now that producing in plastic actually costs more when talking low edition sizes.

I'm not defending Sideshow at all. I'm far from a fanboy...I'm simply calling it as it is. This topic has been discussed with enough manufacturers now to suggest that there is more to this than simply buying some chrome paint. Using one paint to another has literally nothing to do with laziness as it wouldn't take any extra effort to do so, which lends me to believe that there must be more reason to it. If Sideshow released a silver endo and Chronicle did a chrome one, I would be inclined to think Sideshow cheapened out, but with Chronicle going a similar route, it's kind of hard to suggest Sideshow is lazy, unless we are implying that Chronicle were lazy too, which I doubt it considering how much their endo was delayed trying to get the paint finish right.

I don't think there is much more to it, buying paints that can achieve a chrome like affect would literally solve the issue. If it's not laziness then it's just them not giving a ****, which is pretty much the same. There's plenty of realistic chrome paints on the market, each cost about $10 a can. Sideshow has done chrome endos before, It's not like this is new to them. How were they able to chrome things before at a way lower price than this statue if it's such a convoluted process? The reasoning is that It's all about maximizing profits, so maybe that's why the finish looks the way it does. They'll make $500 dollars off of each of these maquettes they sell as opposed to the $450 if they were chromed.
I don't think there is much more to it, buying paints that can achieve a chrome like affect would literally solve the issue. If it's not laziness then it's just them not giving a ****, which is pretty much the same. There's plenty of realistic chrome paints on the market, each cost about $10 a can. Sideshow has done chrome endos before, It's not like this is new to them. How were they able to chrome things before at a way lower price than this statue if it's such a convoluted process? The reasoning is that It's all about maximizing profits, so maybe that's why the finish looks the way it does. They'll make $500 dollars off of each of these maquettes they sell as opposed to the $450 if they were chromed.

I don't know Sideshow's reasoning and at the end of the day, we're just speculating. I'm only going by comments made by other manufacturers on using chrome on their pieces, which coincided with Sideshow releasing a silver endo. That's what made me think there must be more to it. I know Paul from Chronicle said he initially had issues getting the paint they originally used on the endo to the Chinese factories, so they had to find an alternative. Can't remember what the reasoning was, it was discussed on Statue Forum way back.

As for Sideshow's previous chrome releases, things change man. Cost of manufacturing changes too. a PF was also $350 once upon a time, now they are $500 minimum. I know with those chrome endo busts Sideshow made, a lot of them came out with defects. They later covered up these defects with weathering effect and sold them as 'battle damaged' versions. This has been verified by people who have removed the weathering on the bust and saw visible defects underneath.

End of day, I don't know the reasoning. You may be right, it may be Sideshow cheapening out. I just don't see anyone doing chrome endoskeletons anymore. If Chronicle didn't bother, then I can't see Sideshow doing it either.
Chronicle is also known for not being most honest company around, so I'd take whatever they said with a grain of salt. This has an edition size of 300 because of poor sales, which is something that probably wouldn't have happened had this been chromed. If it's not them being lazy or not putting forth the effort, then what is it? As I've said before, there's a lot of decent paints on the market that have a very similar effect to chrome that are very affordable. If those knock off endoskulls from China can be chrome (which I doubt have a large edition size) then so can this. Not sure why several people feel the need to defend SS on this one.

Curious who you think is a more "honest" company?

This being not chrome is just one reason of many why it isn't selling, it has plenty of other issues.

The CC endos were never supposed to be chrome, they even tried to import the film used paint to China and couldn't. The factory they contracted with screwed them over and they made it right with people. Yea, they tried to bypass toynami to get them done quicker for us and it blew up in their face, but they were pretty upfront about it unlike most would have been.

Bottom line is you don't have an idea what the deal is with the chrome or the paint. Until you call up China and talk to them yourself to get a real answer it is all just hot air.
I don't really care who the more "honest" company is. I just know CC has a pretty good track record of being dishonest, which is especially weird since their such a new company. You'd think they would at least want to start off on a good note. I'm not saying sideshow constantly tells the truth, I just have a hard time believing everything CC says. Saying I have "no idea what's going on with the chrome" is the whole reason we are speculating and having this conversation in the first place. I won't make any excuses for Sideshow, if they wanted these to be chrome they would be. There's plenty of alternate methods they could have taken as mentioned above. I find it odd that this literally has the same paint finish as Necas $20 endoskeleton, which is a damn shame.
It's more than just sending it out to be chromed.

Setup, handling, materials, transportation to and from the chrome plateters, scheduling, .... not to mention possible finishing issues.

Time, materials and labor costs all passed on to the consumer.

While I agree if this had a chrome (like) finish it might have sold better, a decision was made for any number of reasons no to.
I don't really care who the more "honest" company is. I just know CC has a pretty good track record of being dishonest, which is especially weird since their such a new company. You'd think they would at least want to start off on a good note. I'm not saying sideshow constantly tells the truth, I just have a hard time believing everything CC says. Saying I have "no idea what's going on with the chrome" is the whole reason we are speculating and having this conversation in the first place. I won't make any excuses for Sideshow, if they wanted these to be chrome they would be. There's plenty of alternate methods they could have taken as mentioned above. I find it odd that this literally has the same paint finish as Necas $20 endoskeleton, which is a damn shame.
You can't say they aren't the most honest when you can't even backup a simple statement like that with ONE more honest company. They make one bad decision to change a factory, then fix it better than most any other company would yet they can never live it down. What if that factory would have knocked it out the park? You still going to be mad at them for not using Toynami(who didn't do a killer job on their breakouts BTW)?

Also, it doesn't sound like you are "speculating" about the chrome finish when you are basically calling CC/SS greedy liars.
You can't say they aren't the most honest when you can't even backup a simple statement like that with ONE more honest company. They make one bad decision to change a factory, then fix it better than most any other company would yet they can never live it down. What if that factory would have knocked it out the park? You still going to be mad at them for not using Toynami(who didn't do a killer job on their breakouts BTW)?

Also, it doesn't sound like you are "speculating" about the chrome finish when you are basically calling CC/SS greedy liars.

Why would I feel the need to back up that statement? Is it really that hard for you to comprehend? :lol CC isn't a very honest company, that's a fact. They've lied numerous times and there's plenty of examples on this forum. That's why I said I wouldn't believe everything they said so wholeheartedly. I never said SS was any better. I don't know, nor do I care who the more "honest" company is. ALL company's are greedy in some form or another. In the end its all about maximizing profits. Maybe SS realized that they wouldn't make nearly as much of a profit from these maquettes if they were chromed. Point being, we've seen how nice some of SS endos can be, and after the promising concept art that was shown, this does indeed seem like a lazy effort on their part. The low edition size that still hasn't sold out speaks for itself.
Managed to find a BNIB HCG 1/2 scale bust (the one with a full torso and arms) on EBay from Australia. Plasma rifles? Check. Decent chrome effect? Check. 👌 Arrives tomorrow in one piece?😳
Managed to find a BNIB HCG 1/2 scale bust (the one with a full torso and arms) on EBay from Australia. Plasma rifles? Check. Decent chrome effect? Check. �� Arrives tomorrow in one piece?��

I've actually been looking for that piece myself. Awesome find! Please post pics when you get it!
Managed to find a BNIB HCG 1/2 scale bust (the one with a full torso and arms) on EBay from Australia. Plasma rifles? Check. Decent chrome effect? Check. �� Arrives tomorrow in one piece?��

It is a great piece. It was the only 1/2 bust I had that survived my 1/2 scale bust purge. I was actually going to use it as the top of the full 1/2 Endo I had, but the finish didn't match(full fig was much more weathered). The Full endo is really boring looking after seeing this guy. Ended up selling the full figure and just kept this.
I've actually been looking for that piece myself. Awesome find! Please post pics when you get it!

Some things are too good to be true. It arrived well packaged from Australia...all the way to London. I opened the huge box, and before me....Sideshows massive T-600 1:1!!!😱 Now that sucks! Looks like it's ex retail display. Mint but without shipper. I've messaged the seller-he had this item listed too (and is a retail store with a high rating) so maybe it was a genuine error. Or maybe it wasn't. 😭😭😭 Thankfully, I didn't own this piece already, so have options
It is a great piece. It was the only 1/2 bust I had that survived my 1/2 scale bust purge. I was actually going to use it as the top of the full 1/2 Endo I had, but the finish didn't match(full fig was much more weathered). The Full endo is really boring looking after seeing this guy. Ended up selling the full figure and just kept this.

Sounds epic, but looking like I'm not meant to own it. 😓
Sorry to hear that. I don't ever see them on eBay. The full body 1:2 endo has more of a presence and is more menacing. It's exactly like the opening scene of T2. I do feel like more effort went into the bust though. Removable chip, eyes that fade out, and dual plasma rifles are awesome, all of which the full body should have.
Cheers dude. It's looking less and less likely that HCG will ever be topped in that price bracket. I thought Prime 1 might've delivered. I'm sure I can get my hands on the 1:1 HCG, and will probably snag the sideshow 1/4 Endo one day. Matt silver doesn't do it for me, but will likely hold onto my Chronicle genisys bust
Sorry to hear that. I don't ever see them on eBay. The full body 1:2 endo has more of a presence and is more menacing. It's exactly like the opening scene of T2. I do feel like more effort went into the bust though. Removable chip, eyes that fade out, and dual plasma rifles are awesome, all of which the full body should have.

They are very rare now, I have only seen a couple the past year and they sell quick. Like I said I wish they would have used it for the full endo. Another thing I didn't like was not being able to pose the arms on the figure, the bust gives you a lot of options that way too.