Rogue One: A Star Wars Story (12/16/16) *SPOILERS*

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I thought Tarkin looked okay. I mean he looked fake and like a video game model, but it was fine because that's what it was. Not as good as Michael Douglas in Ant-Man or RDJ in Civil War, but still a decent effort. It was about on par with the young Arnold from Terminator Genisys. You know it's weird and not real but you just go with it.

Leia was too creepy though. That didn't work. I'm still getting nightmares from that face.

That was ballsy of them to try and tackle ANH Leia. Like with action figures there is no more unforgiving likeness than a young lady. With Tarkin they had lots of nooks and crannies in his face to fall back on and sell the illusion that he was real. Like you said though, I'd put him on par with 1984 Arnie in Genisys. With Leia I didn't think she looked bad per se as far as realism is concerned but it just didn't quite match Carrie's likeness. Still a cool scene and I'm sure it'll look lightyears better at home then on a 15/70 IMAX screen.

When Tarkin first showed up I got nervous but the way they did his first scene with the poor lighting I thought, "okay, not bad, maybe that's all there is" and then when he kept coming back I got concerned that it was going to take me out of the movie. But that pay-off with him showing up on Scariff. Hell yeah, made it all worth it. So I'm more than fine with how he was handled.

Vader was off the charts though. I got a chuckle that his planet was the ONE planet that didn't get an identifying subtitle. Almost like Gareth was saying, "um, yeah, you can assume this is Mustafar if you want or you can just imagine it to be whatever generic lava planet he used to live on BEFORE the prequels were made." :lol Well played Gareth.

I love the idea that he spends as much time as possible naked in a bacta tank, sans all mechanics. Especially juxtaposed with how ruthless he was in the suit.
Anyone else think that Vader's movements in the hallway wasting the rebels seemed a bit cartoonish and un-vader movement like? Not saying it as a nit pick, just that some of his movements seemed too fast....
Anyone else think that Vader's movements in the hallway wasting the rebels seemed a bit cartoonish and un-vader movement like? Not saying it as a nit pick, just that some of his movements seemed too fast....

I liked everything Vader. As I was watching his parts I kept saying to myself “This is what I wanted for EP3”!
Last minute reshoots. So we could have gotten a happy ending with Alexandre Desplat's music or the more bleak ending with Michael Giacchino's score. It hasn't been confirmed that all last minute reshoots had to do with the ending but reading snippets from multiple interviews it seems to be that way.

For context John Williams says that he prefers to spend 8-12 weeks scoring a picture but other composers are much faster. Chinatown was released with a last minute replacement score that the composer wrote in 7 days. Hans Zimmer wrote the iconic score for POTC: Curse of the Black Pearl in 2 weeks.

RO doesn't have this instantly memorable theme like Raiders or the SW opening scroll but I specifically remember at several points when ships were zipping around and things were hitting the fan that I went, "this music is awesome!"

Yeah that makes sense, thank you for the reply.
I thought it was interesting that for most of the movie the Rebels were in "T2 Sarah Connor" mode, pretty cold in carrying out their objectives and with regard to collateral damage. And then Jyn as the "young John" was kind of the defibrillator that jump started the hearts of Rebellion high command, making them realize "wait a minute, we're the good guys here, let's start acting like it." Of course Jyn herself had to come out of her own robotic coma before she could inspire anyone else. I can definitely understand if the tone rubbed some people the wrong way but as it was RO had some of my favorite character arcs in the saga, at least as far as what we typically see in a single movie.

Yeah that makes sense, thank you for the reply.

Sure! :duff
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I would tap Jabba the hut Fisher in the heart beat I mean how could you not.


I never found Carrie attractive even in Slave gear. Now Daisy Ridley she make something move down there……even in “Scavenger Gear”!!!

hey latex!

Young Carrie and Daisy are/were cuties (as was Portman) but it's nice to finally have a SW gal who isn't a teenager or in her early 20's. Felicity FTW.

Portman is still hot (provided she's not prego!)

I've started to take a liking to Felicity, she's got merit....
Anyone else think that Vader's movements in the hallway wasting the rebels seemed a bit cartoonish and un-vader movement like? Not saying it as a nit pick, just that some of his movements seemed too fast....

Un-Vader like as in compared to the OT?

Either way it's what Vader should be like. They nailed it.
Heh, yeah, one heck of a poker face on Leia. ;) On the subject of prequels not syncing up with later films I got a good chuckle out of this:


:lol But seriously, I hate that ROTS just made old Ben out to be a casual liar. One of so many reasons I despise that film and the entire PT. That whole conversation between old Ben and Luke in ANH was retroactively reduced to complete bull***t with barely a shred of truth in any of it. Yet when you watch ANH the only part where you sense any possibility that Ben is lying or withholding something is when Luke asks how his father died. Everything else sounds utterly genuine with the kind of embellishments that you wouldn't just make up unless you were taking some sort of sick pleasure in it.

That's cool. "One more good SW film" obviously occurred with me last year with TFA but now no matter what happens I have the OT and two solid bookend films on either side. :)

Hmmm, the way I see it the saga still doesn't need TFA. The film did nothing to make itself indispensable and I feel it's very much relying on 8 and 9 to vindicate its existence in terms of the broader story. For that reason I don't yet count it in my personal canon.
Un-Vader like as in compared to the OT?

Either way it's what Vader should be like. They nailed it.

Watch how Vader fought in ANH and ESB, somewhat static but still could pull it off.

Here's teh bespin fights

I won't post it up but watch this then go goggle the vader sequence from RO, you'll see it's a bit different. As if in ESB the suit was restricting the movements, whereas in RO he's moving more free.
:lol But seriously, I hate that ROTS just made old Ben out to be a casual liar. One of so many reasons I despise that film and the entire PT. That whole conversation between old Ben and Luke in ANH was retroactively reduced to complete bull***t with barely a shred of truth in any of it. Yet when you watch ANH the only part where you sense any possibility that Ben is lying or withholding something is when Luke asks how his father died. Everything else sounds utterly genuine with the kind of embellishments that you wouldn't just make up unless you were taking some sort of sick pleasure in it.

After I saw this fanmade video, I didn't mind Obi's lies.

:lol But seriously, I hate that ROTS just made old Ben out to be a casual liar. One of so many reasons I despise that film and the entire PT. That whole conversation between old Ben and Luke in ANH was retroactively reduced to complete bull***t with barely a shred of truth in any of it. Yet when you watch ANH the only part where you sense any possibility that Ben is lying or withholding something is when Luke asks how his father died. Everything else sounds utterly genuine with the kind of embellishments that you wouldn't just make up unless you were taking some sort of sick pleasure in it.

Hmmm, the way I see it the saga still doesn't need TFA. The film did nothing to make itself indispensable and I feel it's very much relying on 8 and 9 to vindicate its existence in terms of the broader story. For that reason I don't yet count it in my personal canon.

That meme is lolz.

But a-dev, with Luke, Han and Leia being in TFA it means it's canon, just let it in.

Oh god imagine if TFA/RO had been as bad as the PT and it had those characters!
Watch how Vader fought in ANH and ESB, somewhat static but still could pull it off.

Here's teh bespin fights

I won't post it up but watch this then go goggle the vader sequence from RO, you'll see it's a bit different. As if in ESB the suit was restricting the movements, whereas in RO he's moving more free.

Indeed. OT will always be the pinnacle but even if people consider RO Vader as pure fan service, it was still awesome! :D
:lol But seriously, I hate that ROTS just made old Ben out to be a casual liar. One of so many reasons I despise that film and the entire PT. That whole conversation between old Ben and Luke in ANH was retroactively reduced to complete bull***t with barely a shred of truth in any of it. Yet when you watch ANH the only part where you sense any possibility that Ben is lying or withholding something is when Luke asks how his father died. Everything else sounds utterly genuine with the kind of embellishments that you wouldn't just make up unless you were taking some sort of sick pleasure in it.

Again, Return of the Jedi made this a problem long before the prequels did though. Obi-Wan straight up lied to Luke anyway you cut it. According to Return of the Jedi, Obi-Wan and Yoda hid Luke and Leia from The Emperor and Vader. Anakin didn't even know he had children. So that whole "your father wanted you to have this when you were old enough" is still BS. That infamous "point of view" thing is terrible, contrived writing and Alec Guinness just manages to sell it. It always made me mad that Luke isn't angry about it. His reaction or lack thereof is awful. He should be pissed that these two old weirdos he placed his trust into lied to him, but nope.

The continuity gets worse with each movie. The saga as a whole, even with the "Star Wars: Legends" fat cut from it is a mess. Return of the Jedi was the harbinger of problems that would plague Phantom Menace and each sequel afterwards.