Fantastic Four reboot

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20th Century Fox isn't in the comic book film business. They just care if the film makes money but as to what goes into it, there isn't any kind of stock. Marvel Studios had a plan, from the beginning, to make a shared universe and one that built upon itself with every film. Even the less than stellar ones still had that goal in mind. Warner Bros is on that plan as well right now.

As far as 20th Century Fox is concerned, if someone has an idea no matter how bat**** crazy, if they can convince the studio heads that it will make money, that's all that matters. Sure the first FF was corny but good enough to warrant a sequel which underperformed. On paper with an exciting new director and then a cast which is comprised of some talented folks, I'm sure they thought slam dunk before seeing the actual thing.

Even Kevin Feige has a finish line in sight dealing with these on every turn whereas the folks at 20th Century Fox are just trying to make it profitable. It's not The Fantastic Four as a license or subject, it's 20th Century Fox not getting the right folks.

Look at X3 and X-Men: First Class. A perfect example how the right group makes all the difference. 20th Century Fox didn't give a **** about the groups, just that they made them money so they greenlit them both.
I think that's definitely true, in the sense that the X-Films have really been discrete film-by-film affairs. Even when they try to set something up like Phoenix at the end of X2 or Apocalypse at the end of DOFP, it's only vaguely defined at the time that they tease it. But I suspect that will change with Deadpool and Gambit, with possibly New Mutants, X-Force, and FF crossovers on the horizon.

This sounds like the Marvel way though.

James Gunn wasn't really proven when he made Guardians, Shane Black was proven when he made Iron Man 3, Alan Taylor still isn't proven, Payton Reed is pretty much equivalent to Tim Story, the Russos were not proven when they made The Winter Soldier and even Whedon wasn't really proven when he directed The Avengers.

Marvel Studios only make comic book movies, so it makes sense that they have a stronghold on things at all times, they have a vision for each movie and before they hire their director's they make sure that director is willing to follow their vision. That's not the Fox way obviously, they have so many other properties. Sometimes things work like Singer's X-Men and sometimes they don't which is the case with F4.

I think getting Trank after he directed Chronicle was an inspired choice, it made sense. Things just didn't work out but it's not like Sony getting Marc Webb to direct their Spider-Man movies after he directed one good romantic comedy.
Well I think there are two things here. One, Marvel Studios does obviously have a more top-down approach. They certainly didn't demonstrate that they have the executive leadership to ensure that movies don't turn into train wrecks when creative teams are given too much autonomy without the right track record. But two, I think they're just better judges of directors to handle a given property. Who knows what they saw in the Russos that suggested they could handle Winter Soldier, but Feige et al. saw it and went for it, and it paid off in spades. It's like being a good college recruiter or baseball scout. Fox doesn't always seem to have that skill.

I think Fox tried to emulate WB more than anything else. Indie director + comic source material = Batman Begins. The problem was Chronicle was no Memento and Trank sure as heck isn't Nolan.
True dat, playa.
A little laugh from FB from a guy named "Rory Claire":


Following the disappointment of the recent 'Fantastic Four' film I decided, while making my supper, to see if I could make a better Dr Doom mask out of four slices of toast and twelve cocktail sticks than Twentieth Century Fox could manage with $120,000,000.

Nailed it. :lol
:lol :lol

"Rory Claire" my ass, that's really Biojex getting out of the shower with his soggy toast, the wife must've been using the green towel.

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the four dont have their comic suit on butit was planned as im sure it was also planned to give an armor to Doom That would have him look like in the comic.

Saw it again, like the movie up to the 1 year later card.
Doom was ****ing scary. Liked that horror scifi tone more than the original comic..
Its not as bad as people make it sound seriously, the script is as generic as Antman or Avenger, Thor or any of the Marvel flicks.
But the went the grim way (ben weeping, Reed crying quite a downer), no humor at all, and humor is what people expect now from marvel flicks, a lot of ha ha and big actions set pieces.
Maybe the comic is good but maybe the idea just wont ever work on movies.

What other property has had FOUR different tries and they all failed?

Daredevil had one try and was automatically shelved lol. Ghost rider had 2 tries that failed and it is gone. :lol
Elektra had one try ( two technically)

But this gets 4 horrible tries... Wtf lol :lol
Punisher had 3 lackluster movies, I guess it's just a stupid comic that can't work as a movie.

It could work as a series ( which Is what everyone wants) and the third movie was pretty much the punished max comic brought to life.
The third movie flopped but it was pretty much the max comic page to page
The third movie may have been over the top, but Stevenson made a great looking Punisher.
Agreed. First 1/3 up to the 1 year jump was good. Would've made the government the baddies since they were kind of using them, have Dr. Doom disappear and only return in the end saying he saw the future and the world would come to end unless he rules it, and begin the sequel with his "story" and then make it about his conquest and have the team try to stop them, had they been established better in the 1st film. I don't know. :dunno :lol It had a lot of potential but it just went sour, relationships weren't established, so many things were just left unexplained and they just happened and we were shown it, end of story. :slap:
I did like Stevenson. I even liked Jane. They just screwed up the plot/story and didn't give it any gravity where there should have been.
I have a great idea for a FF movie.

There, i'm as good as Trank now!

Follow thru you say? Finishing something you started?

Why, is that important?

The third movie may have been over the top, but Stevenson made a great looking Punisher.

Punisher warzone is one of my favorite movies just because they got the punisher so right and the violence of the max right
I have a great idea for a FF movie.

There, i'm as good as Trank now!

Follow thru you say? Finishing something you started?

Why, is that important?

I have a great idea for a FF movie: Reed Richards is a brilliant, mature scientist, his best friend, Ben Grimm is a test pilot. Reed is in college with a brilliant but arrogant Latverian who is conducting unauthorized experiments on dimensional travel, the machine explodes scarring the Latverian. Later Reed is studying cosmic radiation and decides to launch, his gf and her impetuous younger brother tag along and the radiation grants them super powers. Show down with the Latverian.
Any resemblance to a story written by Stan Lee and Jack Kirby is purely coincidental and should be ignored because that couldn't possibly work.
I have a great idea for a FF movie: Reed Richards is a brilliant, mature scientist, his best friend, Ben Grimm is a test pilot. Reed is in college with a brilliant but arrogant Latverian who is conducting unauthorized experiments on dimensional travel, the machine explodes scarring the Latverian. Later Reed is studying cosmic radiation and decides to launch, his gf and her impetuous younger brother tag along and the radiation grants them super powers. Show down with the Latverian.
Any resemblance to a story written by Stan Lee and Jack Kirby is purely coincidental and should be ignored because that couldn't possibly work.
