Judge Dredd movie (2012)

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That's not true. This thread is for dredd. That figure is based on a movie where a cop is trapped inside of a building fighting against a gang hellbent on killing him. It's called The Raid: Redemption.


that movie got a sequel.... dredd deserves one as well. :lol
Wow, those animated shorts were pretty good, I didn't love the drawings nor the animation, but they did convey a lot of style.

And the story was insane, good insane.
Screenwriter expresses regret at first film failing to find a big enough audience.
Alex Garland has been talking about Dredd 2, stating that the superhero sequel is unlikely to happen, and expressing his regret that the first film failed to find a big enough audience.

The screenwriter – whose previous credits include 28 Days Later, Sunshine and Never Let Me Go – stopped by IGN’s London office this week to discuss his directorial debut Ex Machina, with the full interview appearing on this Friday’s IGN UK Podcast.

And having his full and undivided attention, we asked Garland if Dredd 2 is still dead in the water.

“As far as I’m concerned? Yeah it is,” he explained. “My hope is, and I actually think this will happen – somebody else will do it. Not to be all coy and silly about it, but I think our film was better than the first one, right? Just to be blunt. And the job of the next people is to make their film better than ours. And then if they do that, then finally, maybe this character will break out in the way that it deserves to. But we’ll see.”

Fans of the first movie have been vocal in their support of a sequel, even circulating a petition to make Dredd 2 happen, and Garland revealed that he has mixed emotions about their efforts.

The reality is that a film needs to acquit itself. It shouldn’t need a petition."

“It makes me feel sad really. I feel grateful to the people who’ve attempted to get a sequel off the ground. And sorry that actually what happened was we let them down. Because the reality is that a film needs to acquit itself. It shouldn’t need a petition. And the truth is if it gets to the point where it needs a petition, it’s in big trouble anyway. That’s the cold hard reality of it. I feel a sense of residual guilt. It’s quite strong actually; it’s not that residual. Dredd was a very, very hard movie to work on, for all sorts of different reasons, and the reward would have been at the end of it that it all worked out. But it didn’t all work out. That’s the reality.”

As for how Dredd 2 and then 3 would have looked, Garland says the films would have grown in size.

“The first film we made it for about $35m, although quite a lot of that was to do with shooting it in 3D. Or a chunk of it. And we managed to make that film for that budget by locking it in a building essentially, sort of Die Hard-style. In the second film it was going to go out into the desert, which would be The Cursed Earth – people who know the comic book would know immediately what that means. And maybe throw some money at some key sequences. That’s how you do it I guess. I think we could have made it for another $30m, $35m type thing. We could have made it for $30m if we shot it in 2D. $35m maybe 3D I guess. Of that order. But the third one that would have been more expensive, because it would have been going back to the city and maybe bringing in some Dark Judges or something like that.”

Sadly however, it looks like we’ll never get to see his vision.

Alex Garland’s Ex Machina hits UK screens on January 21, and you’ll be able to check out the full interview – in which he discusses everything from The Beach and 28 Days Later to Dark Souls and The Last of Us – when the IGN UK podcast drops this Friday.

Chris Tilly is the Entertainment Editor for IGN in the UK and wishes he had a spare $30m to give Mr. Garland. He can be found talking nonsense on both Twitter and MyIGN.
Well if Dredd 2 was supposed to take place in the desert I guess people can just enjoy Fury Road instead.

Sequels are double-edged swords anyway. Remember RoboCop and The Matrix? Everybody was so excited for those stories to continue and look what we got.
I had high hopes for Dredd and it delivered. It kills me that something like that doesn't get another chance. I know it only made $35 million worldwide but it has too have made a decent amount on dvd/blu ray/digital downloads. Seems like there's enough there to warrant a sequel.
Alex Garland Says That Dredd 2 Is Not Going To Happen

And I understand and appreciate the support the film has had,
and the campaigns that have existed for it, and it's really genuinely gratifying

I love it in all respects except one, which is when I hear about people buying copies of the DVD in order to boost sales and to change the figures.
And what I want to say to them is, "Don't do that. Keep your money." Because the people that are making the decisions are much colder and harder than that.
And the graphs they're looking at are not really going to be sufficiently dented by that.