Guillermo del Toro's Pacific Rim!!!

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Saw it, not very good. Expected a lot more from Guillermo.

The good:
1) The giant robot fight scenes are well done and exciting, you dont see that on the big screen often.

2) The giant robots are cool

3) Did i mention giant robots are cool?

4) Characters are not completely 1 dimensional, nothing too deep or interesting either though.

5) The japanese girl is hot

The bad:
1) Many of the dialogs were horrible...

2) The movie is way too predictable and average. I know they are going to kill off certain robots so the hero can save the day, but jesus at least make those robots who are suppose to be insanely powerful put up a decent fight not just getting ripped apart on que especially they were suppose to the best of the best and killed many monsters. Also give the pilots of those robots some background story instead of just use them as crash dummies.

Then the one they want to keep alive somehow doesnt die after taking 100x more beatings.

3) The whole charlie guy scientist side mission was completely retarded and adds nothing but cheapen the whole movie. I know they are trying to add some humor, but those 2 guys belong in the 3 stoogies movie.

4) Storyline is pretty boring, no surprise, no twist, i already knew how it is going to end half way through movie.

Bottomline, still go watch it because giant robots fight alone is worth the ticket, but cant help but feel disappointed.

To be fair Guillermo Del Toro did not write this.
He didn't write the script.
But if I remember correctly, del Toro edited himself after you two stepped up to the mike, and maybe even tried to temper the situation by mentioning something about young folks to not curse...


LOL I believe the quote was "Captain America (my son was in costume) - do NOT talk like the large Mexican man, ok?"

To which my son gave him a thumbs up.

I may have to go watch the video of it again, that was so cool. I was SO wanting to get him to the mic at the Agents of SHIELD panel in his Coulson costume but now it looks like we won't be able to see the panel at all.
My thoughts. Not great :(

Sigh. here we go.

I dunno. I was just....underwhelmed. Just...empty expression on my face. Was not pumped up, was not excited, I was not - wow I need to see that again.

Ok some dumb nitpicks, but it still drove me crazy:

OK, in this day and age, and especially the future. You are telling me, you can't create REMOTE controlled robots to do the fighting??
You have to risk human lives because apparently you need real people mind connected to control it? It can't just be remote controlled just about everything these days lol

Or how about just using nukes on them. One pops up? Fire a nuke at it. That won't do it? But giant robots wrestling and slugging in the face will?

OK, ok those are - "Hey it's just a fun movie, check your reality at the door, and enjoy it for what it is." But I couldn't help it. The whole movie.

Other issues:
The scientists. Annoying and silly. Didn't get it or the humor.
The one guy is just annoying as hell. And "Igor"? Really? really??

All this scientific equipment and using an old fashioned air bellow on the

Character development and story. OK they tried. But I still wasn't buying it. Still acted and done way better then a BAY movie, but still. Like movies like this, it's just hard to try to make me "care" about these people or what's happening. It all happens too fast and too brief. Yet if you take too much time making it that kind of movie, then people would just complain it's boring and not enough action. Hard to strike that balance in this genre, I know.
Wasn't horrible and the acting was pretty good (minus the scientists), and I liked the lead guy.

Visuals were great, top notch. Very cool. But did bother me a bit it was always dark, raining, underwater. Wanted a few day time shots and stuff. But overall satisfied with visuals.

3D. Once again 3D fails me and makes just wish it would go away. Another useless use of it. It was better than MOS, but that's still not saying much. Could have done without.

I was just not overly blown away. That will be the only time I see this on the big screen. Made it to MOS three times, before I exhausted of that movie. It won't happen here. Blu Ray will be purchased.

This sound harsh, but it's not. I don't hate the movie. I did like it.
7 out of 10 for me.

Yeah that pretty much sums up my feelings on this movie.
Remote controlled robots=boring *** movie its cool to see the humans inside the mechas. Really would you rather this movie be all remote controlled robots? You're kidding yourself if you think that would make it more enjoyable.

Ahhh! I must watch. Over and over.

Slightly calming down...

Let me just say, hands down, the most intense, insane, original, unique movie I've seen in a long, long time. I knew Del Toro would deliver, but I never knew how much. He KNOCKED it out of the park.

How? He didn't make his film stupid. He made it simple. And that led to my brain actually firing during these battle scenes. He made them unique. They weren't mindless robots fighting mindless monsters. Everyone, and everything had a purpose.

If you see Grown Ups 2 over Pacific Rim, you are dead to me. Do not support that. Support this. Haha.

Wow. My mind is still collating. Best movie of the Summer, possibly year.....

Ahhh! I must watch. Over and over.

Slightly calming down...

Let me just say, hands down, the most intense, insane, original, unique movie I've seen in a long, long time. I knew Del Toro would deliver, but I never knew how much. He KNOCKED it out of the park.

How? He didn't make his film stupid. He made it simple. And that led to my brain actually firing during these battle scenes. He made them unique. They weren't mindless robots fighting mindless monsters. Everyone, and everything had a purpose.

If you see Grown Ups 2 over Pacific Rim, you are dead to me. Do not support that. Support this. Haha.

Wow. My mind is still collating. Best movie of the Summer, possibly year.....

What'd I say?

Fully agree on the fights, I knew the action was coming but those fight scenes made me jump in my seat sometimes!
Seriously.. Why are people criticising the storyline of a movie about giant aliens fighting robots lol. Btw u can't keep firing nukes without destroying earth sooner or later
The thing about this movie, isn't stupid. It's not Transformers.

It's simple. But not stupid. Simple doesn't equal stupid.
But the downside is...I could not get enough posters. I could only get maybe 2 extra. So we'll have to figure that out. But i kept a list of the people who wanted maybe a live raffle or something.
Just came back from the IMAX 3D screening!
I love this movie so much!!
Cannot wait to see it again, and again... and again!!
Really? People are complaining about the rain and night shots?? Why? :dunno

Just came back from the IMAX 3D screening!
I love this movie so much!!
Cannot wait to see it again, and again... and again!!
Really? People are complaining about the rain and night shots?? Why? :dunno


I didn't hate the film at all. Hating it would have at least given me an emotional response. I walked out the this film and forgot about it 10 minutes later. :dunno