Xbox One System Discussion

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Ok maybe it's the way Sony brings up the install thing. I could have swore almost every game I played immediatly asked me to install it and it must not been clear it was not required.

I rarely every played games on it, I hate the Sony controllers ever since the day they decided they need thumb stocks because Xbox had them and just kind of threw them on the controller in a horrible unergonomic position.
Ok maybe it's the way Sony brings up the install thing. I could have swore almost every game I played immediatly asked me to install it and it must not been clear it was not required.

I rarely every played games on it, I hate the Sony controllers ever since the day they decided they need thumb stocks because Xbox had them and just kind of threw them on the controller in a horrible unergonomic position.
Well you're right about that part, some data is installed at start-up for most games, although a lot of that is DLC (I imagine the 360 is the same). So you're right, it is mandatory if you're connected to the internet for the DLC and patches. I've never actually started a PS3 game without being connected, so I'm unsure how much would be installed without a connection, or if the game never had any online content or patches.

I was just comparing those "game data" installations to installing the entire game on the hard drive, but like everyone says, if MS is doing it due to publisher pressure, Sony probably will as well. Not arguing, just trying to clear up my own confusion as well. :)

I actually prefer the PS controllers more than any other console (I found the 360 controller way too big among other things), but I will say the trigger positions took some getting used to. I wish there was a company that let you design your own custom controllers (not gonna happen I know).
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I doubt they were updates they took a long time. Playstations servers are slow but not that slow.
360 games require an update if ur connected to live but its random
Ah ok thanks. :) This whole used-game thing is the deciding factor in terms of installation for both MS and Sony now, so it's probably a moot point anyway. Thanks for the info though, everyone. :)

I doubt they were updates they took a long time. Playstations servers are slow but not that slow.
Yeah I think a lot of times it's data to cut back on load times. The install at start-up usually goes pretty fast, but some games like Valkyria Chronicles had an optional installation which took a really long time, but I still don't think it was the entire game. I didn't remember if the 360 at any time automatically installed data from the disc, no matter how small. But yeah, thanks, I think I'm understanding the discussions a little better now. :)

Sorry, I said I was leaving this thread for a while, and I'm back again. :lol I'll try to cut back on my random posts here. :wave
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360 let's u install games but its just for shorter load times and less noise.
If the next Xbox is install only then **** its gonna fill up the memory fast.
I have played a lot of PS3 games, and the only one to "require" an installation was MGS4. There are a lot of games that offer a partial install to reduce load times, but not one of those were required in order for the the game to function.
I know there's been more than one game that's required an install on PS3, I can't remember which ones.

BTW, the install on Xbox One can take place while you're playing the game, so it's not like you have to wait 10 minutes before you start to play.
It just sucks because it's going to fill up your HD. My 360 HD filled up and to play Mass Effect 3 I had to get rid of a lot of stuff. I deleted a lot of the DLCs I hadn't played in awhile since they were taking up the most space. Went to play ME3 and couldn't play with my character because I was missing some of the ME DLCs. So had to reinstall them and get rid of other things. It was just a pain.....I did end up getting a bigger HD so I wouldn't have to go through that again. :lol But I only had one game fully installed and then a bunch of DLCs....Having to deal with that again irritates me. If the PS4 does it as well...I'll also be irritated. I guess I'm just old fashioned and all this digital stuff is overwhelming me. :lol In some ways it makes things easier and in other ways it's more of a headache. If I had the choice of paying $50 for a digital download or $60 for a disc and be able to play my game from the disc (not installing) I would pick the disc every time.
lets say all the next gen system fail to be successful. Do you guys think it would be the end of the video game industry, Or would developers continue to make games for the current gen systems and force Sony and Microsoft to continue to support their current Gen systems longer then they anticipated?

For me I wish this was the case, I think the current gen systems are pre mature. If they had all waited a little longer, perhaps they would have had more to offer for us to make the jump from our current system into the future one.
They will be successful, if they aren't, it would go straight to cloud gaming.

And these are in no way premature, Nintendo should have had the Wii U out 1-2 years before they did. The games industry is doing terrible in Japan due to the old hardware. People are bored with the current releases of games and need something new and amazing. Not only that, but previous consoles are limited in some big ways--Xbox 360 doesn't have Blu-Ray, and neither the 360 or the PS3 render games at 1080p.
lets say all the next gen system fail to be successful. Do you guys think it would be the end of the video game industry, Or would developers continue to make games for the current gen systems and force Sony and Microsoft to continue to support their current Gen systems longer then they anticipated?

For me I wish this was the case, I think the current gen systems are pre mature. If they had all waited a little longer, perhaps they would have had more to offer for us to make the jump from our current system into the future one.

By premature do you mean 2 years late? Console graphics at this point are literally multiple years behind the PC versions of the same games.

And there is no way these will fail. Once the big titles start to be shown, like Destiny, Fallout4, Mass Effect 4 (or whatever Bioware game...) people will instantly change to

Yeah they wont fail. All the btching on the internet is for the most part pointless. One a game comes out they no amount of previous *****ing will stop the majority from dropping the cash to get a system.

There really isnt another option.
When Final Fantasy 13 versus comes out you bet your *** I will be buying a new system. Been waiting for years for that game.
anyone seen the placeholder price thats up? In Australia, ebgames have listed it (as a placeholder price, but they reckon itll be $899 or there abouts. I wasnt expecting that much...:slap
They will be successful, if they aren't, it would go straight to cloud gaming.

And these are in no way premature, Nintendo should have had the Wii U out 1-2 years before they did. The games industry is doing terrible in Japan due to the old hardware. People are bored with the current releases of games and need something new and amazing. Not only that, but previous consoles are limited in some big ways--Xbox 360 doesn't have Blu-Ray, and neither the 360 or the PS3 render games at 1080p.

the 360 Sales in Japan were Bad even when it came out.. and with the Xbox One .. for my Personal Opinion it features all sounds like American-ish "Cable TV, NFL..etc" . and that's what Microsoft seems to target its market for, so for Japanese are being more alienated with this new hardware .
HC Game sales are down 30%. Vita and wii u are partial it is possible these two will fail too? Do consumers or gamers want to run out and spend 400+ or so on a consoles release?
I know there's been more than one game that's required an install on PS3, I can't remember which ones.

BTW, the install on Xbox One can take place while you're playing the game, so it's not like you have to wait 10 minutes before you start to play.

it's somewhere in the 60-75% range of games that require an install. It is the reason that my company dosn't have PS3's in our lounges. the install will eat up a great deal of hard drive space, and would severly limit the number of games we could offer for said console.

They will be successful, if they aren't, it would go straight to cloud gaming.

And these are in no way premature, Nintendo should have had the Wii U out 1-2 years before they did. The games industry is doing terrible in Japan due to the old hardware. People are bored with the current releases of games and need something new and amazing. Not only that, but previous consoles are limited in some big ways--Xbox 360 doesn't have Blu-Ray, and neither the 360 or the PS3 render games at 1080p.

Yes and no. People Want new, flashy, shiny consoles. All people also want new cars, and people in hell want Ice water.
If they'll buy them is another story.

By premature do you mean 2 years late? Console graphics at this point are literally multiple years behind the PC versions of the same games.

And there is no way these will fail. Once the big titles start to be shown, like Destiny, Fallout4, Mass Effect 4 (or whatever Bioware game...) people will instantly change to


Yeah they wont fail. All the btching on the internet is for the most part pointless. One a game comes out they no amount of previous *****ing will stop the majority from dropping the cash to get a system.

There really isnt another option.

Well.. lets also consider that the internet connectivity requirements of the Xbone pretty much negate any and all armed services personell ( whom are HUGE supporters of the existing 360) who are on deployment, or who are on aircraft carriers, and/or nuclear subs ( which are essentialy floating cities). Additionaly, most army bases have the on-base internet significantly locked down ( in the barricks) to the point where use of internet gaming is not a possability. YES, SOME of them get cellular data devices to bypass this, but this becomes prohibitively expensive.

additionaly, a great deal of people STILL don't have cable or better internet ( which is what xbox live has ALLWAYS required) i nthe US ALONE.

That IS going to effect their buisness model.

How much remains to be seen.

long and short of it... I can't say i'm as excited about this next round of consoles as I have been in any other.

Yes, higher graphics and more details are cool... but I'm not to jazzed about another return to "brown town" as we get more and more realistic. Why? Becuase Gritty and real is relatively easy to do, So I'm sure we're going to get that shoved down our throats even more.

I AM looking forward to graphics more or less reaching a pletau, so we can hopefully see some more originality in game graphics design.
Haha do you have an xboner for the xbone.
I want graphics like this
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