Christopher Nolan's Interstellar

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I can't wait to hear who composes the soundtrack!
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I love Hans, but I miss the days of Nolan/Julyan collaboration. The vibe I get from this project makes me think Julyan would be perfect for it.
Happy to see a new face. I neither like nor dislike McConauhey. Not my top pick of actor I'd like to see in a Nolan film but as I did with the casting of Heath Ledger as Joker, I'll trust Nolan's judgement until I can judge for myself.
Happy to see a new face. I neither like nor dislike McConauhey. Not my top pick of actor I'd like to see in a Nolan film but as I did with the casting of Heath Ledger as Joker, I'll trust Nolan's judgement until I can judge for myself.

Pretty much this.
I wouldn't say i'm a big McConauhey fan, but I did enjoy his performances in Reign of Fire, Killer Joe and Frailty. As long as there is a solid supporting cast I'll be happy( Cillian Murphy and Tom Hardy please:monkey3)
Why the **** wouldn't you want the one of the best actors working today in this movie? Are you people high?
He is. Every movie he's done in the past 2 years he's delivered an outstanding performance.

And his new film Mud is getting a ton of recognition.
I'd agree with him delivering some fantastic performances as of late. He's really been pushing himself the last few years , he'll bring his A game here I'm sure.

If this isn't dedication to acting I'm not sure what is.

I'd agree with him delivering some fantastic performances as of late. He's really been pushing himself the last few years , he'll bring his A game here I'm sure.

If this isn't dedication to acting I'm not sure what is.


Looks like what Bale did to prepare for the machinist. Practically starve themselves to death for a movie role. That's taking the term method actor to a whole new level. Isn't there CGI for this crap now kind of like what was used in captain america when they made him look skinny and scrawny???
:lol Good one.

He is.

McConaughey has worked hard in recent years to drop the whole "hawaiian shirt wearing romcom prettyboy" image. Those days are long gone. Today he is regarded as one of the most talented leading man in Hollywood. 2012 was a stellar year for him, with many critics believing he was robbed of an oscar nom.

I think it's a great and intruiging choice. Also, fresh blood is always nice to see in a Nolan film.
Why the **** wouldn't you want the one of the best actors working today in this movie? Are you people high?

Agreed. He proved to me he could play outlandish characters when I saw him Reign of Fire. Much different from his normal "rom-com" stereotype. And as you said, lately he's been delivering great performances.