Sonar for DX12 & Grenades for DX11 ??

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How is it ambiguous?? He clearly states the cape is backpack...Oye! :slap just going to stay out of it from here. No point in arguing this anymore. Think I filled my quota last night

Nolan (from the special features):

We had devised with Lindy Hemming a backpack shape that the cape could fold up into, using the memory fabric idea from the first film. Originally everytime he rode the bike, we were going to use that backpack-shape because we felt that the cape would immediately get caught in the rear tire and pull the rider off.

Costume Designer Lindy Hemming, page 16 of The Art of The Dark Knight (making of book):

"I wanted to make a kind of backpack, where the whole cape could withdraw into the backpack," she reveals. "I sort of researched the shape of a bat's wings and worked out that it could flip repeatedly at 100 miles per hour, and end up as a kind of backpack-shaped thing on Batman's back, Originally I think that was going to happen every time he got on the Bat-Pod, but in the end, Chris really wanted to have the flowing cape, so we opted for a shorter version of the cape for when Batman rides the Bat-Pod."

Pg 177 of The Art and Making of The Dark Knight Trilogy:

"To solve the problem, Lindy Hemming and her crew had gone to great lengths to develop a prototype backpack, into which the cape would fold, electronically."

Both Nolan and Hemming describe the cape as folded "into" or withdrawn "into" the backpack...and then in the same breath, describe it as becoming a "backpack-shaped" thing. Ambiguous.

Now, taking only the evidence we see within the films themselves (no input from behind the scenes special features or "making of books")...we clearly see two of the hard, different smoothness than the cape texture, separate-from-the-batsuit (no-current running through them) backpacks stored in his bunker in TDKR. We see the suit stored separately from the cape in both the Batcave's plexiglass armory and the bunker's armory. What we don't see? Where exactly does he store the cape? Is it always inside the backpack when he isn't wearing it? For those of us that believe it *is* the backpack, does he always store it in "backpack-mode"? Even within only the movies themselves, it's ambiguous.

I never thought of the backpack as the cape. I think thats kinda lame. Ill just pretend its in the backpack.

I agree. Could you imagine a scene of Batman "transforming" his flowing cape into "backpack-mode"? I'd almost expect to hear the transformers sound when that happens...and it would be silly as hell. But I can see the pov of those that believe it *is* the cape. I think it's ambiguous enough that we can all believe it is what we want. :peace
You're supposed to assume that the cowl is a mixture of a ceramic underlayer armor upper and a rubber outer layer, as you see in Begins the piece alfred breaks is only the top half of the head, as is the part that bane breaks off. So the lower part that surrounds the jaw and has to move around the neck is flexible rubber, i.e. it can be put on taken off etc.

You also see it when alfred pics it up in TDK in the scene where bruce is sitting in the suit in the apartment after rachels death, it's flexible in the jaw area mostly, obviously the prop is all rubber but you can assume in the movie world it's upper half is the rigid armor inside the rubber cowl.

Thanks...makes sense for me. :clap He'd want the hardest part to protect his cranium from blunt force impact, and some softness and flexibility around his jaw so he could squeeze it on and off, not to mention open his mouth for speaking, shouting, grunting in fights etc.
Judging by your post, yeah, I'd say it's ambiguous enough. But I don't care enough to get into an argument about it. If people want to see it as the cape and others as somewhere the cape is folded into that's cool. Even if Nolan straight up came out and said it was the cape I'd still pretend it wasn't. :lol

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Just thought about this. Where does the back pack go when he jumps off the building. :lol We clearly see when he smashes through the window that it's gone.
it's more like a gliding wing being fold into the backpack. since its not a normal cape he wears on the normal bases, and needs to be able to use for high jump then then open into the gliding system.... it makes since that it was folded into the back pack ;)
I can't believe there's a discussion about this cape pack . . .

I can't believe there's a discussion about this cape pack . . .


:lol Actually opened this thread as I didn't know what to think about this Sonar & Grenade items, now I don't know what to think about the Backpack and the Cowl. :lol
I think these head and backpack are nice (for those who missed DX02 and have only DX12), but not for the price, they seem to be greedy, even new unlicensed bat-armory is cheap in comparison to these. And they have really weird shipping politics.
I think these head and backpack are nice (for those who missed DX02 and have only DX12), but not for the price, they seem to be greedy, even new unlicensed bat-armory is cheap in comparison to these. And they have really weird shipping politics.

you are off topic,

we are discussing the the legitimacy of the cape turning into the backpack.

Yeah I'd be def up for this if it was in the $60 range for both. But no way I'd spend that much just to "complete" my DX12
Well guys I bought the backpack and the sonar head from them. The paint job on both is just a little different. They have a slightly more matte finish. The sonar head lights up pretty well. Backpack fits well onto the DX12 too. As far as the conversation I will say I still think the pack opens and the cape comes out. Almost like a parachute. Either way I don't really have an opinion on who's right or wrong. I do think the pack looks cool though.