Sonar for DX12 & Grenades for DX11 ??

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How do you know he doesn't have more than one cape used for multiple situations like the HK jump scene?? He's a billionaire. :Lol Remember in Batman begins he had to buy 10,000 of each piece of the cowl to not raise suspicions??

But believe what you want. I'm more than sure they've also said it in the special features. And it's been said many times that the backpack is the cape. I honeslty though it was common knowledge. And Nothing wrong with wiki. Ppl use it all the time :dunno

I give up have a good day
I give up have a good day

Good day to you too :)

Also, to really put this argument to rest, it is stated in the special features on TDK during the Batpod featurette. I had to find it, i knew it wasnt just online. Nolan himself says that it's the cape folded up using the memory fabric idea.
Yeah, I already asked about the backpack and the sonar head. All I want is the backpack but still too expensive with shipping. This is what he quoted me to ship to the states.

the shipping cost is 30usd.

Buy sonar head only is 75usd + 30 shipping cost = 105usd

Buy back pack only is 65usd + 30 shipping cost = 95 usd

Buy sonar head and back pack is 120usd + 30 shipping cost = 150usd

Why is the backpack so expensive, especially compared to the sonar head?
The backpack is a 1 colour plastic shell.
Yeah, I already asked about the backpack and the sonar head. All I want is the backpack but still too expensive with shipping. This is what he quoted me to ship to the states.

the shipping cost is 30usd.

Buy sonar head only is 75usd + 30 shipping cost = 105usd

Buy back pack only is 65usd + 30 shipping cost = 95 usd

Buy sonar head and back pack is 120usd + 30 shipping cost = 150usd

They've got to be kidding. For the price of the back pack and the sonar head, you might as well just put in more money and buy a DX02 (or another figure of some sort).
Soooo did they ever legitimize the backpack being in that scene?? :lol

Anyway, I always thought that scene when he meets the wall, drives up and turns to land on the pavement is silly. Took the steam out of an otherwise awesome sequence.

He wore it so he would go down (free fall) when he jumped.

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I doubt the backpack *is* the cape, anymore than a parachute pack *is* the parachute. It's just the container. The memory cloth becomes rigid when a current is run through it (it's implied from Lucius's demonstration that this current comes from the special gloves). Even if you assume that his suit is constantly running a current through it to maintain its "pack" skeleton form...then he wouldn't be able to change it into the rigid open wings form. It's just current "on" (rigid from) or "off" ...loose cloth.

Besides...we know the pack is a separate rigid object that isn't the cape and isn't dependent on the current of the suit to maintain its form, because it appears in TDKR in the Bat-bunker when Lucius and Bruce are planning the final showdown.
I doubt the backpack *is* the cape, anymore than a parachute pack *is* the parachute. It's just the container. The memory cloth becomes rigid when a current is run through it (it's implied from Lucius's demonstration that this current comes from the special gloves). Even if you assume that his suit is constantly running a current through it to maintain its "pack" skeleton form...then he wouldn't be able to change it into the rigid open wings form. It's just current "on" (rigid from) or "off" ...loose cloth.

Besides...we know the pack is a separate rigid object that isn't the cape and isn't dependent on the current of the suit to maintain its form, because it appears in TDKR in the Bat-bunker when Lucius and Bruce are planning the final showdown.

In the making of documentaries - they say that the backpack was a solution to the cape being caught in the rear tyre of the Batpod.

They also say in the making of that the backpack IS the cape - using the memory cloth science.

However, yes, the backpack is in the underground bunker in DKR - unless of course that's how he stores the cape :)

It's all just movie magic.
I dunno why I'm chiming in. Anyway, I saw the special features as well. The backpack IS the cape, folded up. Enjoy...
I doubt the backpack *is* the cape, anymore than a parachute pack *is* the parachute. It's just the container. The memory cloth becomes rigid when a current is run through it (it's implied from Lucius's demonstration that this current comes from the special gloves). Even if you assume that his suit is constantly running a current through it to maintain its "pack" skeleton form...then he wouldn't be able to change it into the rigid open wings form. It's just current "on" (rigid from) or "off" ...loose cloth.

Besides...we know the pack is a separate rigid object that isn't the cape and isn't dependent on the current of the suit to maintain its form, because it appears in TDKR in the Bat-bunker when Lucius and Bruce are planning the final showdown.

Can't believe this has turned into such a huge debate. Feel kind of responsible for bringing it up so will just contribute quickly and hope it helps. It has been clearly stated by the filmmaker s that the cape is the backpack. The same technology that makes it become rigid wings so he can glide makes it also fold up into a backpack. Admittedly this idea is flawed because surely it wouldn't be able to change to various shapes. It could just be one shape or the other. Not change between three. Also it's appearance in TDKR is a bit odd. So I think it's just something that doesn't make a whole lot of sense but none the less, that's the explanation.
I'm going to over look the minor details about the rigid form of the cape, and whether it can be the back pack or not.

Since it involves a scene where a man is jumping from one building to another, gliding on with an electrified cape, and not breaking any bones as he crashes through an office window.
This is kind of my sentiments from my post. People saying "but it couldn't do that" are right, but its a movie. There are a lot of things that couldn't really happen, but they do them in the movie.
Yeah this whole backpack argument is kind of dumb :lol. It's just a movie so not everything has to make perfect sense, especially when it's a fictional technology people are arguing over what it can or cannot due. If it was said by the filmmakers that's enough explanation for me.
This always happens with comic/movie/other fictional universe debates. We can all accept that a fictional world doesn't operate by the same *exact* rules as ours, and there is a certain suspension of disbelief, to an extent. But within that fictional universe, certain rules are implicitly or explicitly defined.

Boundaries...Jedis can jump really really high using the force, but they can't just use it to fly. Neo is faster and stronger than any agent in the Matrix, but he can still bleed, and die (temporarily, anyway) in it.

And then, inevitably someone says "it's just a movie/ doesn't make sense/ check your brain at the door before you go in" or something like that.

Nothing is wrong with debating what the boundaries are within the established rules that are shown within the universe. That's part of the fun. You may take an explanation of the filmmaker as the final word, but that's a lot of "tell" instead of "show"....bad storytelling imo to rely on extra-story features to explain something within the story, especially when you already made so much effort to establish the "rules" of how things work within the story itself.

Besides, Nolan's explanation from the special features, as well as costume designer Lindy Hemming's explanation in the The Dark Knight "making of" book are ambiguous enough that it can mean either explanation...that the cape is the backpack, or that the cape folds up into the backpack. Not to mention that they are talking about how it might have functioned specifically for the bat-pod scenes...not a BASE jumping scene.

Taking only the clues within the story we know that

1. the cape can be loose falling, or in a rigid shape when a current runs through it.

2. We also know that the cape is a velvety matte black no matter what form it's in. The light refracts off of the backpack like it's a smooth hard piece of plastic, ceramic or armor, there is no velvety matte or flocked look to it, as the cape material has in both it's loose and rigid forms.

3. We also know that the backpack (two of them in fact) appear in a solid-state form in TDKR without being attached to the suit, without any current running through it.

I fully admit, it is quite nerdy to analyze it to this level, but for me it's clear. The hard backpack in TDK and backpacks in TDKR are not the same thing as the cape, which is even pliable when in it's rigid wing form.
This always happens with comic/movie/other fictional universe debates. We can all accept that a fictional world doesn't operate by the same *exact* rules as ours, and there is a certain suspension of disbelief, to an extent. But within that fictional universe, certain rules are implicitly or explicitly defined.

Boundaries...Jedis can jump really really high using the force, but they can't just use it to fly. Neo is faster and stronger than any agent in the Matrix, but he can still bleed, and die (temporarily, anyway) in it.

And then, inevitably someone says "it's just a movie/ doesn't make sense/ check your brain at the door before you go in" or something like that.

Nothing is wrong with debating what the boundaries are within the established rules that are shown within the universe. That's part of the fun. You may take an explanation of the filmmaker as the final word, but that's a lot of "tell" instead of "show"....bad storytelling imo to rely on extra-story features to explain something within the story, especially when you already made so much effort to establish the "rules" of how things work within the story itself.

Besides, Nolan's explanation from the special features, as well as costume designer Lindy Hemming's explanation in the The Dark Knight "making of" book are ambiguous enough that it can mean either explanation...that the cape is the backpack, or that the cape folds up into the backpack. Not to mention that they are talking about how it might have functioned specifically for the bat-pod scenes...not a BASE jumping scene.

Taking only the clues within the story we know that

1. the cape can be loose falling, or in a rigid shape when a current runs through it.

2. We also know that the cape is a velvety matte black no matter what form it's in. The light refracts off of the backpack like it's a smooth hard piece of plastic, ceramic or armor, there is no velvety matte or flocked look to it, as the cape material has in both it's loose and rigid forms.

3. We also know that the backpack (two of them in fact) appear in a solid-state form in TDKR without being attached to the suit, without any current running through it.

I fully admit, it is quite nerdy to analyze it to this level, but for me it's clear. The hard backpack in TDK and backpacks in TDKR are not the same thing as the cape, which is even pliable when in it's rigid wing form.

:clap Well done that man, thats exactly what i was trying to say but i could not find the words bravo
:clap Well done that man, thats exactly what i was trying to say but i could not find the words bravo

Thanks. Conundrum # 2:

Is the bat-cowl a flexible, stretchy rubber material of the type that Bruce can stretch to take on and off (like in the Hong Kong scene, among others)


Is the cowl an inflexible, hard-ceramic type piece of armor, that can be smashed and shattered (as Alfred did in BB, and Bane did in TDKR).

Hmmmm :gah:
You're supposed to assume that the cowl is a mixture of a ceramic underlayer armor upper and a rubber outer layer, as you see in Begins the piece alfred breaks is only the top half of the head, as is the part that bane breaks off. So the lower part that surrounds the jaw and has to move around the neck is flexible rubber, i.e. it can be put on taken off etc.

You also see it when alfred pics it up in TDK in the scene where bruce is sitting in the suit in the apartment after rachels death, it's flexible in the jaw area mostly, obviously the prop is all rubber but you can assume in the movie world it's upper half is the rigid armor inside the rubber cowl.
Besides, Nolan's explanation from the special features, as well as costume designer Lindy Hemming's explanation in the The Dark Knight "making of" book are ambiguous enough that it can mean either explanation...that the cape is the backpack, or that the cape folds up into the backpack. Not to mention that they are talking about how it might have functioned specifically for the bat-pod scenes...not a BASE jumping scene.

How is it ambiguous?? He clearly states the cape is backpack...Oye! :slap just going to stay out of it from here. No point in arguing this anymore. Think I filled my quota last night
Now I gotta watch it again. :lol I thought he said it was folded in the back pack. But if everyone says it isn't ill take your word for it. I never thought of the backpack as the cape. I think thats kinda lame. Ill just pretend its in the backpack. :lol

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How is it ambiguous?? He clearly states the cape is backpack...Oye! :slap just going to stay out of it from here. No point in arguing this anymore. Think I filled my quota last night

He clearly states its a french bloke riding the Batpod to lol :nana:
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