Sam Raimi Offered "Clash Of The Titans" Remake

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As good as Ray's stuff was at the time, I'm sure even he knew that it was only as good as the tech that was available to him. Drop some Kong-level effects into the mix and see what happens.

No, the "watchability" of the film (New word! I made a new word! :D ) will have more to do with the quality of the script and the direction than with the effects.

And I have fought a kraken. It's not that hard. ;)
No, the "watchability" of the film (New word! I made a new word! :D ) will have more to do with the quality of the script and the direction than with the effects.

Sorry, I've been using that word since 1983 :lol

Although seriously, I think its a common word:

" Unabridged (v 1.1) - Cite This Source
watch·a·ble /ˈwɒtʃəbəl/ Pronunciation Key - Show Spelled Pronunciation[woch-uh-buhl] Pronunciation Key - Show IPA Pronunciation
1. detectable; apparent.
2. interesting or enjoyable to watch: a watchable TV talk show.
[Origin: 1605–15; watch + -able]

—Related forms
watch·a·bil·i·ty, noun Unabridged (v 1.1)
Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2006."
The original is laughably bad in retrospect. But I think a hard R version is a mistake. This could be an introduction to the Greek myths for kids and given the story, a PG-13 take on it would be preferable.

They would have to censure too much to make any Greek myth PG-13 in this day and age.

They oughta give it to the guys who gave us HBO's ROME.
Rome was the best series in years. I'd be down for some Titus Pullo as Perseus. Unfortunately he's raping me as The Punisher instead and my ass will be a glutton for punishment.
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The original is a classic. Looks like my childhood is about to be raped yet again by Raimi. Let's just add his name to the list now.

So Rami is having all copies of the original or destroyed?

The original is a classic. FX is the only thing that can be topped, and the original FX was by choice, and a fine choice it was. Nothing looks kewler than Harryhausen's Medusa!

So Rami is having all copies of the original or destroyed?

The original is a classic. FX is the only thing that can be topped, and the original FX was by choice, and a fine choice it was. Nothing looks kewler than Harryhausen's Medusa!


I remember watching that scene in the theater and the Medusa scared the s#it out of me. I was afraid to look at her. They don't make movies like that anymore. Now it's just a bunch of CGI crap that doesn't look alive like Harryhausen's stuff did.
Sorry, I've been using that word since 1983 :lol

Although seriously, I think its a common word:

" Unabridged (v 1.1) - Cite This Source
watch·a·ble /?w?t??b?l/ Pronunciation Key - Show Spelled Pronunciation[woch-uh-buhl] Pronunciation Key - Show IPA Pronunciation
1. detectable; apparent.
2. interesting or enjoyable to watch: a watchable TV talk show.
[Origin: 1605–15; watch + -able]

—Related forms
watch·a·bil·i·ty, noun Unabridged (v 1.1)
Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2006."

Ah, well. :D It's new to me!
Last I heard Raimi was either going to be making Spider-Man 4 or the Hobbit. Is the rumorill flying or are there new developments?
I can respect Harryhausen for doing the best he could with the technology available at the time. However even as a small child I thought the stop motion stuff looked cheesy and fake. I'll take a Jurassic Park T-Rex over the Kraken any day.
Last I heard Raimi was either going to be making Spider-Man 4 or the Hobbit. Is the rumorill flying or are there new developments?

Last I heard he was getting some lube to make the rape of DekDave's childhood a little smoother.
Loved the original but bring on a remake!!! I'll go see it, if it'll rape your childhood then don't watch it.
I LOVE the original since I grew up watching it but I welcome a remake.

It'll be good to introduce a new generation to mythological creatures such as the Cracken and Medusa.