Star Wars On Blu-Ray

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Riiiiight. Sounds like a closet Lucas apologist trying to keep his street cred with the OT purist crowd. ;)

"Lucas sucks, this blu-ray set sucks, oh shoot I forgot to cancel my order....oh shoot no one will buy it from me at cost...I'm going to throw it away oh shoot I tripped and now the AOTC disc is flying toward my open blu-ray player...."

:lol :D

:lol :lol Its like you have a crystal ball or something :lol
:lol :lol Its like you have a crystal ball or something :lol


In other news click here to see Matthew Wood being grilled about the new changes on the blu-rays. Wow, he seems *very* uncomfortable talking about it and he doesn't even make much of attempt to explain what was going on in George's head with those. :lol

They start in about 3:08 of the video. And it does sound like the new "no's" were taken from recordings originally dubbed for ROTS.

[ame=""]TCW Season 4 Premiere Event: Matthew Wood Interview - YouTube[/ame]
The scene in the movie where Rorschach deals with the child killer, has him butcher the guy like Jason Vorhees.
In the book Rorschach is much more restrained, he handcuffs the child killer to a furnace, and gives him the option to saw off his own hand. His action/inaction speaks volumes, the change in plot/character you might think is minor, but imo its major; a bastardization of the character.

So too was leaving out Rorscharch's genesis; the scene in the book where he describes in detail the murder of Kitty Genovese, the subsequent apathy of the witnesses, and his appropriation of her Manhattan fabric dress that he goes onto to use as his mask, is essential to setting up his character, Snyder chose to omit these crucial details, just one of dozens of poor choices made.

By cutting the sub-plot of the island, which leads to the denouement of the book, is just another case of why the film is mediocre, great attention detail lavished on some scenes, other scenes are hamstrung and bastardized by a lazy screenplay and poor choices.
There's little point in being faithful to some sections of the book, while being unfaithful to the most essential pieces.

To be fair, those sound like the kind of cuts one would have to make for time.

More of a case of the inferiority of film in general, rather than this specific adaptation. At least when it comes to Hollywood films and time limits imposed upon directors. Something had to go, when we're talking about a 12-issue adaptation here. I still think he did a great job given the limitations he had to deal with.

They start in about 3:08 of the video. And it does sound like the new "no's" were taken from recordings originally dubbed for ROTS.

Wow, that makes the whole thing seem so much worse... :slap
Mr. Wood was doing a darn good job of throwing George under the bus. He darn near just yelled "IT WASN'T MY FAULT" in to the camera.
Can you cancel your amazon order and just buy them at a store today and watch them?

The shops have shut here now, and my Amazon order is "in transit". besides they were £15 quid cheaper than anyone else. Should be here tomorrow. If not I may have to throw a hissy fit! :)
We were watching Watchmen this weekend and my wife said she would like SW if it had naked blue men.

I guess GL could always make one of the bounty hunters blue and naked.

The walrus dude I'm guessing :dunno
I just went to Walmart down the street from the office to pick up dog food. They had the SW Blu-rays out already, and it looked like a few had already been purchased. Didn't check the price, though.