Star Wars On Blu-Ray

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Who did that?

As always Batman somehow ended up the topic and somehow it turned into a Watchmen vs. TDK debate and Nam took up for Watchmen by saying at least it didn't have to bastardize it's characters to tell it's story to which I replied he was right it only had to bastardize it's actual story.
watchmen looks great and has some fantastic bits to it but it doesnt hold a candle to the comic and the ending didnt work for me either

but theres a lot worse out there esp Wolverine
I'll say this: WATCHMEN, the original work by Alan Moore & Dave Gibbons, is a genuine modern masterpiece... one of the few worthy of that now over-used label.

Now back to the crappy Star Wars Blu-ray release. :lol
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I'll say this: WATCHMEN, the original work by Alan Moore & Dave Gibbons, is a genuine modern masterpiece... one of the fee worthy of that now over-used label.

Now back to the crappy Star Wars Blu-ray release. :lol


At the very minimum I'd like there to be untouched releases for those of us that don't acknowledge the pre trilogies existence. When Anakin pops up at the end of the original now it just confuses me because I don't know who it is.
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At the very minimum I'd like there to be untouched releases for those of us that don't acknowledge the pre trilogies existence. When Anakin pops up at the end of the original now it just confuses me because I don't know who it is.

:lol :lol Best post of the entire thread :bow

I am now rooting for you to get your Plainview figure :duff

At the very minimum I'd like there to be untouched releases for those of us that don't acknowledge the pre trilogies existence. When Anakin pops up at the end of the original now it just confuses me because I don't know who it is.

I am now convinced that there's no point in championing the campaign to get Lucas to restore and release the original trilogy any longer. Why? He'd just screw it up.

Even without the ridiculous new CGI and dialogue he still allowed half the lightsabers to be messed up and the colors thrown completely out of wack when restoring footage for the SE's. I can't imagine it would be any different with the originals. They'd be "restored," released on anamorphic blu-ray, and we'd probably still have blue snow, pink sabers, and player generated subtitles.

I think the fan "restorations" are our only hope at this point.
Your right. They had to basterdize the entire ending.

They changed one minor scene and the implications were no different. Those skipping their OCD meds might have gotten itchy sphincters over it (judging by your post, you must've stopped at Circke K for some Tucks after seeing it), but it didn't pull anything away from the movie nor the book. CollectorNC's example of X-Men Origins: Wolverine is a better example of bastardization. Weapon XI aka "Deadpool" anyone?
Well, procrastination has bit me in the butt... I guess my set is already to far along in the order process so I can't cancel it :lol Oh well, hopefully I can sell it to someone else for cost once it arrives :huh
The Watchmen movie is enjoyable IMO, and the casting was pretty good. I'm sure that Snyder did as well as he could trying to re-create the graphic novel for the screen. BUT, the movie doesn't have the same tone as the comic, and doesn't feel nearly as rich or powerful to me. Some of that is the intangibles of a story really written for a comic simply not being translatable to the screen in some ways. The way a frame of the comic can linger on something, the kind of expression you can get from a character, the way you can create drama and tension, it's just not the same.

I think hardcore Watchmen haters are a bit unfair, but the film was certainly a very different (and inferior) product in relation to the comic IMO, squid or no squid.
Well, procrastination has bit me in the butt... I guess my set is already to far along in the order process so I can't cancel it :lol Oh well, hopefully I can sell it to someone else for cost once it arrives :huh

Riiiiight. Sounds like a closet Lucas apologist trying to keep his street cred with the OT purist crowd. ;)

"Lucas sucks, this blu-ray set sucks, oh shoot I forgot to cancel my order....oh shoot no one will buy it from me at cost...I'm going to throw it away oh shoot I tripped and now the AOTC disc is flying toward my open blu-ray player...."

:lol :D
^^ Damn.

I actually kept watch on eBay auctions, and managed to score all 3 of the 2-disc DVDs w/the theatrical cut for less than $40.

I'm curious to see how bad it looks on my HDTV played through the PS3.
^^ Damn.

I actually kept watch on eBay auctions, and managed to score all 3 of the 2-disc DVDs w/the theatrical cut for less than $40.

I'm curious to see how bad it looks on my HDTV played through the PS3.
They look pretty bad but I did watch them for a minute after watching 720p fan edit the other day. I had to either zoom in on tv to fill the screen or it was filling about half the screen.
They changed one minor scene and the implications were no different. Those skipping their OCD meds might have gotten itchy sphincters over it (judging by your post, you must've stopped at Circke K for some Tucks after seeing it), but it didn't pull anything away from the movie nor the book. CollectorNC's example of X-Men Origins: Wolverine is a better example of bastardization. Weapon XI aka "Deadpool" anyone?

The scene in the movie where Rorschach deals with the child killer, has him butcher the guy like Jason Vorhees.
In the book Rorschach is much more restrained, he handcuffs the child killer to a furnace, and gives him the option to saw off his own hand. His action/inaction speaks volumes, the change in plot/character you might think is minor, but imo its major; a bastardization of the character.

So too was leaving out Rorscharch's genesis; the scene in the book where he describes in detail the murder of Kitty Genovese, the subsequent apathy of the witnesses, and his appropriation of her Manhattan fabric dress that he goes onto to use as his mask, is essential to setting up his character, Snyder chose to omit these crucial details, just one of dozens of poor choices made.

By cutting the sub-plot of the island, which leads to the denouement of the book, is just another case of why the film is mediocre, great attention detail lavished on some scenes, other scenes are hamstrung and bastardized by a lazy screenplay and poor choices.
There's little point in being faithful to some sections of the book, while being unfaithful to the most essential pieces.
The scene in the movie where Rorschach deals with the child killer, has him butcher the guy like Jason Vorhees.
In the book Rorschach is much more restrained, he handcuffs the child killer to a furnace, and gives him the option to saw off his own hand. His action/inaction speaks volumes
Yeah, volumes about how it blatantly ripped off Mad Max :nana:

But I agree they are completely different representations of Rorschach in that scene. And I like the comic version better.

There's little point in being faithful to some sections of the book, while being unfaithful to the most essential pieces.
That's more than a bit subjective, but I do think that's why so many people are so virulently against the movie. Their pet favorite scene or here or there wasn't fleshed out appropriately, or translated appropriately, or was left out altogether. And I think that matters to me because, once all of that is viewed together, it just presents a different ultimate product in one medium vs. the other, with a different tone and ultimately, a different series of messages.

But the movie doesn't affect the book. The book still is what it is, and if folks are unhappy with the film version, then chances are they weren't gonna be happy with a film version made by anyone. So, they can just stick to the book. Same with crappy remakes of movies. I don't understand the reason for new Straw Dogs (apart for $$$) and will never see it, but power to those who feel otherwise.
Not to go crazy off-topic but I did see the Watchmen movie and haven't bothered to read the graphic novel. One thing I wondered while watching the movie was why Rorshach's mask was constantly changing? Was it magic?
Not to go crazy off-topic but I did see the Watchmen movie and haven't bothered to read the graphic novel. One thing I wondered while watching the movie was why Rorshach's mask was constantly changing? Was it magic?

No, there was a company that had made a special fabric for a customer, it uses some type of liquid thing suspended within fabric that changes form based on temperature or something. The customer no longer wanted it and Rorshach retrieved the fabric out of the garbage to make his mask.

Here's an example of someone doing something similar in real life:
[ame=""]302 Found[/ame]
No, there was a company that had made a special fabric for a customer, it uses some type of liquid thing suspended within fabric that changes form based on temperature or something. The customer no longer wanted it and Rorshach retrieved the fabric out of the garbage to make his mask.

Interesting, thanks!
It's actually darker and more interesting & symbolic than that...

Not to go crazy off-topic but I did see the Watchmen movie and haven't bothered to read the graphic novel. One thing I wondered while watching the movie was why Rorshach's mask was constantly changing? Was it magic?

It was made from dress fabric that was invented by Dr. Manhattan for an eventually canceled line of clothing that would have patterns changing based on mood. The fabric Rorschach got and used was from a dress that was made for a girl who had been raped & murdered.