Hot Toys - MMS130 - Predators: Berserker Predator (Full Spec & Pics)

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The pics just make your arguments look stupid. My justification for praising Hot Toys is unashamedly loving what they do. I'm not whining how Hot Toys is forcing me to buy something I don't like. You've said you're buying the figure.

Yep, that's about it. Because it's HT, right? HT, the king of 1/6 scale. Everything they do is perfect.

Don't get me wrong, I PO'd the figure and had to pay a non-refundable $20 deposit. But I PO'd it before I knew what happened. While I'm still psyched to get it, we all know it's not perfect. And HT has dumbed it down even more now. If you're questioning why some people would complain and point out the flaws they'd like fixed, it's precisely because they'd like them fixed. It's like a "why not?" situation. If you can do it for a chance that an improvement would be made (even if the piece already looks good), then fine.

As Darth_Fatso said, it's wishful thinking. But hey, if it did happen, that'd be great.

What I don't understand is your know-it-all attitude and aggressiveness when in reality you're just happy to lap up an HT figure for the sake of it being an HT figure, without at least questioning or trying to see if it could be changed. I was always planning on buying these since I made room for them on my shelves. Yet a lot of us told HT what we'd like changed. Some things were fixed, others were not, but it was worth a shot.
If the release really will get pushed back for February though, would they still release the same figure? Because if that's the case, why not just release it now as planned, since it's obviously done and available in Asia?

Adding three months for no apparent reason after the first batch is out is a little... strange. Never seen HT do this. Usually, the only delays they do are before anything gets shipped.

Is it available in Asia though? I mean Hong Kong is in Asia (or island right next to the mainland) but has anyone seen anyone outside of Hong Kong with it?
I remember Wookster (who's in the UK) got his Royce figure maybe a week after pics came out in Asia. So by now, a few Berserkers might be out elsewhere. Not sure.
See this is the problem. We don't know anything about its availability and if it were anything other than a HT pred, it wouldn't bother me in the ARGGGGGGGHHHH...

Waiting SUCKS....
Depends who takes pictures of there figures. My cousin is a collector from japan, and is a member here. It must be availiabel, people have started parting on eBay.
But where did he get it is what I'm asking. I mean are the Hong Kong dealers the only game in town? Is that whay there getting nearly $300 on ebay for him?
THe answer is yes. I personaly will not pay the price. Yes it is released in asia first, but remember that is were ther based out off. Is it fare us other buyers has to wait, he'll no. But what can we do?
The thing is, if other countries, even mainland china had the figure, wouldn't we be seeing them as sellers? I know its kinda early but I would have thought it would have at least gotten to a couple of the chinese venders...
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Yep, that's about it. Because it's HT, right? HT, the king of 1/6 scale. Everything they do is perfect.

Don't get me wrong, I PO'd the figure and had to pay a non-refundable $20 deposit. But I PO'd it before I knew what happened. While I'm still psyched to get it, we all know it's not perfect. And HT has dumbed it down even more now. If you're questioning why some people would complain and point out the flaws they'd like fixed, it's precisely because they'd like them fixed. It's like a "why not?" situation. If you can do it for a chance that an improvement would be made (even if the piece already looks good), then fine.

As Darth_Fatso said, it's wishful thinking. But hey, if it did happen, that'd be great.

What I don't understand is your know-it-all attitude and aggressiveness when in reality you're just happy to lap up an HT figure for the sake of it being an HT figure, without at least questioning or trying to see if it could be changed. I was always planning on buying these since I made room for them on my shelves. Yet a lot of us told HT what we'd like changed. Some things were fixed, others were not, but it was worth a shot.

No, not just because it's from Hot Toys, but because it's an absolutely awesome looking figure that I have no problem owning. I just don't agree that the head is too small and that he's too short or needs to be recalled. And I don't believe that there is some major delay with the US release because they are redoing the figure for it. Just voicing what I've experienced for the past decade buying Hot Toys figures. Hey, I still love the AVP figs, even though they aren't perfectly accurate to the source. So, I think it's actually you that's being aggressive, arrogant and a know-it-all. It would be nice if it wasn't just the same people saying the same things over and over again, though. But I'm not trying to stop people from talking, I'm just saying what I think is right based on my experiences. Check out the sold items and prices on feebay, these things are already climbing in price and there is no shortage of buyers. Try get one for the price you're getting it for a year from now... I read how happy you were getting your AVP preds for the high prices you paid, so it's a bit weird to me that you would get so worked up over the price and appearance of Berserker.

No, not just because it's from Hot Toys, but because it's an absolutely awesome looking figure that I have no problem owning. I just don't agree that the head is too small and that he's too short or needs to be recalled. And I don't believe that there is some major delay with the US release because they are redoing the figure for it. Just voicing what I've experienced for the past decade buying Hot Toys figures. Hey, I still love the AVP figs, even though they aren't perfectly accurate to the source. So, I think it's actually you that's being aggressive, arrogant and a know-it-all. It would be nice if it wasn't just the same people saying the same things over and over again, though. But I'm not trying to stop people from talking, I'm just saying what I think is right based on my experiences. Check out the sold items and prices on feebay, these things are already climbing in price and there is no shortage of buyers. Try get one for the price you're getting it for a year from now... I read how happy you were getting your AVP preds for the high prices you paid, so it's a bit weird to me that you would get so worked up over the price and appearance of Berserker.

Those were older figures, and as I said, I'm still happy with them and Berserker. But if someone has even the chance of trying to get HT to change something, why not?

Hey, it's cool. I'm with you on the fact that 70% of us are still going to get it. He looks pretty badass regardless of the inaccuracies, which is the same case with Big Chap for me and a lot of collectors. Even with Big Chap though, as nice as he looks, it still would've been nice to get a much better representation of Giger's creation. No harm in voicing those opinions, that's all.
The pics just make your arguments look stupid. .

Here we go again...

If anything, the pics do still point out the inaccuracies, so saying that arguments other than your own are stupid is an utter and COMPLETE fallacy (and moronic). You know what's REALLY stupid? It's people whose SOLE argument for anything is posing pictures for the nth time; pictures which in fact still show the figure's undoubted inaccuracies and limitations. So in reality, it's your arguments that actually make you really stupid and douchey.

I can take a really excellent photo of a rock, but it still will not change the fact that it's a rock. Great photography doesn't necessarily mean perfect subject. Now, I'm not saying that Berserker looks like crap, far from it. But it's not perfect, it's not accurate, and in the real world, it's still overpriced, and no picture in the world can ever change that.