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That was perhaps the biggest failing of the SSW line, no complete fellowship attire.

I don't know, i think the biggest failing was no statues of Eomer, Denethor, Mouth of Sauron on steed and absolutely no representation of Faramir apart from his helmet.
Secondary characters yes, but they had done pretty much everyone else - Ugluk, a Grishnakh bust.......Bill :lol
I don't know, i think the biggest failing was no statues of Eomer, Denethor, Mouth of Sauron on steed and absolutely no representation of Faramir apart from his helmet.
Secondary characters yes, but they had done pretty much everyone else - Ugluk, a Grishnakh bust.......Bill :lol

Point taken. :lecture I am still in disbelief that we got statues of orc brutes, pitmasters, overseers, etc.....and not a single statue of Eomer, Denethor, MOS, or Faramir....and as you say, nothing whatsoever of Faramir or Denethor :(
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It has been said "history teaches us that we rarely learn from our mistakes". I think those "thinking outside the box" in promoting a Gondorian Boromir either weren't around, or simply forget how badly the poopin Pippin went over. That was perhaps the biggest failing of the SSW line, no complete fellowship attire.

I don't have the slightest problem with a Gondorian Boromir PF, after we get a fellowship Boromir, and after we get another 20+ other PF's before we start seeing duplicates of characters.

The Pippin was a bad choice for a number of reasons, chiefly the expression and pose were frankly ridiculous for a stand alone piece, and yes, he most definitely should have been in his Fellowship outfit. On the other hand, the fact that a statue of Pippin existed in the first place ahead of the likes of Eomer and Denethor and Faramir was my personal most problematic view of the situation.

I have no problems with a full Fellowship, just not this early in the line. My point is simple, a full team is fantastic, but stretches the patience of people who's sole ambition isn't the Fellowship when there's NINE characters. Unless Merry and Pippin share one piece, which would be great. I do totally dig the Moria motif the Fellowship shares, its a nice break from all the Lorien cloaks of years past, except Aragorn which seems to be a companion piece to Lurtz more than a Fellowship member.

My hopes is that the PF line lasts longer than most, and that the characters represented are made for the sake of the character, not the arbitrary Fellowship collection. If only one Aragorn could be made, for example, I like to think it would be truly an iconic Aragorn piece, like Elessar, and not just something that would "look good with the Fellowship". Although I'm sure we'll get many duplicates in the line, having at least ONE iconic and unique character represented outside the Fellowship would be nice, be it Eomer, Faramir, Denethor, Theoden, Elendil, Isildur, Elrond, Gil-Galad, or basically anyone other than 3 more Hobbits in shorts. But of course, I'm in the minority, and Sideshow won't cater to the minority, so at least I still have Gimli and Boromir to look forward to. The Hobbits will be the gauntlet that the line has to survive though, they're boring, and only completists will be even remotely interested. IF the lines survives the Fellowship, which has never been done in a high-end line properly before, the sky is the limit. I hope we get there and see the TRUE potential of the line.
Do people consider Gandalf a repeat character, or is Gandalf the Grey distinct enough from his white aspect that they are not really considered repeats?

I do agree that Eomer and Faramir were woefully overlooked and I hope that this is corrected in the PF line.

Much like poopin pippin, I feel like Eowyn never got a good representation either in the SSW, and I think her golden hall gowns would be better suited to the PF line.

While I still hope to see the rest of the Fellowship, it would be great to get the much rumored ringwraith next! And hopefully before the year is out!!! Keep them coming Sideshow!!
The Pippin was a bad choice for a number of reasons, chiefly the expression and pose were frankly ridiculous for a stand alone piece, and yes, he most definitely should have been in his Fellowship outfit. On the other hand, the fact that a statue of Pippin existed in the first place ahead of the likes of Eomer and Denethor and Faramir was my personal most problematic view of the situation.

I have no problems with a full Fellowship, just not this early in the line. My point is simple, a full team is fantastic, but stretches the patience of people who's sole ambition isn't the Fellowship when there's NINE characters. Unless Merry and Pippin share one piece, which would be great. I do totally dig the Moria motif the Fellowship shares, its a nice break from all the Lorien cloaks of years past, except Aragorn which seems to be a companion piece to Lurtz more than a Fellowship member.

My hopes is that the PF line lasts longer than most, and that the characters represented are made for the sake of the character, not the arbitrary Fellowship collection. If only one Aragorn could be made, for example, I like to think it would be truly an iconic Aragorn piece, like Elessar, and not just something that would "look good with the Fellowship". Although I'm sure we'll get many duplicates in the line, having at least ONE iconic and unique character represented outside the Fellowship would be nice, be it Eomer, Faramir, Denethor, Theoden, Elendil, Isildur, Elrond, Gil-Galad, or basically anyone other than 3 more Hobbits in shorts. But of course, I'm in the minority, and Sideshow won't cater to the minority, so at least I still have Gimli and Boromir to look forward to. The Hobbits will be the gauntlet that the line has to survive though, they're boring, and only completists will be even remotely interested. IF the lines survives the Fellowship, which has never been done in a high-end line properly before, the sky is the limit. I hope we get there and see the TRUE potential of the line.

I agree the Hobbits will be the biggest challenge and they will have to be spaced in a way that will ensure they do not kill the momentum the PF line now enjoys. Personally I think 1 Hobbit in every 8 PF's will do the trick. That not only allows SS to slowly produce a complete fellowship, but it also ensures that the numerous good guys [some of which have never been done] and baddies, get the proper PF treatment they deserve.
Do people consider Gandalf a repeat character, or is Gandalf the Grey distinct enough from his white aspect that they are not really considered repeats?

I do agree that Eomer and Faramir were woefully overlooked and I hope that this is corrected in the PF line.

Much like poopin pippin, I feel like Eowyn never got a good representation either in the SSW, and I think her golden hall gowns would be better suited to the PF line.

While I still hope to see the rest of the Fellowship, it would be great to get the much rumored ringwraith next! And hopefully before the year is out!!! Keep them coming Sideshow!!

I can only speak for myself, but I absolutely reject the notion that GTG and GTW are the same character. This has nothing to do with simply a difference in clothing, rather a distinct difference in personality. Interesting enough, Sir Ian Mckellan was asked about this and he looked at the two as distinctly different characters. He went so far as to say he greatly preferred GTG over the "stuffier" GTW.
Do people consider Gandalf a repeat character, or is Gandalf the Grey distinct enough from his white aspect that they are not really considered repeats?...

I don't personally. Although they are the same character there is more of a difference than just a clothing change. Whereas Elessar and Aragorn to me are the same character with new clothes.
Sideshow really need to learn that this is the bread and butter of all their premium format lines. Take for instance the recently released GTG, I cannot find one negative comment about it due to its absolute perfection. LOTR fans are not complainers like others on this board are( when they get several PFs a year but we are more appreciative and will welcome anything with open arms. Although we have hit a few bumps in the road with past releases those were all drops in the ocean.
Sideshow really need to learn that this is the bread and butter of all their premium format lines. Take for instance the recently released GTG, I cannot find one negative comment about it due to its absolute perfection. LOTR fans are not complainers like others on this board are( when they get several PFs a year but we are more appreciative and will welcome anything with open arms. Although we have hit a few bumps in the road with past releases those were all drops in the ocean.

SS's LOTR PF line seems to have really hit it's stride with one terrific PF after another, including SS's runaway winner for 2009 PF of the year, the Berserker. Yet with all this going for it SS releases LOTR PF to every 3 or 4 SW or Marvel PF's? If SS hasn't figured out by now that every LOTR PF they make to the standard/quality of Aragorn, Lurtz, the Berserker, Legolas, and now GTG is a tremendous success, both artistically and financially, then when will they figure it out? :huh
Who knows, maybe never. Just keep on churning out those simplistic red naked chick from SW.

If Star Wars fans got more action those probably wouldn't sell the best.
LOTR will always be the license hanging by a thread I'm afraid. I knew the second they got the Star Wars license that hayday of LOTR was over, and Marvel was yet another nail in the coffin. These licenses can literally squat and release anything and it'd sell out, with half the design and sculpting effort required than that of LOTR. A PF of a guy in spandex or a Jedi Robe pale in comparison to the intricacy of a "standard" LOTR character, and sideshow's said as much on numerous occasions. All it takes is a supremely detailed figure like Boromir or Ringwraith to not sell out immediately to put the next figure's future in question. Meanwhile Marvel and now SW apparently can just put out a T&A nude figure for a quick profit.

Point is, those two are always going to take priority. The only great news on the horizon is with the Hobbit coming out, all the LOTR stuff can tie together with an injection of new blood, fans, and excitement.
LOTR will always be the license hanging by a thread I'm afraid. I knew the second they got the Star Wars license that hayday of LOTR was over, and Marvel was yet another nail in the coffin. These licenses can literally squat and release anything and it'd sell out, with half the design and sculpting effort required than that of LOTR. A PF of a guy in spandex or a Jedi Robe pale in comparison to the intricacy of a "standard" LOTR character, and sideshow's said as much on numerous occasions. All it takes is a supremely detailed figure like Boromir or Ringwraith to not sell out immediately to put the next figure's future in question. Meanwhile Marvel and now SW apparently can just put out a T&A nude figure for a quick profit.

Point is, those two are always going to take priority. The only great news on the horizon is with the Hobbit coming out, all the LOTR stuff can tie together with an injection of new blood, fans, and excitement.

You forgot to add Disney to the mix :lecture.