Fight Night Round 4

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I'm not whining, just evaluating the game before I buy it. Just saying that if I can't get the hang of the punching controls, it don't make sense to buy the game as I won't be playing it is all.
Well on the live demo that Gamespot had with FN4 during E3, they confirmed that they took out the button controls and the control stick layout for punches is the only option. It's a big disappointment for me as I think the button punches feels much better for a video game, but I'm still gonna get it from Gamefly. It'll take some getting used to and I probably won't ever get as comfortable with it as I was with the buttons, but I'll deal with it. Hopefully anyway. :lol
I probably won't ever get as comfortable with it as I was with the buttons, but I'll deal with it. Hopefully anyway. :lol

Yeah you can't beat buttons but what can we do? we wanna play the game so have to get used to it i'm sure after a week we'll be kicking ass with the sticks :D
Man, I can't believe all the whining about there being no buttons! The Total punch control (analog stick) is a brilliant way of punching, IMO! I've played every fight night the same way.

Who's whining? All that has been said is it will be a pass if there are no button controls... that doesn't mean people won't try it before hand just to see. I'd hardly call that whining ;)
I would.

I suppose i've just had it in my head that no one used the buttons on the Fight Night series. Bit of an assumption on my part.

The analog stick is much better than the buttons though, imo.
You have UFC 2009?

Sorry I meant out of the Demo's. I would love to buy UFC but I don't have the funds and don't want to deal with EB And their ^^^^ty trade in values. I was pretty close to going there yesterday and trading some stuff in and then I thought better of it.
LMK if you rent it sometime i'll help you get some of the online achievements.
This time its a bit harder. A great game though, it just requires REALLY learning how to play properly. I was able to knock Tyson down with a created boxer in the Fight Now mode, but he got up and finished me

*SORRY GUYS.....NO BUTTON SUPPORT. All analog sticks for control.

Ah well...i really hate the Analog stick punching control,i always used the buttons...Ive played these games ever since Knockout Kings for PS1 and now it looks like it`s over.

Thanks for sharing,i will save my money:)
I don't mind not having the buttons, but they really changed the pacing of the game. Something just seems a little "off." It's still a great game, and a must have, but it is not as good as round 3 in my opinion. Round 3 just felt right......right from the start. I think the analog sticks are trying to do just a bit too much this time around. I have become very used to not having the buttons, but the pacing was better last time around.
Should get my copy tomorrow can't wait after playing the demo to death i'm used to the sticks now and get a KO 9 times out of 10 on the demo so can't wait for the game now. :cool:
i don't mind the game not using buttons but the physics are still off. the arms moving aren't realistic feeling and punches connecting don't feel right. i'll still pick it up eventually though because I am a big boxing fan.
Gamestop is running a promotion on this right now where you trade in 3 select games and save $59.99 on Fight Night Rd4.
The game is getting better....just takes some getting used to. Learning to really block will quickly become your best friend. The game is good, but for people that used to be really good in round 3, there is truly a learning curve involved. I am starting to get the hang of it.......but let me tell you.....the no-name guys will put a hurting on ya......
Blocking a lot also seems to create more opportunities to make the fighter miss and opening them up for a hit that causes greater damage. Block guys....block!!!
Blocking a lot also seems to create more opportunities to make the fighter miss and opening them up for a hit that causes greater damage. Block guys....block!!!

Yep block block block is right! I've been playing online and its not bad i was trying for the 10 ranked wins i have 10 but no trophy so that must be beacuse 1 person quit i got the win but it doesn't count towards the trophy i frigging hate that! Sort it out EA you freaks :mad:

Gonna make a boxer in a bit but i have a blister on my thumb :lol