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I agree with Dave here...

Hasbro gave it the best tries they could within the limitations imposed on them by having a cost-effective mass-market figures, one was a wire-framed, cuddley-faced toy and the other was an articulated, properly scaled (height-wise) tootsie roll monstrosity that just looked bizarre...

I think it's an unfortunate given that the only way this character could be effectively rendered in sixth-scale form is either a very well sculpted and detailed figure (more like a statue really) or by the aforementioned "little old ladies" assembly approach...

The former would be more cost-effective (and presumably less expensive) and the latter would be outrageously expensive (and STILL not satisfy everyone with the end result)...

So....the chances of seeing a Chewbacca effectively rendered in this scale are pretty slim, close to none, I'd say...
I have no doubt HT could pull off a bomb Chewie. I'd even venture to say Medicom could pull off a nice one, though he might look just a tad Asian.
C'mon Irish, back it up, how would Hot Toys do it? What have they done that shows they can do it?
C'mon Irish, back it up, how would Hot Toys do it? What have they done that shows they can do it?

That's the thing they haven't. The pota figures show it it's somewhat possible as a proto but until these come out Ill hold back saying they can. As far as medicom being able 2 that's a joke.
i predict Hot Toys would go the sculpted fur route... and it would look so freaking fantastic that the thought of "real" fur would only conjure images of dollies and stuffed animals in our brains...
C'mon Irish, back it up, how would Hot Toys do it? What have they done that shows they can do it?

Why is the onus on those who give Hot Toys the benefit of the doubt? Why don't you try and explain why you would doubt they can pull off just about anything in 1:6 after what they've already accomplished and the envelopes they've already pushed and broken through.

And this "I won't believe they did it with the POTA figures until they deliver them" is silly, too. When was the last time Hot Toys offered an item as a prototype that they couldn't deliver??? Hell, their production items turn out MUCH closer to their protos than either Sideshow's or Medicom's do!

i predict Hot Toys would go the sculpted fur route... and it would look so freaking fantastic that the thought of "real" fur would only conjure images of dollies and stuffed animals in our brains...
No way. HT will definitely go for the real fur route. Sculped fur on anything bigger than 1:18 (3.75") always looks cheap and cheesy.
That's the thing they haven't. The pota figures show it it's somewhat possible as a proto but until these come out Ill hold back saying they can. As far as medicom being able 2 that's a joke.

Exactly, and as I said way back when those debuted, they are real fur and the protos look nice, but their fur style is plain, Chewie has a very distinct look to his fur and replicating it correctly is key and the main reason I'm not wowed by all the customs, I haven't seen one that really looks like Chewbacca. If Hot Toys could A) replicate his look in 1/6 scale for a proto, and B) deliver the same look in production, great, if not, I'm against fake fur on him.

i predict Hot Toys would go the sculpted fur route... and it would look so freaking fantastic that the thought of "real" fur would only conjure images of dollies and stuffed animals in our brains...

I would envision a mix of hard plastic and rubber like their aliens figures to achieve a sculpted Chewie and hide joints.

Bottom line, outside of a PF or statue in general, Chewie's probably one of the most challenging characters to translate effectively into 1/6. You either go sculpted and sure you'll know it's a figure, or you go fake fur and maybe still, sure you know it's a figure. I can't quite envision an almost perfect 1/6 Chewbacca figure, as much as I have faith in HT's abilities, I'm just not sure if mass production of something like this is possible. I know they could faux fur a great proto without question, it's a one time deal, but thousands, that seems to be the trick part.

That said, if HT found a way to ensure production figures looking correct, I'd be willing to wait an entire year or more for that production if that's what it took to ensure the quality, but I'd add to that, just do swappable heads and give us all the Chewie heads and gear with one body so we wouldn't wait long for multiple versions.
And this "I won't believe they did it with the POTA figures until they deliver them" is silly, too. When was the last time Hot Toys offered an item as a prototype that they couldn't deliver??? Heck, their production items turn out MUCH closer to their protos than Sideshow's do.

I think the comments are based on the faux hair being something new. While still pretty nice, from the pictures i've seen, the rooted hair on the secret service figure doesn't look AS stellar as the prototype, same could end up true of the apes, we just don't know, but that's the key with Chewbacca, big deal if the proto kicks ass, if they can't maintain the look through production it's pointless.
I think the comments are based on the faux hair being something new. While still pretty nice, from the pictures i've seen, the rooted hair on the secret service figure doesn't look AS stellar as the prototype
Actually, I have seen one in person and I think it looks BETTER than the prototype pics.

same could end up true of the apes, we just don't know
No, we don't... yet. But Hot Toys has not given us any reason to doubt them. People are applying the same standards of quality and innovation they're used to from Sideshow, Medicom, Hasbro et al to Hot Toys. I'm saying that we now have enough empirical evidence to prove that they've pulled away from the pack when it comes to 1:6 engineering and production and thus deserve the benefit of any doubt.
Here's an interesting revision of the Hot Toys female hair. I think it is possible to make realistic looking hair/fur, but it may require some customization to add that final touch.

Why is the onus on those who give Hot Toys the benefit of the doubt? Why don't you try and explain why you would doubt they can pull off just about anything in 1:6 after what they've already accomplished and the envelopes they've already pushed and broken through.

Well you are the one claiming it can be done, I'm saying I doubt it, so as the one proposing it, shouldn't you provide evidence to persuade me? But to be fair I will say I am doubtful because I've yet to see anything to show they could do it. As Maulfan points out the fur on the POTA is very different from Chewie, and as Dave points out the face will still be a big challenge. I've yet to see a custom that looks all that good, and I think there are some customisers every bit as good as the people at Hot Toys, but I'll concede I may be wrong there.
Considering the size of the figure, the challenges of doing it yourself, and the sure to be high price for a furred 1/6 mass production Chewie, it damn well better come out of the box without the need of work to make it look like Chewie. Futzing here and there for personal touches is one thing, but if it can't look right out of the box and requires serious work to make it look right, pass for me, it'd likely be a $170-$200 figure, if the go so far as to release it, they should be able to deliver.
Ask yourself this: a year ago, did you really think a 1:6 figure like the Hot Toys IRON MAN was possible for a mass production item? How about the realism that some of their human faces have now?

Maybe the real fur thing is as impossible as a cure for cancer like some apparently believe. But my point is... why on Earth would you doubt Hot Toys when it comes to 1:6 ANYTHING at this point?? They've routinely proven that they can accomplish things at this scale in mass quantities that no other major collectibles company can even dream of. Their standard is different and much higher, which is why lots of folks now want them to make all of the 1:6 figures. :lol
Not impossible, just very difficult. I'm sure Hot Toys can do it. I'm sure Sideshow can too. I'm sure Hot Toys could do it before Sideshow could. I'm not sure Hot Toys can do it right now.

And I'm not one to subscribe to the "they can do anything" thought. I gotta see some evidence similar to the attempt first. Iron Man seems like it would be easier to do than Chewie.
I don't doubt them as a whole, I just doubt them on this figure today. It's unprecidented and if the POTA figures turn out in production looking just like the protos or better, then I will feel confident that Chewie is on the horizon. As far as humans, robots and vehicles, I have no doubts about HT, I've been following them since the early Aliens and Rambo days and seen their growth in those areas, this fur deal is totally new territory. I love the notion of their new posable eye system, but I'm curious to see how it works out in production before I assume they've struck gold again.

I don't think furred Chewie is impossible, but without knowing anything about working with fur to make something, my conclusion is that replicating the look of Chewie's fur in production would be a significant challenge. Maybe HT's quite better at it than customizers, but the fact that none of them have really nailed the look makes me not think it's easy. If it were easy enough to do in production, surely a customizer who can usually out do anything mass production can turn out, could achieve, so why hasn't it been done.

Achieving this


Is a stepping stone to this


But it's not there yet.
There's no cause to say it's not there yet. The POTA figures are supposed to be a little more combed out. Hot Toys could very well produce a figure with matted mangled fur like Chewie's, all it takes is some paint, a comb and a little patience. The only reason they can't do it is because the rights aren't there.

I'm still waiting on SSC to make a Han Solo that looks like Ford out of the box.
If people can do decent looking customs, I can't imagine why a professional studio could not do this if they really wanted to.

Granted a decent Chewbacca is going to require some hand work to get the matted fur looking right. But if you can pay someone to sew a 1:6 scale coat complete with functional pockets and lining, why can't they put that time into futzing the hair on a Chewbacca figure?

Sideshow's handle on manufacturing and quality-control is again the issue. Their armour figures are at least a step in a new direction from clothed human figures and polystone work.
If people can do decent looking customs, I can't imagine why a professional studio could not do this if they really wanted to.

That's just it. I've only ever seen one decent Chewbacca custom and even then the fur was wrong. All the other Chewbacca customs are farrr too thick. Chewie was tall and lanky.